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What Was In Your Mailbox Today!


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Gosh, so many coins have come in over the past two weeks... I've just not had time to post here about them all, but let's see what I can remember...


Crake's Symbology, Three Roses and Geohana (all excellent, as always)

Steel City Babes (She's So Heavy :D)

Moun10Girl (now *that* is a colorful coin!)

Lunchtime Gang (excellent personal from Portugal :wub:)

Forest Preserves (cute)

Hawai'i Hibiscus micros

SteamTraen micro (both of these show that excellent work can be done on a small scale :wub:)

Cache-a-Day apple (more fun from Europe!)

Beijing Observatory (for the amateur astronomer in me)

Crowesfeet30 PC (finally rounded up a couple! Just marvelous :wub:)


and at least a half-dozen others, but it would take too long to dig them out and list them. Geocoin collecting has been good the past few weeks. Actually activating them, however, has been a very slow and laborious process :wub:

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Alright I received in the mail the following items


1) Symbology three coin set

2) De Cache Liber

3) Wij Drie Top 40


From Tsunrisebey the following items (thank you Stephanie!)

1) Blazing Sun Gold

2) These three signature items:





From SummerandNana the following items (thank you Charlene!)

1) Pack of stickers for Boo_Boo

2) Bubble necklace for Boo_Boo

3) Bag of Easter M&M's (we fought of them, Boo_Boo won)

4) Oakcoin Oakleaf & GC&PC March pin inside of this home made Easter Egg:




Here is Boo_Boo holding everything up.


Edited by Damenace
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After being on vacation for a whole week my dining room table (thanks Lindsey for checking the mail) was filled with all sorts of goodies:


1 Antique Gold set #20 of Kayakerinme (5 very beautiful coins)

Complete set of Not-So-Lost-Pupppies (very nice set, thanks)

Wales AS

Hazards of Caching #1 (Cornerstone4)

Chrisgun Copper and Gold (Thanks Chris, great coins)

HFGcC Rockpile

Satin Gold Mexico

GeoSmurfz Top 40 (Another very nice addition to my top 40 selection.)

Forrest Preserves, Gold, Silver and Black Nickel

Traveling Chief and Pokemom

Zephyr01 Tracking Your Roots

Capitana Medallion Treasure


Thanks for all the trades. Great coins.

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