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What Was In Your Mailbox Today!


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One mailer came in today.


1 Fallen Heroes




I had missed out on this coin. It has a special meaning for me. I am a retired Montreal Police Officer with 30 years of service. What happened that day will remain with me forever. :cry:


Sock Puppet, Caching with Kids (both Oakcoin CoinClub coins)


The Canada Geese Ontario coin. My Postmaster was very impressed with this coin.


(I show him all my incoming coins...)


Texas Spring

Taxas geocacher's association

The Texas amilers smelled like they assembled them in a bar, loads of cigarette smoke smell...... the Texas coins are on the floor in the bed of my pickup airing out.


4 Fs, very nice, Thanks, Glen


Forty n Eight Antique Gold


Caching Around America


Little Hopper

Ontario Cachers Geese

The 4 Fs Black Nickel & Antique Gold

Alien Black Nickel

GPS Interactive Copper & Black Nickel


Fairly new cacher here. My first order of stickers and TB tags just arrived. Now, gotta restrain myself until appropriate item/location for first release/placement is found. Don't want my name on something others will think chincey.

Posted (edited)

Star Series #2 Aquila w/pin

Hides & Finds Stick Pile

Hides & Finds Bison Tube

Hang-Out in Huntsville Event

Wilson Explorers

DMRRODCO Antique Silver LE

Centris "Red" and Centris wooden nickel

Ontario Cachers Beaver Copper LE

Quigley Jones Tall Ship - Ant. Silver & Ant. Brass

Tracking Time

Kansas Tornado

Psychochicken Ant. Silver

Tiki Lord Pomsby

Tiki Yawp

Edited by AtlantaGal
Posted (edited)

Great Smokey Mtn Nat'l Park Round

Great Smokey Mtn Nat'l Park Old Stamp

Great Smokey Mtn Nat'l Park New Stamp


Very nice work.


Had fun showing my postmaster these "stamp" coins...

Edited by ATMouse



None for me. Not even any "real mail", just junk. Heck...that mail wasn't even for me, it's for "resident". No coins, no nickles, postcards, no bills (well...that's a plus), just junk.


;) Waiting on my Smokey mountain Stamp. And my Train Set...2 trainsets I think...it's been awhile, I forget. :)


I got Signals :D earlier in the week though. Three adorable little Signals ;):laughing:;) but I have to wait to activate Signals, they're for my birthday. ;)


AT last the drought breaks bigtime - my long lost trades from the very nice smiths :)

so at last a cat, a spinner, an egg - but wait there's more - landsharkz and cool owl... and a hawaii pineapple - and to cap it all off 2 alaska silvers and one gold leaf plus bonus pins ! and even one actual coin of the realm (yes we collect those too - a candian poppy) all simply superb coins in one day's post. Thanks everyone!

Posted (edited)

The Great Smoky Mountains appeared in my mailbox today! And, a day or two ago some Alaska silver! All beautiful coins!



Edited because in my excitement I lost the ability to spell!

Edited by chancerider
Posted (edited)

The last couple of weeks did not get a chance to visit the Forums family life issues keeping me very busy so a long list ahead : - )


Suncatcher Warm and Cool


Crake's Personal BN Thanks Chris very unexpected !!


Texas Spring #34 & 43 (how did they know) EDIT now I know THX Joni !! , Thought it was carma or something B) B) one for Jaybee, If you read this its on the way


Magic 8 Ball (cool) Hope the other cachers enjoy the few I was able to get B)


Washington Quarter (AS)




Mtn-Man V2 Brick


Cache Reviewer


Team JASM (AS) (AB) (BN) and special 2 tone , 5 Minted THX Jake !


Ranger Train Set's (AC) Set # 004 and Nickel Set #34 Ranger THX for the trade set !


Initial Point Manhole Covers 4 finishes THX Glen these are wonderful : - )


Caught Red Handed


Lemon Fresh Dog BN Personal THX Much a very special surprise for me : - )


Midwest Geobash (great trade THX)


Early Halloween Candy Corn Event coin BN and Silver THX my trick or treat-er for picking me up some for Halloween B)


Naturefish Groundspeak Volunteer Reviewer/Alabama Rambler combo coin (great trade THX)


Alaska 2005 Brass (great trade THX)


Indy Diver V2 Silver


I may have missed something but that's about it for my list of incoming coins over the last 2 weeks or more, thanks to all for the trades and wonderfull coins. Hope to be online more (I miss this place :( ) pick up on trades pending , and back behind the camera, Fondly. Glenn :)

Edited by glennk721

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