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What Was In Your Mailbox Today!


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Posted (edited)

208 Sign in Chrome and Black Nickel

GeoLuau III Attendee

Quest for the Grail Event Blue & Green-Ringed

Ladybug Silver

Finder Fox in Copper, Silver and Gold w/Pins

Pathfinder Club

Ladybug, ROMA and Colisium Pins

Bobuk Poker Chips

Edited by AtlantaGal
Posted (edited)

Some catchin up to do...



GeoCoinClub-Winter Wonderland

Team S&B

Whitebear 2006

JeepToysRUs-GeoJeepGirl :D (will be a great addition to my Jeep GeoCoins)

Lehigh Mafia :wacko: (Finally got one!)

GPS Nickel LE


Rock&Crystal Heart


:) Team Sand Dollar - Silver

:) Team Sand Dollar - Nickel

:lol: Team Sand Dollar - Copper

(These are awsome looking coins)



Thanks to all those that traded with me... :unsure:


Edited: Oooops! Added a couple more

Edited by SeabeckTribe

Not really a day, but the best week we've had since we began collecting. Now lessee...


Blue Team A.I and Foottrax - thanks Jake

Silver Anthus Decoder - thanks Barb

Hazards of Geocaching #1 - thanks Damenace

Bad Mojo - two chrome and two gold

Biki Biki Tiki - two please :laughing:

Gold Compass Rose

September GC&PC

Two mighty fine looking Prowling Panthers


AAAAAND... last but certainly not least, four coins from our great friends Zuma and Onesearching2find for our wedding gift: World of Geocaching (hearts), I love geocoins (Cupid), Montauk Lighthouse coin (not one that we're visiting, but symbolic of our honeymoon) and a New Mexico 2005 (the state where a certain proposal was made). Thanks guys!


Just about the luckiest week a geocacher could have. Gotta crow about that :rolleyes:


Well, not exactly in the mailbox, but directly from a face to face with the President of the Quebec Geocaching Association. :D


1 Avalanche 2006 First Edition-XLE Satin Gold


1 Quebec 2006 Antique Copper


Given to me as a gift. :D:(


Whew, today feels like a monday mail day...


GCS FTF Black Nickel and Antique Brass

Signal September

Tools of the Trade LE Gold

Graylling 2006 #7 :anitongue:

Cache MN Gold & Silver


EU 2005


English EGG


...Third Wednesday


...2bugs Snowflake


...Suncatchers Cool & Warm


...HUGE Replicas of the Tracking Time Aztec Calender....NICE





...Plane tickets to Hawaii...Woo Hoo!

Posted (edited)

Greets all, been awhile since I posted here ::


Geofood ,Bronze LE. Gold and Silver


Prowler53, had paw prinits at the mail box : - )


Tank Hounds #34 THX and trackable version


Breaking Down The Wall Satin Silver


Search For The Grail Event Coins Green Ring, Blue Ring and Gold Coin (RARE) ,


Route 208 BN and Silver


Best of the British, BN, AC, Silver and Gold + Pins


Team Thorney Black With Silver


First Finders BN XLE Total 20 minted


2006 Silver Compass Rose Coins


HorseGeeks/Jason Coin


And from My Buddy a Local Broward County SWAT Team coin- not geocoin but cool !!


May have missed one or 2 but thats the most of them a great week indeed time to start to update my coin/trade list !! , Glenn


EDIT I knew I missed one NERO Silver and Gold only 10 made :laughing::laughing: THX Nero !!


Oh some great sig items ,, differant thread :laughing:

Edited by glennk721

not in the mailbox, but while out caching i hit two coin swap caches!



Midwest Geobash '06 (2)

Back Brake Billy

July GC & P Club coin

Wildlife Muggles (raccoon)

MIGO '05

Great Smoky Mountain Geoquest


well, headed out to the event, where I'll probably swap some more :wub:


Gift: 911 coins. thank you to the anonymous sender

Geobash coin

Team Rampant Lion coin

okcoins sample metal set... so now I know the difference between antique gold and brass!

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