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Cache Softeware For Rim


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We're getting get RIM Blackberry 7520's at work and I wanted to find out if anyone knows of anything like CacheMate I can use for this unit or any RIM units for that matter. Also, what do you all use who have Microsoft type units like iPaq's and whatnot? Cachemate rules and I'm hating the thought of not having it...might have to purchase a nice little Palm from eBay or something.

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I'd like to know as well. The closest I've found is the eBook compatible Mobipocket reader that supposedly will allow you to download an entire cache's description and log page, then read it on the BB screen just like you would with a desktop browser. However, after downloading the sample "caches I have not found" page, I couldn't figure out how to create and download my own list of caches I want to go searching for.


The only place I can find that Groundspeak talks about this capability is on the Premium Member page at: http://www.geocaching.com/subscribe/


I don't think there is a RIM geocaching software equivalent to the tools that are commonly available on Palm PDA's. I've looked on RIM's third-party software site and haven't seen anything at all.

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I use my 7520 exclusivly for caching. I use Trimble Outdoors www.trimbleoutdoors.com to Cache. Sometimes I use Telenav to get to the site if I have a cross street near the cache. and I use the wap.geocaching.com site for fast loads but I will also look at the full site for pix and stuff.. So The 7520 is the ALL in one... Just need to add some monthly subscriptions.


Trimble.. about $6 per month

Telenav $10 permonth

unlimited geocaching in one device PRICELESS

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