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Explorist 600


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Ok, so I purchased a eXplorist 600. First thing I find is that it will not work on my Win98SE. No big deal, I use my wifes Win XP. The next thing I find out is that you have to use the Power Data cable to power the unit in your car. So you are dragging this USB data cable back and forth from your PC to your Car. Not a real smart move on Magellen part. I like the GPS unit, don't get me wrong but I can see a need for improvment on the charging on DC part of the unit. Suggestion, make a cable that goes from the back of the unit directly to a cig plug. Who needs to transfer files while driving down the road.

Edited by ke7bgy

No argument that the arrangement is a bit unwieldy. I try to coil things up to take up the slack, but there can easily be Too Much Cable snaking around my dashboard.


One might find a more workable alternative with the offerings at PC-Mobile. The Mini-U retractible combined with the car USB adapter might work well, although I am not sure that their cable mates with the Magellan swivel mount.


I believe Boxwave has what you ar looking for. I was looking on their website and they have quite a lot of car chargers and such. I believe I saw one that goes directly from the carging port to the back of the GPSr without the USB connector.



I believe I saw one that goes directly from the carging port to the back of the GPSr without the USB connector.


Thank goodness! I thought I was the only one that had concerns with the moronic cabling - I mean really, are their that many folks that cruise with their laptops? I know of some, but shouldn't that be a niche item versus the only type thats available to the public. I still think the French are to blame. :D




You are totally right. Like the world "totally". It gives me a feel of being 10 years old again. LOL


It is the stupidist thing I ever saw. You cannot go from the car port to the GPSr without having all that extra stuff. I ordered the car charger thinking that I was buying a cord that went from my car charge port right the back of E500. When it came it took me a few minutes to undestand what was going on. Then I was kind of pissed off when I realized I had to buy a whole nother USB conector cord if I did not want have to climb under my computer desk and disconnect it from my USB hub when I wanted to take my GPSr on the road with me. Then when I get home I have to climb under my desk and reconnect the plugs into my USB port again. It is too silly for words. I sat there looking at all the extra wire and what I have to do and I just laughed. I mean what else could I do? I couldn't believe you can't just buy a simple charge plug that goes right to the GPSr. It really is interesting how engineers (now to all you engineers out there lighten up) do stuff like this and don't ask us users what we need or want. I guess they thought they were "killing two birds with one stone" when they came up with the design. I am having to go to Boxwave to buy what I really want. What is so crazy is that I guarantee you Magellan would charge more than Boxwave, and I would have paid it simply because I also bought several other things when I bought what I thought was direct car charge unit. The people (I didn't say engineers) at Magellan are not thinking customer friendly here. Now I get to toss the Magellan charge plug in a box and wait for my Boxwave plug, which happens to be a carge plug that connects directly to the GPSr as one unit. What a waste of money. HELLO!!! Magellan, people hate wasting money. Are you listening Magellan? I doubt it.


GO FIGURE. Other than that I like the E500. LOL




Let me get this straight, Boxwave sells a car charger that will plug directly into the back of the Explorist 500 and 600?


I just checked out their web site and I did not see that item.


Can someone post a link to it here?



I believe I saw one that goes directly from the carging port to the back of the GPSr without the USB connector.


Thank goodness! I thought I was the only one that had concerns with the moronic cabling - I mean really, are their that many folks that cruise with their laptops? I know of some, but shouldn't that be a niche item versus the only type thats available to the public. I still think the French are to blame. :rolleyes:

Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Half the geocaching folks I associate with on a regular basis do carry their laptops with them in the car. They can hook it up and customize a set of waypoints to download straight to the GPS on the fly when utilizing the pocket queries and third party tools.


I myself am getting ready to set up an old W98 laptop to do the same thing with a map program installed so it'll be easier to see the surrounding area when trying to navigate from the side of a road. That was the original intent behind such engineering for the GPS. You need to remember geocaching is still relatively new to the industry although they are admittedly slow to recognize their major market.


I currently have my cable wrapped up and tied down around the RAM Flex Arm. I bought it with the intent I will probably want that capability down the road. That was almost 1 year ago and I'm just now getting around to it. I'm finally outgrowing my PDA's capability to hold all the data I want in an unencumbered manner.



Another easy solution is just to carry a couple extra batteries. The batts for a Motorola t720 cellphone is an exact match for the explorist. You can get a cradle charger for the extra batts also. They are practically giving them away on ebay....around $15.00 for a battery and charger cradle.


The car charger cable is the same as a sony playstation portable, which are also cheaper than dirt on ebay.


Magellan may have stepped in it on power hookups, but at least they didn't invent a totally proprietary battery and cables.....

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