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Idaho cache mistaken for bomb


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Source: http://www.ktvb.com/news/topstories/storie...e.9bdf118c.html


Idaho State Police and the Boise Bomb Squad were called in to investigate and 17 miles of highway was closed. Investigators determined the bucket was filled with trinkets, photos and toys placed there as part of an online scavenger hunt called geocache. Players use a global positioning system to find the treasure.


Police say the man who stashed the object under the bridge has come forward and charges might be filed against him.


Very unfortunate that this has happened...


It been a long time since I've been over Rainbow Bridge, so I wasn't positive where exactly it was. Apparently it's just north of Smith's Ferry, but I'm not finding any caches around that location that seem to fit the description from the article.


Anyone got a link to the correct page?




Theres no cache listed at or near Rainbow bridge that we can find on this or any other cache listing site. My guess is it was either a denied cache that had'nt been removed, or a new one that had'nt been approved yet.


From the description I heard, it was a line and pulley with a bucket on the end. I'll bet someone with better info will be around shortly.


It is disturbing news that he may be charged. My guess is that he won't. So far, the local govts here in Idaho have been pretty open to geocaching. We will of course keep a close eye on developments as they unfold.

...From the description I heard, it was a line and pulley with a bucket on the end. ...

You have better information than I do right now. Your description doesn't sound like any bomb I've ever heard about. I'm never impressed when they throw out charges as an option just to sound good to the press. No harm was intended, no harm was done. Shutting down the highway was the ISP responce. Right? Wrong?


Consider. If all it takes to shut down the country is to toss ducted tape tupperware full of rocks with an old radio in it out the side of your window while you are driving down the interstate, then it won't be long before terrorists start causing disruption in a mass scale by doing exactly that. On the other hand highway maintanence workers have found home made bombs along side the road.


It's a hard balance, but the key thing is the need for balance doesn't come from geocachers, it comes from the fact that we are trying to live our lives, do a healthy activty in a world where there are people who really are a problem. Authorities need the reminder.


Just look at this link to read the news :laughing:




Or just read:


Suspicious object from treasure hunt game causes highway closure


07:27 PM MDT on Tuesday, September 27, 2005





BOISE - Idaho 55 at the Rainbow Bridge was closed for about six hours Tuesday after a suspicious object was found underneath the bridge.



Idaho State Police


Police say this green bucket beneath the Rainbow Bridge contains trinkets for a popular Internet treasure hunt game known as geocaching. It did not contain explosives as first feared.


An ITD spokesman said investigators were conducting a routine bridge safety inspection around 9:30 a.m. today when they saw an object they could not identify. It was a green bucket with wires poking out.


Idaho State Police and the Boise Bomb Squad were called in to investigate and 17 miles of highway was closed. Investigators determined the bucket was filled with trinkets, photos and toys placed there as part of an online scavenger hunt called geocache. Players use a global positioning system to find the treasure.


Police say the man who stashed the object under the bridge has come forward and charges might be filed against him.


Idaho 55 was shutdown between Smiths Ferry and Cascade, from mileposts 96-113.


During the closure, a pilot car took motorists through the area on a backroad through Round Valley, but no semis were allowed on the road.


Also Online


Watch Mike Vogel's report


Geocaching gaining in popularity



Transportation officials recommended motorists use U.S. 95 as an alternate route while the investigation was in process.


The Rainbow Bridge spans the Payette River between Smiths Ferry and Cascade. It was built in 1933, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is the largest single-span concrete arch structure in Idaho.


Exposure to the elements over the years has caused the bridge to deteriorate. For example, travelers can see the pockmarked bridge rails and the bridge deck is uneven. The historic bridge needs to be repaired and restored.



Idaho Transportation Department


The Rainbow Bridge was closed this morning after inspectors found a suspicous package underneath the structure.


The Rainbow Bridge is scheduled to undergo a major restoration project next year according to the Idaho Department of Transportation’s Web site.


Last week, the U.S. Geological Survey reported three small earthquakes in Valley County, mostly centered around Cascade. It is not known yet if this seismic activity had any impact on the structural integrity of the Rainbow Bridge.


The Idaho Transportation Department and Associated Press contributed to this report.


I saw the newscast on TV. What worries me is that the guy who hid it may be charged. I've seen numerous caches under bridges. Is everyone gonna get into trouble. Do we need to remove them to keep from getting fined?

Posted (edited)
Wow, bad news, so close to home...  I can't believe the guy may be charged.  Is geocaching really that 'unknown'? :laughing:

It's unknown to many people. Even the newscasters didn't know what it was. With terrorists threats I can see why people get shook up. It just puts a dent into geocacher's fun.

Edited by Old Fogies
Posted (edited)

This has happened enough that I'm starting to wonder about my cache. It is near a highway bridge, but not under it. It is also in a popular fishing area that is accessed by a dirt road that goes under the bridge. The cache is a clear rubbermaid-like container. I've thought that it was fine, but I don't want to have a fine or get arrested...


Here's a pic of the bridge from the cache area:




Another pic that Moun10bike took while he was close to the cache site:




Maybe Team Misguided can give me some input, or maybe Moun10Bike, since he went to it.


Thanks. :laughing:

Edited by Ambrosia
This has happened enough that I'm starting to wonder about my cache.  It is near a highway bridge, but not under it.  It is also in a popular fishing area that is accessed by a dirt road that goes under the bridge.  The cache is a clear rubbermaid-like container.  I've thought that it was fine, but I don't want to have a fine or get arrested...

I tend to agree with Renegade Knight that the threat of charges/fines (for what? littering?) is for the benefit of the press and to cover the embarassment of authorities who have once again overreacted. Really, this is stupid: This was a bucket, possibly on a rope/pulley, under or near a bridge on an obscure state road in Idaho. Not exactly a typical terrorist target, or typical terrorist means, but they closed 17 MILES of the highway for six hours?! :laughing:


:laughing: indeed.


Of course, in today's climate, authorities love to overreact. If nothing else this is a good reminder to clearly label those caches.

Posted (edited)

Lightning Jeff, the 17 miles would be for a valid detour. 55 is a very busy state highway. It's known for it's mud and rock slides along with twists and curves that would make a Porche owner smile.


Ambrosia, I can't speak for the site but here is some background. States inspect most all bridges in the state (since podunk towns can't afford bridge inspection crews) periodicaly. They are good at their job and anything in, on, and under the bridge will likely be found. However they don't go far outside the bridge. If you are 100' away like it looks in the photo's then they won't even go there unless one of them is a geocacher or drops a line in the river for some lunchtime fishing. Even if you are 50' away odds are pretty good you are good to go since they inspect bridges and not URPs.

Edited by Renegade Knight
This has happened enough that I'm starting to wonder about my cache. It is near a highway bridge, but not under it.

I'm sure you are plenty far from the bridge to avoid both notice and concern in the unlikely event it is noticed. I was concerned about another local hide (cat themed) that is directly under a BPA transmission line tower off Batterman Rd. If I was the guy that inspected those things I sure wouldn't want folks puting caches directly beneath them.


There is another Transmission tower themed cache near quincy that I don't have the same concern with as it is near but not under the tower.


I guess you just have to use common sense.

This has happened enough that I'm starting to wonder about my cache.  It is near a highway bridge, but not under it.

I'm sure you are plenty far from the bridge to avoid both notice and concern in the unlikely event it is noticed. I was concerned about another local hide (cat themed) that is directly under a BPA transmission line tower off Batterman Rd. If I was the guy that inspected those things I sure wouldn't want folks puting caches directly beneath them.


There is another Transmission tower themed cache near quincy that I don't have the same concern with as it is near but not under the tower.


I guess you just have to use common sense.

Ironicly the list of high risk terrorist targets detailing specific locations isn't public. However key transmission line towers like you mention would likley be on the list.

This has happened enough that I'm starting to wonder about my cache.  It is near a highway bridge, but not under it.  It is also in a popular fishing area that is accessed by a dirt road that goes under the bridge.  The cache is a clear rubbermaid-like container.  I've thought that it was fine, but I don't want to have a fine or get arrested...

I tend to agree with Renegade Knight that the threat of charges/fines (for what? littering?) is for the benefit of the press and to cover the embarassment of authorities who have once again overreacted. Really, this is stupid: This was a bucket, possibly on a rope/pulley, under or near a bridge on an obscure state road in Idaho. Not exactly a typical terrorist target, or typical terrorist means, but they closed 17 MILES of the highway for six hours?! <_<


:( indeed.


Of course, in today's climate, authorities love to overreact. If nothing else this is a good reminder to clearly label those caches.

Jeff - RK is correct.


And in defense of the ISP, that IS our primary north/south state highway on this side of Idaho.


I'm still puzzled how anyone who has read the cache guidelines would attempt to list such a cache. It's a 5 gallon bucket and it was ON the bridge structure. I don't think any micros or any clear tupperware caches placed *near* bridges are in danger of being blown up or archived.


Ambrosia, I think your cache looks okay since it isn't 'ON' the bridge.


After the damage control is done after an incident like this we all need to take a moment and do just what Ambrosia did. Re-examine your cache hides and ask yourself if this could happen to one of them. I know some of my earlier hides and/or hide ideas were 'less than inspired' and I'm glad that they are not active now.

Ambrosia, I think your cache looks okay since it isn't 'ON' the bridge.


After the damage control is done after an incident like this we all need to take a moment and do just what Ambrosia did. Re-examine your cache hides and ask yourself if this could happen to one of them. I know some of my earlier hides and/or hide ideas were 'less than inspired' and I'm glad that they are not active now.

I agree completely. I've already thought about all my caches and none of them seem to be in a place that could have an end like this idaho cache.

Posted (edited)

EDIT: can't get link to work.


Inspite of the inflammatory headline from the local news the police seemed reasonable, all they are asking is to follow the rules and use a clear container.

Edited by magellan315

You know, aside from the fact that he put it in the wrong spot, I feel kinda sorry for the guy. It looks like he put a lot of work into the cache. And now he's splashed all over the news. How embarrasing.

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