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Do You Like To Watch?


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Do you like to watch?



(He likes...to watch)


I like to watch..... :huh:


I'm currently watching 38 caches and 33 travel bugs. B)


I laugh at the "I demand to know who's watching MY CACHE!" threads. I usually look up the OP's caches and put a watch on every single one. B):blink:


But it has occurred to me that this is grounds for discussion on watching habits.


My habits:


I watch my favorite caches in several states, caches that I want to visit, upcoming event pages, and the caches nearest my house for the most part. B) I also keep a watch on several archived caches. B)


I watch my friend's TBs, tbs that I think are cool and would love to find, and tbs that are missing from my caches to see where they resurface if they do at all.


What, How many, and why do you watch caches and TBs?


Have you learned anything from your watching habits?


I.E. I once put a watch on every cache from Lone Pine, Ca. to Bridgeport, Ca., just to gauge the level of cachin' activity in the Long Valley/Eastern Sierra. It worked and I was surprised at the level of activity. B)


I also learned to take my watch OFF of an event page about 2 days out. B)


Do you want to OUT yourself as a watcher of any particular cache or TB?


I watch The Frog Shrine in Santa Barbara, Ca. I also watch The Bloated Festering Head of My First Victim.... :huh: Of course, I watch the Original Stash..... B) I keep an eye out for the Chain Chomp TB to come to a cache near me... B)


How much email do you get on average from your watched caches and TBs?


I usually get 1 to 7 emails a day just on the 71 items on my watchlist.


(BTW-please don't use that last question as a reason to whine about tbs seen at events.) :blink:


Wellll? Discuss..... B)

Edited by Snoogans
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I'm currently watching 3 caches (down from almost ten just recently).


I'm currently watching 76 travel bugs.


I'm not sure how many emails I get, cause I delete most of them after reading. But I'd say anywhere between 10-20 a day. My husband is going bonkers because he can't find emails that are his, in all the mess.


The three caches I watch: One is a cache that I had been helping to maintain, another is the original stash tribute plaque, and the other is one that I dnf'd cause of poisen ivy, and I want to see when someone actually goes to it again.


13 of the tbs on the list are there because they are related to cheerios. One bug is a bug that was in our cache and was stolen a couple of years ago. I'm hoping that one day it will reappear. The rest are white jeeps that have names that I am tracking.



What have I learned? I have learned that I am getting too many emails, and I need to get rid of a lot of my watchlist. I am deleting emails like mad every day. This is why I have gotten rid of several caches on my list, and why I am going to delete all of the white jeeps as well.


Another thing that I have learned, but do not want to open up a can of worms by mentioning this: most emails that I get about a white jeep being placed in a cache, are immediately followed by another email that the same people took it out again. This is one of the reasons why I am taking the jeeps off of my list. I can never really be sure if they are truly in any of the caches, they are just put in and taken out. There is not much reason to waste my inbox on it.


And there ya have it. :blink:

Edited by Ambrosia
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I'm watching you right now B) ..... does that count? :blink:


On our list right now:


Our TB's and the caches they are currently in.

DNF's to see if we're the only ones not finding them. :huh:

Really cool caches that we plan to do.

The first TB we ever found to see how far it gets. (Not very!)

A few other interesting TB's just for the fun of it. B)

Caches close to the house to see who's in the neighborhood :huh:


Right now we're watching the Holy Wastewater! (She It?) cache for sheer entertainment. :blink:

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I watch 2 caches - 0 travel bugs - 0 threads. The caches I watch are my personal favorites but they get very little activity because they are a challenge. I get a majority of my enjoyment from going back through the caches I have found and read the logs. I get a kick out of reading some of the adventures, I do not want the email notification.

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I love to watch!


63 Caches

-- 9 DNF's

-- 6 that are a series that I'm working on (4 still DNF, 1 is confirmed missing and at least 2 others appear to be missing, I'm waiting for the owner to check on and replace)

-- 16 of my most recent finds (I like to read the logs of visitors after me, and if I've left swag I like to watch until what I left is taken. Usually what I've left is the next to go, which lets me know I'm doing a good job of leaving items people find desirable. A couple of these I'm waiting to see when my friend logs a find.)

-- 1 Local TB hotel, so I can be alerted when new bugs come into the area

-- 7 that are the newest in my area

-- 2 locationless that I can do anytime and keep meaning to (Fold Bags and Starry, Starry Night) get to.

-- 6 Puzzles caches that I've worked out the answer but haven't made it to the cache yet.

-- 2 of my friend's caches.

-- 14 caches I'm planning on getting to soon.


40 TBs

-- 5 That we've found

-- 2 WJTBs that we've found

-- 14 YJTBs that are closest to us (sadly at least 8 of these are MIA, I'm still trying to find my first)

-- 12 geocoins that are closest to us (still haven't found one of these in a cache)

-- 2 TBs that are a part of a local multicache

-- 5 WJTBs that are being held hostage (to see if/when they're released, just because I'm nosey. I'm no longer looking for WJTBs for myself.)

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Watching about 60 caches right now.


Some are ones that I really enjoyed (APE cache in Washington) and want to read other's tales.

Some are just the nearby caches to my house so I can see who comes through, who's active, etc.


I'm watching 10 TB's:

A few WJTBs

My Moun10Bike coins (to make sure they are not 'grabbed')

My wife's TBs

And one or two others that interest me.


I'll also temporarily watch caches in an area where I plan to travel to see what they are like.


Oh, and what have I learned?

That even on some great caches (views, hides, journeys) that some people can't be bothered to rite more than "this was # 3 of 15 today, thanks". :D

Edited by kealia
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I like to watch . . . :rolleyes:


I have several caches on my watchlist. Some are those on which I had a DNF so if it is found, I can make the trip back out there. Train Creek Cache is an example of one of those.


Others are fun ones like The Trading Post because I love to read the creative logs.


I put the View Carre' on my watchlist after the tragedy of the hurricane and the flooding of New Orleans.


I put an infrequently-visited cache, The way it was as a natural desert, on my list because was one of my favorites in the Spring when the desert plants were blooming in profusion.


I only have one Travel bug/Geocoin on my Watchlist. I just want to make sure it doesn't go missing.

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Watching is my way I keep an eye on the surroundings of the hometown caches. When you start making simpler charts, You can start to see caching trends by the local community. Mathematically you can find the probability of who will get FTF's and so on.


But that's my little stupid stuff I do at 2AM when I'm bored.


I watch local Jeeps so I can get tips on new caches and their "approximate" location.


Watch some TB's, and my only out-of-state watch is the infamous QUANTOM LEAP. Which once I get a summer to do absolutely nothing, I'm going down to Texas and getting this imaginary (former thread) cache.


I'm even making a Quantom Leap bound TB.


Snoogans you rock!

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Sixteen active caches. Plus a few others that have been archived but I haven't bothered to delete from my watchlist. No travel bugs.


Of the sixteen caches:


Five are caches that I sort of keep an eye on for the friends who own them.

One has been disabled forever and ever, and the owner is absent, but the cache is still there...so I'm just waiting to see what's happening with it.

Two were difficult puzzles hidden to try and stump me (neither worked).

Two were really great caches that I enjoy reading the logs on.

Three are far-flung caches that I really want to visit someday, so I don't want them to fall off my radar.

One is a cache that in my opinion is the absolute worst cache ever hidden (why the heck would someone stuff a log book in a plastic bag and stick it under a manhole cover in the middle of a residential street!?), and I like seeing how everyone tries to sugarcoat it in their logs.

One is a puzzle cache requiring a lot of traveling to complete (and which I'm only halfway finished with).

One is an earthcache located right next to one of my own traditional cache hides, and it's interesting to see who logs one but not the other.


There. Now ya know.

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One is a cache that in my opinion is the absolute worst cache ever hidden (why the heck would someone stuff a log book in a plastic bag and stick it under a manhole cover in the middle of a residential street!?), and I like seeing how everyone tries to sugarcoat it in their logs.

Now I want to add that one to my watchlist!

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Jeep movements... :lol:


Jeep 4x4 #0090 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #0160 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #0260 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #0337 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #0363 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #0497 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #0626 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #0749 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #0927 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1015 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1016 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1035 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1064 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1068 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1070 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1075 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1249 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1451 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1565 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1569 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1689 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1696 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1796 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1891 (remove)

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Jeep 4x4 #1909 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1912 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1917 (remove)

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Jeep 4x4 #1922 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #1931 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #2094 (remove)

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Jeep 4x4 #2228 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #2273 (remove)

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Jeep 4x4 #2593 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #2595 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #2596 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #2597 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #2598 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #2600 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #2746 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #2851 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3074 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3138 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3375 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3384 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3416 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3465 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3518 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3537 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3576 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3615 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3713 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3754 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3851 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #3932 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #4016 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #4030 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #4208 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #4250 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #4377 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #4593 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #4811 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #4842 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #4843 (remove)

Jeep 4x4 #4870 (remove)

Jenny Lind (remove)

Little GI Joe Jeep 2 (remove)

M151A2 JEEP (remove)

mellowbrook's travels (remove)

MS Squiggly (remove)

Roadrunner Beep Beep (remove)

Tasmanian Devil Bug (remove)

THE MUSIC BOX C.D. (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Addy" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Alura" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Alyssa" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Anthony" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Audie" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Bailee" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Barden" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Bardene" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Berke" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Bink" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Blayne" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Blithe" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Boda" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Bond" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Botewolf" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Botolf" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Braddon" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Braedon" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Bramwell" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Brentley" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Brinton" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Brockley" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Buckley" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Cable" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Cherisa" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Chetwin" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Cliff" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Corrie" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Cranley" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Cynerik" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Davida" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Dawne" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Dione" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Dollie" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Ealdwode" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Edrik" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Elder" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Erlene" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Ewert" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Franklin" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Gabriell" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Gere" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Halfrith" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Hareleah" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Hazell" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Healum" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Hilary" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Ida" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Ilde" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Ilene" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Jack" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Jeanay" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Jennarae" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Jerett" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Jervis" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Johnette" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Jolena" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Joyelle" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Kalen" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Kandee" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Keane" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Kendell" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Knocks" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Lacina" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Lakiesha" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Lathrop" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Leeanne" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Lily" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Lizabeth" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Maed" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Maggie" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Marylynn" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Mersc" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Morrie" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Odwolfe" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Ollaneg" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Phelps" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Reave" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Remo" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Rexton" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Russell" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Scandy" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Scirloc" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Shepley" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Sonny" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Spark" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Terryn" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Thornton" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Tobey" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Tom" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Tony" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Trish" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Trisha" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Vingon" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Waite" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Waydell" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Willis" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Wyatt" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Yedda" (remove)

White Jeep Travel Bug "Zelma" (remove)


I guess I like to watch...

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Watch list, as opposed to checking through the list of caches and Travel Bugs that I've found and/or mishandled.

Yes, I do routinely look through the list of caches and bugs that I've found.

But 'Watch List", those I get e-mail about...

I watch my DNFs that I'm interesting in trying for again. Four of those. Oops, need to add Flat Stuff...

I watch some of my brother's caches to see how they fare.

Eight Travel Bugs on my watch list. Three that I really like. Two of which I tried to move in the right direction, but that have since gone off on odd tangents. My caching buddy's bug that disappeared in northen Minnesota. She wanted to go to California from San Antonio! Why did she go to Minnesota?!? Oh, well. We shall send out Agents Bear and Dolphin to try to find her! Has anyone seen Mommy Dearest? She was last seen in Pelan Park in June. She is no longer there. :laughing:

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I've got 47 caches on my watchlist. Most are nearby and I want to find, one is an event that I attended, there are a couple of DNFs, and I am also watching caches in places I'm planning to visit in the near future. Those are just placeholders for caches that are near where I will be staying. By far, I get the most mail about the locationless caches.


Oh, and I'm watching one TB that has the coordinates to a cache. It's been missing for a while. :laughing:

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