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The Official 2005 Pennsylvania Geocoins!


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Hello fellow cachers and geocoin collectors!


I'm very proud to announce that pre-orders are now being accepted for the The Official 2005 Pennsylvania Geocoins!


This coin will be fully trackable on GC.com, and will have it's own "Keystone" icon! There will be approximately 1000 coins made, and they will be available in bronze with a limited number of gold editions available as well. More information will be available as orders come in.


Details and ordering information is available here:

Pre-ordering for 2005 PA Geocoins


PayPal invoices will be sent manually, and you should see one within 48 hours.


And here's a look at the coin design!





Thanks for your time, and Happy Hunting in the Keystone State!

Edited by YemonYime
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Hi everyone, and thanks for your interest!


For those of you wondering about the PayPal invoices, they are being generated manually (not automatic), and we're getting around to all the orders. If there's any problems with duplicates, you'll be contacted. You should be seeing your PayPal invoices this evening or tomorrow.


Thanks! and I'll update the original post as well.



Edited by YemonYime
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Hello Everyone,


Okay, after a few edited posts, we simply need to report that The Gold Coin edition is now officially SOLD OUT.


We've been absolutely flooded with requests, so we're checking time stamps to determine the FIRST 250 gold coin requests, as that's the official cut-off number.


We're not able to update the webpage to knock out the option at this time, so any orders for gold coins from this point will be considered for a waiting list if anyone doesn't pay, or otherwise backs out.


PayPal invoices will be sent out this weekend, and there are still Bronze Coins available, but they're going very very fast.


Thank you!


Edited by YemonYime
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This is just a test to see what the time stamp says.

Just an FYI:


The time stamps won't be based on this thread, it will be taken from our database to determine the order in which they were officially submitted through our site. Initially, I tried to post a time estimate here for those of you who will want to know if your gold coin order went through, but we MUST double check our own database and not just go by when the email was received. Just trying to be as fair as possible.


Once again, PayPal invoices are generated manually (not automatic), so look for one within 48 hours as we sort through the orders and process them.


Thanks for your orders! Get the bronze while it's still there!



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