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anyone else released a book on www.bookcrossing.com into a geocache?


they work like travel bugs, but are books, and can be left anywhere for a new reader.


i personally think they are a great trade item for caches. as it is somthing you can enjoy and then pass on.


im thinking of setting up some book trading caches, anyone seen any similar ones?

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I found my first Bookcrossing Book in a cache about 8 months ago - It's good fun if you're a bit of a bookworm. This cache on the Isle of Wight is dedicated to Book swaps, but not just Bookcrossing books: Longstone IOW (and it arrives with music :lol: )


My recent Welcome to Wales cache is also large enough to take two or three paperbacks, and I've mentioned Bookcrossing on the cache page.


Mrs B

Edited by The Blorenges
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anyone else released a book on www.bookcrossing.com into a geocache?


im thinking of setting up some book trading caches, anyone seen any similar ones?

There are a couple of Bookcrossing themed caches around Leicestershire. One by myself and one by Star-Barz


I also put bookcrossing books in caches if there is room and trade for books which aren't registered on bookcrossing if I find any in caches so I can take them home and register them before releasing them into the wild again :rolleyes:



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I picked up a BookCrossing book in the King Brude cache near Inverness. The book had been left by the cacher Remote Part and his mother Swan-Scot. She has released about 500 books so far - she must be one of the more prolific Book crossers I've come across!

She has set up the "Books on Bens Project", where she leaves books on top of Scottish mountains and also "Books in Bothies". Sixty six books have been released in the Inverness area by her so far - she has also just returned from Iceland where she left a book at the most westerly point in Europe.

I actually came across Geocaching as it was mentioned in an article about BookCrossing a few years ago. Following exposure on the Johnny Waker Radio 2 programme recently, the BookCrossing site had to be taken down because of so many hits. Sounds familiar.... :rolleyes:

Edited by HighlandNick
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Took one book from a cache a couple of years ago under the book crossing site. Book was a load of rubbish <_< but it's still a good idea.

Same here, the book went back very quickly into another cache.

Most of my book reading is done on my Ipaq (ebooks) I have at the moment 32 books on it. the last one that I finished was 'The Da Vinci code' Not all ebooks are classics. :rolleyes:

Sorry I have gone off track.

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I've found bookcrossing books in caches before. I wasn't sure what (if anything) I needed to swap for them (a book? A bookcrossing book? Something of equal value? Does that mean cover price, or current retail value? etc.) - and the titles didn't draw me in - so I left them where they were. One thing - neither were in a sealed bag. I think this would be a good idea given the numbers of damp caches about.



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I've found bookcrossing books in caches before. I wasn't sure what (if anything) I needed to swap for them (a book? A bookcrossing book? Something of equal value?

When I leave a bookcrossing book in a cache, I usually add it as well as my swaps so I don't mind if it is taken without a trade if the cache is well stocked without it.


Usually I leave bookcrossing books "in the wild". I mainly leave them in cafes to be picked up by whoever wants it, so it's more of a freebie than a trade.


I like it when I see logs come in from bookcrossing books I have released though, so a journal entry would be nice. If not, leaving the book in a public place to be picked up again when it has been read would be good too.




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I agree with Sarah, above: If I put a Bookcrossing book in a cache it's just an extra surprise or freebie, I don't expect an expensive swop in return. The advantage of putting a BC book in a geocache is that you can be sure that whoever finds it (usually) has a computer and will understand how to log in and make a journal entry! They're really rather like TBs - the fun is watching where they go, and reading comments from others...Even if you take a book and then decide it's of no interest you can still make a journal entry, then leave it somewhere "in the wild" or pass it on to someone who might enjoy it. Incidentally, BC is also good fun for youngsters too, as there are plenty of "junior" books in circulation. Mrs B

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