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Submitting Photos To Ngs


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I just logged a couple of benchmarks on the NGS site. Unless I missed it, there was no explicit way to submit photos of the mark.


I put the URL of my photos (which are on this site) into the text box. I had to omit the "http://" since the form would not accpt semicolons or slashes.


Is there a correct way to do this? What do others do?


If there is currently no way to do this, I would suggest that NGS may want to add something for this.




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NGS is working on setting up a new mark recovery form that will allow for people to submit photos. I have seen some of the designs, and even a working draft. But it is still not up and running yet. I just put out an e-mail asking for a status update. I will let you know what kind of a response I get.


Sorry this has been taking so long....



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I just logged a couple of benchmarks on the NGS site. Unless I missed it, there was no explicit way to submit photos of the mark.


I put the URL of my photos (which are on this site) into the text box. I had to omit the "http://" since the form would not accpt semicolons or slashes.


Is there a correct way to do this? What do others do?

I would not put any "civilian" URLs into NGS reports. Those NGS datasheets will be around for decades, and there's no way that you can be sure that a Gc.com URL will even still be good a year from now. I wouldn't even put URLs from my own domain; there's no telling when something might necessitate a change to the URL. Or, if anything should happen to me, my website will go away, too. Most web addresses are much too ephemeral for something as solid as an NGS database.


I know there are some agency URLs in NGS datasheets. I believe, for example, I've seen references to the California High Precision Geodetic Network website. But I'm also quite sure the URL was to the home page, not to a specific page for that mark. And a government agency website is a great deal more permanent than something like Geocaching.com or Wintertime.com.



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I hope benchmarking doesn't move to waypointing.  I would miss it very much, and move on.



That is something you could write to Jeremy on the Groundspeak Website Forum. You are a Forum Regular and an active hunter. Your feelings are something he is aware of. Others who feel as you do might consider doing the same.



Edited by evenfall
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Finally got a response.... (quoted below)


"Given the current state of the mark recovery photo entry application and

from conversations I have had with the contractor currently writing the

code, it is not currently ready for production and should be ready by

the end of the calendar year. The OPUS photo entry application is

currently about to go into production."



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