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Thanks Alaska

Monkey Girl

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Turtle Boy and I would like to thank everyone who placed caches. While on our vacation we went to many areas we would not have gone to if the caches were not there. We plan to come back in a couple of years. Alaska is a big change from NJ. We loved the mountains that never ended. :D It was a clear day when we went to Denali and saw Mt. Mckinley. Our goal was to find 50 caches but we ended up finding 46. We ran out of time and had to catch our plane.


Does anyone know anything about a cache called Conifer? We found this cache but can not find it listed. It was north of Anchorage and we did this just before Goals.


Thanks again,

Monkey Girl


If you still have the coords in your gps you can put them in the hide & seek a cache and see what comes up. Conifer sounds familiar but I can't find it either!

If you still have the coords in your gps you can put them in the hide & seek a cache and see what comes up. Conifer sounds familiar but I can't find it either!

The cache and the 'tudes were erased before we realized that we didn't have the cache to log in to.

Posted (edited)

I think the cache your looking for is Conifer GCP3QB by powmia. Say's it's been archived. Read the cache page for further info, if you signed the log book I'd claim it.

Edited by Nomadic Man

I owned "Conifer" it was vandalized approximately mid July. When I went to get the remains, most of the log book was mssing. The cache has been archived. It was GCP3QB.


I am glad you had a good time in Alaska and that you got to see a dog team in training. Bet you weren't expecting that! Did you find anything else you weren't expecting along your way?


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