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San Diego Congratulations Thread

Dr. Boggis

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Congrats to John (jahoadi and john) for the completion of 31 years of Naval service and we hope in his retirement he doesn't drive Jodi over the edge .

WooooooHoooooooo!!! And a HUGE Thank You for your service!!!!

Now that's quite an admirable achievement. Congratulations John and best wishes for your future!

Say, who took that HDR photo?




Here, this is more like it. Need the original shot to

work on it for an even-better result.


So now Jahoadi and John can do something about their

puny little find-count. How about first in our county

to score 20,000 finds? No, wait, that's already been

done hasn't it. Well then, how about 30,000?


Thirty-one years for you two; so lemme see, if John

joined the Navy at, say, twenty years of age then how

old does that make Jodi? Yikes!


Well done sailor ... we're all very proud of you and

we all admire Jodi for standing by her man.


Your pal,

Harmon & Sandy

SD Rowdies


Man you are going to be in so much trouble.

Say what? For goodness sakes, what did I do?

Something that you are not suppose to ask a lady.

And that looks like my photo that I posted on facebook, so guess it was me.

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Congrats to John (jahoadi and john) for the completion of 31 years of Naval service and we hope in his retirement he doesn't drive Jodi over the edge .

WooooooHoooooooo!!! And a HUGE Thank You for your service!!!!

Now that's quite an admirable achievement. Congratulations John and best wishes for your future!

Say, who took that HDR photo?




Here, this is more like it. Need the original shot to

work on it for an even-better result.


So now Jahoadi and John can do something about their

puny little find-count. How about first in our county

to score 20,000 finds? No, wait, that's already been

done hasn't it. Well then, how about 30,000?


Thirty-one years for you two; so lemme see, if John

joined the Navy at, say, twenty years of age then how

old does that make Jodi? Yikes!


Well done sailor ... we're all very proud of you and

we all admire Jodi for standing by her man.


Your pal,

Harmon & Sandy

SD Rowdies


Man you are going to be in so much trouble.

Say what? For goodness sakes, what did I do?

Something that you are not suppose to ask a lady.

And that looks like my photo that I posted on facebook, so guess it was me.

Here you see Jodi proof-reading the paperwork.


Fact Checker


Note to Self: Jodi's just sweetest thang!

Edited by SD Rowdies
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Congratulations to The Fat Cats on 10,0000 finds!!!!


Here's their log...


:cool::cool:Congrats to The Fat Cats for their milestone 10,000 and for completing the Dalmatian Series!! :cool::cool:


Congrats to The Fat Cats on their 10k! I enjoyed hearing about your achievement later in the day. Only bummed I couldn't be there to join you, darn work!


way to go! We admire ya'll in many way! Keep having fun!

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We've been on the road a lot lately, so we're a bit lagging in the congrats that are due...


A huge CONGRATS to fossillady on her 5000th find! She's been caching way longer than most of us and she sure makes each find count! Way to go, Rebecca!!! So happy we could be there with you!!! And for an EarthCache, to boot...hooyah!!!


Congrats to bon scott who hit his 2500th cache with us at Rolly - 101st Dalmatian!!! I know we slowed all of you fit young men down, but we sure did enjoy your company!!! :smile: Thanks for waiting so we could share this moment with you!


And most recently, congrats to Ragfoot for reaching his 8000th find! By gosh, but that man sure does move fast!!!!! :anibad:


Keep on caching, everyone, and keep having fun!!! :grin: :grin: :grin:

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:) CONGRATULATIONS to kwvers! for completing the San Bernardino County Thomas Guide Challenge~all 280 pages :antenna: ! read all about it...:blink: http://www.geocachin...79-39b245e0cf1d


Congrats Champs!


Good gosh, those two need adult supervision.


You know what kills me? Were Denice logged that

"...our found caches in San Bernardino County

already exceeded 2,000 ..."


Lemme see: 21,653/5,201 = 0.24 ... now I've

slipped below 25% of their find count. I'm

gonna go lay down a while and think about this

because surely there's at least one Geocaching

statistic where I'm ahead of those KWVERS!



Wait, what about total Forum posts? Since the

crowd has defected to FaceBook then surely I'm

way out front in Geocaching Forum posts but I

notice that Forum posts don't seem to count



That's O.K., don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

I don't need no stinkin' congratulations.



SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Jim and Denice ... my Geocaching idols.

Edited by SD Rowdies
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:) CONGRATULATIONS to kwvers! for completing the San Bernardino County Thomas Guide Challenge~all 280 pages :antenna: ! read all about it...:blink: http://www.geocachin...79-39b245e0cf1d


Congrats Champs!


Good gosh, those two need adult supervision.


You know what kills me? Were Denice logged that

"...our found caches in San Bernardino County

already exceeded 2,000 ..."


Lemme see: 21,653/5,201 = 0.24 ... now I've

slipped below 25% of their find count. I'm

gonna go lay down a while and think about this

because surely there's at least one Geocaching

statistic where I'm ahead of those KWVERS!



Wait, what about total Forum posts? Since the

crowd has defected to FaceBook then surely I'm

way out front in Geocaching Forum posts but I

notice that Forum posts don't seem to count



That's O.K., don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

I don't need no stinkin' congratulations.



SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Jim and Denice ... my Geocaching idols.




:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ADD DANCING GIRLS HERE: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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:rolleyes:How did we miss congratulating the Splashes on 19000 finds..it was even at one of our caches!

Way to go guys...you are our inspiration ( mostly 'cause I know you have "episodes" of walking in circles too ):rolleyes:



Congrats, Splashes!!! That's a huge number!!!


Ya done good! Real good!

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:) CONGRATULATIONS to kwvers! for completing the San Bernardino County Thomas Guide Challenge~all 280 pages :antenna: ! read all about it...:blink: http://www.geocachin...79-39b245e0cf1d


Congrats Champs!


Good gosh, those two need adult supervision.


You know what kills me? Were Denice logged that

"...our found caches in San Bernardino County

already exceeded 2,000 ..."


Lemme see: 21,653/5,201 = 0.24 ... now I've

slipped below 25% of their find count. I'm

gonna go lay down a while and think about this

because surely there's at least one Geocaching

statistic where I'm ahead of those KWVERS!



Wait, what about total Forum posts? Since the

crowd has defected to FaceBook then surely I'm

way out front in Geocaching Forum posts but I

notice that Forum posts don't seem to count



That's O.K., don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

I don't need no stinkin' congratulations.



SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Jim and Denice ... my Geocaching idols.




:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ADD DANCING GIRLS HERE: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Be careful out there!

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Hey Everybody! The Fat Cats have


completed the San Bernardino County


Thomas Guide Challenge!!! We are so


happy for them! read all about it!


Visit Unknown Cache



San Bernardino County Thomas Guide Challenge





A huge congrats to The Fat Cats, I can testify that they worked hard for this and I know I had some the the best caching adventures ever with them. I hope to finish soon.

Edited by The Fossillady
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