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Waymark Category Search: Newest

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I'm havign fun looking visiting the waymark site, planning spots to mark, and marking my favorite categories as the new ones roll in, which leads me to my questions (collective sigh of relief inserted here)...


It seems as though when I click on the Waymark Category Search button for newest waymarks, that they are not listed in order from the newest waymarks to the oldest, the result being that I have to scroll through the pages of waymarks looking for new categories that catch my eye.


Now, with only 113 (as of this morning) categories, this isn't a problem, but when there are 6983 categories, scrolling through each page to find the truly new categories will be a pain.


Am I imagining this bug, has anyone else noticed it, or should I up my med-level and wait for the calm to set in?





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I think the page is listing the categories as they are entered into the database - not when they are made active. There are quite a few categories that were locationless caches, and the process has been to create them and let the category manager decide when to make them active. I expect as the locationless caches finish being moved over that the newest categories will be in the correct order since the creation/active process will be much faster.

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