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Gps And Mac

Joe Smith

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about 6 months ago we were having some trouble with our computers. One would lock up randomly, and the other was burning through power cords once a month. Around the same time we met someone with two apple iBooks for sale. Both were in okay shape and the price was right.


about two days after we get them home, Samantha decided she wants it to log her in automatically rather than enter the password every time. I say "go for it, you can't really screw anything up"


i was wrong.


It now logs her in without the password, but somehow her account is no longer an administrator for the computer. It really limits how much you can do. We can't even change it back, and her old password won't work.


I tried every trick online to try and fix this, and about my only hope is to whipe it out and re-install OS X. I didn't get the CD with the computers, and I can't afford $120 to upgrade to tiger. Is there anyone out there who could lend me the disk? We're running 10.3.



Or if you know another way, I am open to any ideas!



Joe Smith

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This is really hard to help with with out being able to see your setup. I know that OSX is set up so that you cant make it so that there is no admins, at least not through the accounts pref pane. So on her computer, could you go into the accounts pref pane, and see if any of the names on the left side say "Admin" under them.



Edited by Elracs
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I'm sure there is an admin account on there somewhere, but i'm not even allowed into the setup to view them. i tried to bring up a list in single user mode, but it didn't work.

yes you are. Standard users can view the list. Don't be useing single user mode, I'm talking about when you are logged in.



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i used single user mode following command prompts that would allow me to reset the password. After that did not work, i gave up. When logged in I will go to the system prefs and 3/4 are greyed out. user accounts is one of those.


i guess i am doing a poor job of describing this problem. i am actually quite good working with a mac, but this is giving me trouble.


Joe Smith

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i used single user mode following command prompts that would allow me to reset the password. After that did not work, i gave up. When logged in I will go to the system prefs and 3/4 are greyed out. user accounts is one of those.


i guess i am doing a poor job of describing this problem. i am actually quite good working with a mac, but this is giving me trouble.


Joe Smith

okay, so not only are you set up as a regular user, but you are also working with a restricted finder (the some limits part from here http://diveintoosx.org/images/2003/10/sp_a...limitations.jpg ). Do you have a list of names on the loggin screen? If so, try each name and see if they are all restricted or not. If not, did you ever enable root?



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If you log off of her name you see her and "user" I don't think we had that one before. I put in as many passwords as i could think of, none worked.

That is just plain weird... The only thing I can think of to help is to take it to an apple store and talk to a Genius. They might be able to help you.


Sorry I couldn't help you out.



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