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The Really Big Event

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The USA is hosting Geowoodstock 4 in May 2006 and are expecting 800-1000 people to attend. It will be held in Texas and we all know the UK can fit into Texas several times.


What I am proposing is that we have an event cache here at the same time and hook up via weblinks and webcams. It will be held over 4-5 days in May and hopefully be centrally located. I have been looking at several possible sites and am just waiting for call backs.


We have been discussing it in the chat room and several have volunteered to help me with the organization. Lactodorum and Eckington havve agreed to let us get an event page up and running as soon as we can to promote it instead of the usual 3 month limit. Thanks guys.


I have also been in touch with the US organizers and their only concern is that we do not use the same name. They will be discussing weblinks and my ideas at their next committee meeting.


I would like to see other countries do the same thing for the same time frame and make it a truly INTERNATIONAL EVENT but do not know who to contact in them, so if any come in here and read this forum thread, please run with the idea.


9 months to pull this together and I need lots of feedback as to how many might attend, what you would like to see at such an event etc


The general idea is to make it a camping event and you are not expected to stay all 5 days since it will start mid-week but to come and enjoy yourselves in a cache dense area with fellow cachers. Hopefully with enough support from Uk cachers we can possibly make this an annual event.


Ok now you can throw things at me!!!


Lynn ;)


Think about your target number of people. With a bit of luck, 2/3 of that number will have confirmed theu're coming a month before the event (although it might well be fewer than that). Say you want 200 people to come, for an average of 3 days each. What will you do if, a month before the start, you only have 30 ? Or if you already have 400 ?


I organised a "modest" event earlier this year (AlsaCache 2005: see GCMDAP) and had 40 teams, totalling 95 people and 8 dogs. This was a perfect size as I was able to prepare and hand out all the documentation, etc, from my home, I could send them SMS messages 40 at a go, etc. Once you get much bigger you need a committee to organise it all, and then you discover who your real friends are!


I was very glad that I wasn't doing anything about their accommodation apart from listing half a dozen phone numbers. I did organise one meal, but I know a good restaurant where you can eat well for 10 quid a head and turn up with 95 people with only three days' notice. Not sure if you have that... so people will have to do their own catering.


Also at AlsaCache 2005: I took a gamble (because I can afford to) and fronted the costs (about 480 Euros, not including car mileage over four months) myself. Then I passed a hat at the dinner, into which people placed 430 Euros - more than I'd expected! So I was able to advertise the event as "free", with the subheading "satisfaction or your money back". It takes a lot of the pressure off you. I suspect that for a bigger event, you will want to charge an entry fee... so prepare for nitpicking, no matter how small that fee is.


Finally, don't forget that lots of people, including many cachers, don't like camping - especially in the unpredictable British weather. About half the people at my event were in B&Bs, gites, hotels, etc.


Good luck!




I appreciate what you have said and know what I am letting myself in for. The Shropshire event in Sept already have over 100 coming with more coming for a day and the B&b's in the area are also getting calls from people who don't want to camp and haven't said they are attending. That is why I am starting now. I have a lead on a possible venue that will be both cheap and can hold up to 1000 people. Hopefully they will get back to me today.

Once I have an idea how this will go, I can make further inquiries into B&B's, hotels etc. But before I do all that I need to know if anyone would attend.


This sounds like a great idea, i obviously don't know what I am doing at that time, but if I can make it I will.


I have also been in touch with the US organizers and their only concern is that we do not use the same name.


That is wonderfull, I didn't realise that you could get your events trademarked, must dash out and get all of mine done.


No seriously, surely they can't impose that you don't have the same name. How about Geowoodstock UK. If you want other countries to take part, then the names should try and be nearly similar?


I was only thinking yesterday about a enormous geomeet/convention thingy. Where you could chat share and swapped stories, ideas and just have some good old laughter. I would be up for attending a regualr event. As long as it has easy access for people without cars.

Posted (edited)

I only posted a message on the Scottish forum about this yesterday, and emailed round some others who do not frequent it. Already there is interest in the idea: 4 maybes and 4 definites.


If you get the date and venue sorted out soon, I'm sure that there will be a Scottish contingent. Yorkshire is within a reasonable distance from Scotland; there is even interest from the far North.

Edited by Firth of Forth

There's a nice little town, more or less in the middle of England, called - err - Woodstock.


Perhaps if your meet was in that area, you could call it "Geo meet, Woodstock" or something similar.


Surely no-one would object to that, if that was where it was?




Bob ALdridge

Posted (edited)

Brilliant idea, definitely would attent it.


Initial random thoughts...

You would need to get some local bands to provide music for the events.

It might be worth contacting the likes of Magellan, Garmin, Memory Map, TomTom etc.

Food providers would also be needed.

Also with the numbers you are thinking over 5 days, you are going to need good sanitary arangements.

Asking a farmer to hire a field might be a good idea to ensure the event is private (ie Geocachers only)

Edited by Bekandian

Sounds like agood excuse to dust off the dome ;) next year. So yes you should be able to count us 5 in.

Shall check out the details for the US bash in the meantime (any chance of a link?)

With enough time UK coins could be minted, geocaching gear could be obtained from Groundspeak, special geotags ?? etc as well.

I would guess the numbers at next weekends meet will give a flavour of the minimum numbers that would attend.

As for the name if they really object to UK GeoWoodstock what was the UK equivalent to the original Woodstock festival?


Sounds like a really good idea, I will attend :-)


I have an idea for a location, the accepted geographical centre of the UK according to the OS is a place called Dunsop Bridge in the Bowland Forest It is a lovely area and very unspoilt maybe we could look around there.


Moote !!!!!!


This sounds like a great idea, I would cetainly be up for it (as with everyone else work dependant) I'm North Yorkshire based, but willing to travel most anywhere for a big event!! G Fest 06 here we come!!!


I ask for a link and then provide it myself

Geowoodstock III

It appears looking at the profile page that they organise the event into several event caches ie one for being at the meet and greet, one for attending etc so that you can get lots of smileys just for being there all week.

Other sponsors

Jeep UK, outdoor shops.

Sounds like a task and a half maybe the commitee idea is worth looking into?


I suggested in the chat room we go for a quintessentially British name!


How about "Ye Olde Worlde Cache Event, a celebration of Magickal Maps beamed from the Heavens, a Rollicking Roller Coaster of a Week with a couple of Hot Gypsies Throwne in For Good Measure"


too wordy?


Thanks for all the positive response so far. I am taking it all on board and am sure there will be lots of discussion at the Shrops event. Yes I will need a committee and if you want to volunteer just e-mail me and tell me what interests you the most (workwise please LOL)

GeoWoodstock UK is not out of the question but am waiting for a response from the person who coined the phrase Geowoodstock.

I do not know how to do links (that is Martins job) but you can go to the Organized Geocaching forum and find it there. It has been requested that we do not post anything about our event as they want to keep it "STRICTLY ON TOPIC" so please do not upset them.

Music, food, bars etc have not been looked into at this point as this idea is only a couple of days old and I haven't confirmed the venue yet.

Keep the ideas coming..all suggestions welcome

GeoWoodstock UK is not out of the question but am waiting for a response from the person who coined the phrase Geowoodstock.

I wasn't quite old enough at the time, but it seems like the equivalent name would be Geo-Isle-of-Wight. Of course, that would make clothing optional. ;)


Be careful with music, or bars serving anything beyond shandy. You will attract gatecrashers (and even if you don't, the police will expect that you will), the attention of the licensing authorities, and - depending on who you contract to do it - hostility from local publicans. You're already probably going to have to deal with a lot of people who will think it's some kind of New Age festival with "drugs" and "hippies" etc. (The word "woodstock" in the name probably won't help much there either.)

Posted (edited)

Another good idea for a location would be in the Peak District, Why? You might ask, well it is well serviced by the UK motorway Network, M6 to the West and South and the M1 to the East and M62 to the North, as well as many other main arteries which skirt around or through it. Also when you look at the list of major cities within 60 miles of the Peak District that can only help with getting a high attendance


Birmingham 60 miles

Leicester 55 miles

Lincoln 55 miles

Manchester 25 miles

Leeds 35 miles

Sheffield 12 Miles

Liverpool 50 miles

Nottingham 35 miles

Derby 30 miles

Stoke-on-Trent 35 miles

Bradford 30 miles

London 150 miles

Bristol 130 Miles

And 200 from Glasgow and Edinburgh


Distances is rough from the Castleton / Hope area, and there are plenty of places to stay and also lots of really good caches.


If I come up with anymore Ideas I will be glad to help and if you require any help count me in




Milton (aka Moote)

Edited by moote

I may be able to help find a venue, due to various contacts I have. I will send one of my likely chums a speculative email to see what he thinks. As long as people don't mind 'rough camping' (ie porta loos but no showers or electricty etc) then it should be possible to find something.


Hi lynne

I have another option


We camped recently at the international site at Henley on Thames - huge site

plenty of room for 200 odd cachers - puncuate that how you like!


Easy access to




K and A Series

Ridgeway Series

Go Ape in Bracknell with 9 caches in the same wood


Easy access from motorway network


Anyway that is my 10 pennorth worth If I can help in any way let me know



We camped recently at the international site at Henley on Thames - huge site

plenty of room for 200 odd cachers - puncuate that how you like!

Was that Swiss Farm International? If so, that's a coincidence as we stayed there caching a few weeks ago.




Im liking the peak district idea to be fair...


although if you went for that option might wanna speak to the House Of Boo who are planning the Carry On Camping 2006 event....


Think the Bugs know someone who owns a campsite there. :huh:

We camped recently at the international site at Henley on Thames - huge site

plenty of room for 200 odd cachers - puncuate that how you like!

Was that Swiss Farm International? If so, that's a coincidence as we stayed there caching a few weeks ago.



Hi Joanne


That is the one - I wasn't caching really - taking the kids to see the sights of london (not my fault we walked by 7 was it) Oxford - (only six there) Swimming in Bracknell and a little stroll in the woods (4 of the SP series) and a short stroll from Thatcham to Newbury (oh a few caches fell in my hands!!)


I must go down and do some real caching down there somewhen!




It was the size of the fields that made it seem an ideal site - we were there for 7 nights and found the facilities ok the toilet block was clean and cleaned and only had to wait for a shower once (5 Minutes)


Also it woould be easy if we could convince some continential types to attend

Posted (edited)
Also it woould be easy if we could convince some continential types to attend

Realistically, your target "markets" in Europe are (1) Germany, (2) Benelux, (3) Denmark/Sweden. But in any case I wouldn't expect huge numbers from there. For example, I don't have a language problem :anitongue: and with 489 finds I'm in the "keen cacher" category, but I don't think I'm going to be able to attend, unless the dates are very favourable.


Still, as long as you aren't too far from somewhere accessible by low-cost airline and small cheap hire car, you shouldn't actually be putting European cachers off too much (compared to the overall distance and cost issue - the UK is perceived by most Europeans as being an expensive place to visit).


For example, germanwings.de flies to Stansted from Cologne/Bonn, and Ryanair flies there from several places in Scandinavia, Belgium, Holland, and Germany. So anywhere "north-ish of London" would be good from that point of view.

Edited by sTeamTraen

We've had a number of people from the continent attend Scottish events, when the events have coincided with their holidays. We even had a Dutch couple attend the cache bash in Talmine on the far North coast, who travelled in their converted fire engine. There are good ferry connections to Newcastle, Hull and Rosyth.


If the event is too far South, I doubt that many, if any, Scottish cachers would be able to attend.


I'd have to throw another vote in for Derbyshre. Anywhere much further south would be grossly unfair to the Jocks, who have a long drive even to get to Derbyshire.


There is no shortage of caches (the finest in the country some would say), no shortage of camping and B&B accomodation and most important of all, beer with a head. Don't force us down south where they drink that flat stuff. :anitongue::lol::unsure:


On another tack, hopefully by next year we will be living in Texas an hour's drive from GW IV, so we would be quite happy to co-ordinated things from over that end with regard to wireless and web cam hook ups.




After reading all these posts I know that there is absolutely no way everyone will be happy with location regardless of where it is held. I am trying to set up a committee to help with decisions. If you are interested in helping just let me know.


I have been looking forward to doing the Peak camping event next year and do not want to challenge that event with this one.


The American event will be taking place between May 25-28th and the idea was to have a web link with them so we need to stay with those dates and add a day or two if we want because it is a bank holiday weekend:)


I have been looking into a couple of possible venues as have a couple of others but no decision has been made yet. Rather a lot to take into consideration before making choices. When we get it narrowed down to 4 we will post them and get a general feel for which one people like best.


The event is 9 months away so start saving the pennies.



If the event is too far South, I doubt that many, if any, Scottish cachers would be able to attend.

likewise, if the event is too far North, I doubt that many, if any, Devon and Cornish cachers would be able to attend.


I think that a committee will be the only way to resolve the issue of location, we should get together ASAP and start working towards a place and then we all can start to plan our future :laughing:


I do think that everyone involved in the process should consider certain things including but not excluding any other factors:


1: Distance and Population base within a reasonable distance

2: Accessibility both by car and Public transport

3: Caching potential

4: Facilities available cost (Including a frothy beer supply for Slytherin) :lol:

5: Access from mainland Europe and Ireland


Point 5 should not be the most strict of criteria after all this is a UK event, but we should try as best as we can to make it an accessible location for our European / Irish brothers / sisters


I think that this list is a start for consideration, what we should not do is allow our own bias rule the venue, Lynn I know it will be hard to please all; but not everyone can win, it's just about balance and that is where having a set of criteria will help in making a fair choice


Milton (aka Moote)

OK good plan - now to work out a good venue for the committee to meet :lol::lol::lol:


Sorry I am just in one of those moods today! :laughing:

And can we have a vote about how the voting for the committee is going to be done. :huh::huh:


GAGB revisited - :D:lol:



Posted (edited)
I have been looking forward to doing the Peak camping event next year and do not want to challenge that event with this one.

Just thinking about this remark, there are many successful events all over the country and wherever the event is planned I'm sure that it will always be within 10's of miles of another events location although the date may be different. Just a thought here, but maybe we could get on board an organiser from a successful event and join the two up to make the UK event. As most events have not yet been planned for next year this is an ideal time to start communicating. After all it would more than likely increase the size of the event for the particular organiser, also we could move the event on yearly, but that one is for another day really


Milton (aka Moote)

Edited by moote


I would like to very much to attend and help at this event. It sounds great, I live near the Peak district so that would be nice but I am happy to travel to anywhere for such an event. It could be an event where everyone muggles (sorry about the pun) together. Thanks Team Maddie for coming up with this you seem to work hard for Geocachers.



but maybe we could get on board an organiser from a successful event and join the two up to make the UK event


I hope you weren't implying that Lynn has not herself organised such an event. Last years Shropshire Event I believe was very successfl and this years camping event is very well subscribed and hopefully will also be successful.


wherever the event is planned I'm sure that it will always be within 10's of miles of another events location although the date may be different.


Another consideration you may not be aware of being fairly new to the activity is that event organisers strive to have the event in an area which offers a reasonable number of local caches. Therefore even if the events are on different dates (and it would be extremely bad form to have it on the same date and general locality) the chances are that many attendees will have already bagged many if not all of the caches in the immediate area.


There are many things to consider when organising an event.




(The other half of Team Maddie)


I would go for the Peak District too as its central. And for those of you who are car-less like me then I would recommend the Peak Rail service running between Sheffield and Manchester. It stops all over the top of the Peaks and villages in between and has superb views. I go on it regulary when I visit Manchester from Leicester. Oh, and there are several large campsites and B+B's at the 'top' of the district :laughing:


I have organised large camping based events in the past via my main hobby :lol: , if you need any extra hands let me know via PM and I'll be happy to help if I can.

We even had a Dutch couple attend the cache bash in Talmine on the far North coast, who travelled in their converted fire engine.


Off topic I know, but did these people tow a caravan behind the fire engine FOF? If so we just saw a vintage fire engine pulling a caravan on the A5 this afternoon. Can't be that common a sight :laughing::lol::lol:





Team Maddie


I would never make an assumption on anyone's ability I'm sorry if my comments has been misunderstood. As for the second point; that is entirely my point; that is why I thought of merging a successful local event with your event so as you get no overlap.


I understand event organisation as I have been involved in the past, in organising events that have a multimillion pound budget and I realise the importance of attracting people to an event.


I was just bouncing ideas, but if my comments are unwelcome then I will shut up and leave the thread and wish you all well with this venture.


Milton (aka moot)


Hi Moote,

No problem, I think I simply misconstrued your suggestions and for that I also apologise. Of course, your ideas are most welcome and, incidentally, we are now contactng the prospective organisers of the COC event in The Peaks for their input.





I was just bouncing ideas, but if my comments are unwelcome then I will shut up and leave the thread and wish you all well with this venture.


Milton (aka moot)

Hi Milton


Do not go and take your ball with you!


There are not that many people that have organised geocaching events and there are only a few mad enough to do it regularly (Smiles at Mancunian Pyrocacher)


The problem that you have just walked into is that message board posts can seem a bit stark, as we cannot see the spirit in which things have been written.


As a newbie I found it difficult to realise how some posts could be acceptable and others caused people to take offence. Then I realised that it is a small community and there are those you can annoy because you know them (So i might get away with more teasing of Lynne and her ability to find the wrong turning as I have sat in pubs with her and we've visited each others caches).


I wouldn't have a go at Simply Paul or Birders coz I don't know em.


Anyway please stay we welcome help.


As to venue for the committee - I know a good pub in chester if you avoid jazz night!!


I have an idea


Ask all cache event organisers what they would have done different to make their event more successful



Posted (edited)
We even had a Dutch couple attend the cache bash in Talmine on the far North coast, who travelled in their converted fire engine.


Off topic I know, but did these people tow a caravan behind the fire engine FOF? If so we just saw a vintage fire engine pulling a caravan on the A5 this afternoon. Can't be that common a sight :P:P:P




Not sure about the caravan Martin.


This is a picture of it from the photo page (a great idea for an event btw) that SSmokin' created about the Scottish Cache Bash 2005 (so we're staying marginally on topic :rolleyes: )here



Edited by Firth of Forth
Posted (edited)

Thanks for that Sally,

Lynn and I just spent a happy few minutes looking through the linked page. I have to say that despite (or possibly because of) the weather, some of those pics remind me of geological field trips in Scotland and only serve to remind me of the wonderful scenery we left behind when we moved down here. It looks like everyone had a great time. One of these days we'll make it up there for one of your splendid do's.

The fire engine however is definitely not the one we witnessed today.




Edited by Team Maddie UK

Martin / Lynn


Sorry about my grumpy reply yesterday, I had a bad day yesterday and just got a little touchy, I hope that you can accept my apologies and I'm still willing to help :rolleyes:


Milton (aka moote)

Posted (edited)

Just a thought here, we could setup an internet access point at the campsite, I can supply a Server and 24 port network hub; could anyone supply:


A wireless router

A generator (assuming there is no electric hookup)

3G phone including software and hardware for connection to the internet

Web cam to show the Americans what we can do, have a temp Web-Cam Cache also :rolleyes:


I think we would have to give his a dry run before the meet.


Any thoughts on this everybody?


Milton (aka moote)

Edited by moote
Posted (edited)
Not sure about the caravan Martin. (a great idea for an event btw) that SSmokin' created about the Scottish Cache Bash 2005 (so we're staying marginally on topic  :rolleyes: )here




Isnt it a small world... Alibags and I know other Dutch fire engine owners who Geocache - We all meet via our other hobby. It occasionally tows a canon too :P

Might see them in October as it happens. :P

Edited by Drum Major

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