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San Diego Geocoin Club (sdgc)


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Did anyone put in a club pre-order for Nevada?


If anyone received an extra New Mexico please let me know.


PS I should have some coins for the club tomorrow...will make a post then.

Did anyone put in a club pre-order for Nevada?


If anyone received an extra New Mexico please let me know.


PS I should have some coins for the club tomorrow...will make a post then.

You can still get a few New Mexico's from the owner...

Did anyone put in a club pre-order for Nevada?


If anyone received an extra New Mexico please let me know.


PS I should have some coins for the club tomorrow...will make a post then.

You can still get a few New Mexico's from the owner...

I e-mailed Her/Him ?

On the 22 or 27 of October and was told sorry.


Thanks f0t0m0m ...if you have any for the "FNG" me I would be stoked.

FYI - I will be dumping this guy off in the SD area later this week if anyone wants to grab it and move it along.  RM

bringing it to the CITO event? It might be nice to see another icon on my stats page. <_<

Posted (edited)
FYI - I will be dumping this guy off in the SD area later this week if anyone wants to grab it and move it along.  RM

bringing it to the CITO event? It might be nice to see another icon on my stats page. <_<

Unfortunately I can't make the events this weekend (although I would love to) because we will be busy moving out of our house. I will see if I can pass the coin to Trailgators who maybe can bring it to the event. Thanks for the idea. RM


Edit: I talked to TG and he will bring the coin to the event. I hope you guys have a great time there.

Edited by Rocket Man
FYI - I will be dumping this guy off in the SD area later this week if anyone wants to grab it and move it along.  RM

bringing it to the CITO event? It might be nice to see another icon on my stats page. :anibad:

Unfortunately I can't make the events this weekend (although I would love to) because we will be busy moving out of our house. I will see if I can pass the coin to Trailgators who maybe can bring it to the event. Thanks for the idea. RM


Edit: I talked to TG and he will bring the coin to the event. I hope you guys have a great time there.

Make sure TG gets it into my hands.....I have a deserving cache this should go into, no urban micros!!


BTW. This is the rarer version of the Selictive Availibilty geocoin which is red. The green is for first time subscribers who subscribe in September....so somewhat saught after by those geocoin gurus......that's why we need to get it into a cache they can't reach! :anitongue:

PassingWind :anitongue:


Ok...club...The coins I figured would be here today did not show???


I pre-ordered for, the club, the Jeeper coin, Colombia coin and Nevada (but I think every-one did the Nevada).


I paid for (the club) for the other Nevada (NGA) coin.


And thanks PW I was able to get in on the New Mexico and San Fran.

Ok...club...The coins I figured would be here today did not show???


I pre-ordered for, the club, the Jeeper coin, Colombia coin and Nevada (but I think every-one did the Nevada).


I paid for (the club) for the other Nevada (NGA) coin.


And thanks PW I was able to get in on the New Mexico and San Fran.

Jeeper coin ? I can't keep track! :anitongue:


Trackable Smashed Penny For Sale


Bikedog Personal Elongated Coin


Each coin is unique so you can watch it travel from cache to cache.




Ebay Listing


Or if you are in San Diego look in a few local caches, I'll be getting them out.

Just purchased the Oklahoma Native Americans coin for the club.


PS...Is anyone buying besides the "FNG" :D

SWEET!! Thanks GoBolt.....was out an missed it but I'll keep my eyes peeled for future group purchases, I need to get my butt in gear.


BTW...does FNG = Military term, 'F**** New Guy' usually someone just out of training or just transfered into the unit/AO, who either hasn't proved his worth or doesn't know how to operate properly due to lack of experiance.


"Damnit, nearly everyone here is an FNG, we'll be wiped out on the next op"

Just purchased the Oklahoma Native Americans coin for the club.


PS...Is anyone buying besides the "FNG"  :D

SWEET!! Thanks GoBolt.....was out an missed it but I'll keep my eyes peeled for future group purchases, I need to get my butt in gear.


BTW...does FNG = Military term, 'F**** New Guy' usually someone just out of training or just transfered into the unit/AO, who either hasn't proved his worth or doesn't know how to operate properly due to lack of experiance.


"Damnit, nearly everyone here is an FNG, we'll be wiped out on the next op"

Yes...lol you have it.


I was just curious...I have noticed that on sevral of the coins I have purchesed for the group...that before or after I made the purches...other group menbers have purchesed one, two or five coins them selves. Do we need to adjust the quantities or ????

I was just curious...I have noticed that on sevral of the coins I have purchesed for the group...that before or after I made the purches...other group menbers have purchesed one, two or five coins them selves. Do we need to adjust the quantities or ????


As long as you stick to the 15 coins, you should be good. I will always be in for my 2. If I like the coin, I may buy more myself. I know fOtOmOm usually buys 5-10 over and above the group purchase as well.


Keep up the good work.

I was just curious...I have noticed that on sevral of the coins I have purchesed for the group...that before or after I made the purches...other group menbers have purchesed one, two or five coins them selves. Do we need to adjust the quantities or ????


As long as you stick to the 15 coins, you should be good. I will always be in for my 2. If I like the coin, I may buy more myself. I know fOtOmOm usually buys 5-10 over and above the group purchase as well.


Keep up the good work.

ok...sorry...was just a little worried about being stuck...


But I just looked in my e-mail.


Seems like I picked up on some that others (outside the club) missed out on and the Geo-coin world just became my friend. :D

I was just curious...I have noticed that on sevral of the coins I have purchesed for the group...that before or after I made the purches...other group menbers have purchesed one, two or five coins them selves. Do we need to adjust the quantities or ????


As long as you stick to the 15 coins, you should be good. I will always be in for my 2. If I like the coin, I may buy more myself. I know fOtOmOm usually buys 5-10 over and above the group purchase as well.


Keep up the good work.

ok...sorry...was just a little worried about being stuck...


But I just looked in my e-mail.


Seems like I picked up on some that others (outside the club) missed out on and the Geo-coin world just became my friend. :D

Don't forget you can, and probably should, invoice us thru paypal once you get enough coins in hand or just after you've placed an order for the coins and want to get payed.....should make life a bit easier for you and help the others account for what they have coming in. Word.



GoBoltz... I have been busy the last week moving my Mom, so I haven't seen things as early as you... I will try to get back to where I can see things and order....


Where did I miss Colombia, Jeeper, and Oklahoma Native... I didn't see anything on any of these? Are there links to where to order?


GoBoltz... I will send you a f0t0m0m coin of your own tomorrow....


I received 18 of the Silver SirGerald coins that were ordered for the group today...these were ordered at a time when we didn't have a good feel for what the group wanted to concentrate on... please let me know if you want some of them.....

I received 18 of the Silver SirGerald coins that were ordered for the group today...these were ordered at a time when we didn't have a good feel for what the group wanted to concentrate on... please let me know if you want some of them.....

I'll take 2 Please.


How much I owe you?


Ordered my 5 Iowa coins today.

There are NO extra coins available.

Posted (edited)

Sent e-mail to the Cachers on the order list.

If you didn't get it let me know.

Also if you don't need/want the coins let me know.

Edited by GoBolts!
Yesterday I recieved my 2 Big Bear Gold coins and WOW!!!!!!!! the prettiest of any of my coins. :D

I used to live/work in Big Bear...If anyone can hook me up I would????


No PW...I won't do that! :D

I received 18 of the Silver SirGerald coins that were ordered for the group today...these were ordered at a time when we didn't have a good feel for what the group wanted to concentrate on... please let me know if you want some of them.....

I'll take two off your hands.


Posted (edited)

I ordered 15 Delaware coins for the club. GC.com trackable :D


I could only order one LE coin though.


I was sent an e-mail to try out. (Asked not to give it out).

The site comes up Friday. Order your own LEs.

$8.00 for the regulars.

$12.00 for the LE.

Edited by nscaler
I ordered 15 Delaware coins for the club. GC.com trackable :D


I could only order one LE coin though.


I was sent an e-mail to try out. (Asked not to give it out).

The site comes up Friday. Order your own LEs.

$8.00 for the regulars.

$12.00 for the LE.

Sweet!! Thanks nscaler.


Dela-What's with the chicken/rooster/cock/fowl/barnyard rodent ?



Ok...club...The coins I figured would be here today did not show???


I pre-ordered for, the club, the Jeeper coin, Colombia coin and Nevada (but I think every-one did the Nevada).


I paid for (the club) for the other Nevada (NGA) coin.


And thanks PW I was able to get in on the New Mexico and San Fran.

Did it on the 8th.


Post pre-order is in for the Jepper.

Yesterday I recieved my 2 Big Bear Gold coins and WOW!!!!!!!!  the prettiest of any of my coins.  :rolleyes:

I used to live/work in Big Bear...If anyone can hook me up I would????


No PW...I won't do that! :ph34r:

I got two..... :ph34r: And no I won't do that either! :huh:


OK I'm losing it.....lets get our feet on the ground so we can identify our preorders and purchases to avoid any duplications. When posting updates please quote and add to this list.



-Nevada (NGA): purchased

-JeeperMTJ's: purchasing

-Columbia: pre-ordered

-CacheHunters42: pre-ordered

-Okalahoma Native American: pre-ordered

-Kilted Cacher: purchased

-nielsenc: purchased



-North Carolina: purchased

-Sir Gerald: in hand

-New Mexico: in hand



-Delaware: purchased

-Arizona: pre-ordered

-Alabama: purchased

-New York: purchased

-South Carolina: purchased



-Alabama: purchased

-KansasPC: in hand

-Moose: purchased

-Red-Handed: purchased


How does that look? :rolleyes:


Posted (edited)

-Nevada (NGA): purchased

-JeeperMTJ's: purchasing

-Columbia: pre-ordered

-CacheHunters42: purchased

-Okalahoma Native American: purchased

-Kilted Cacher: purchased

-nielsenc: in hand

-Iowa: purchased (only 12 so if others ordered would like to keep extra)

-Nevada (orange hippo):  pre-ordered



-North Carolina: purchased

-Sir Gerald: in hand

-New Mexico: in hand



-Delaware: purchased

-Arizona: pre-ordered

-Alabama: purchased

-New York: purchased

-South Carolina: purchased



-Alabama: purchased

-KansasPC: in hand

-Moose: purchased

-Red-Handed: purchased


How does that look?  :rolleyes:



Edited by GoBolts!

Update: Also I have Canine Cacher #1 in hand... the New Mexico order has still not arrived (I have asked 9key to check on that, no response yet)... Pennsylvania is on order.


I have plenty of Iowa on order, so if we're short, I don't need to take any

It's getting kind of crazy again.


2 state coins each.

50 states

$8.00 a coin.

2 x 50 x 8 = $800.00

JUST state coins!


GAA :o

What I meant was this is getting kind of expensive!

$800 a year is a lot of money and there are a lot of private coins coming out.

GoBolts is spending a lot of money and that is not fair to him.

Do we have to get every single coin that comes out?


Off of soapbox now.

C4, you okay after the CITO event?


I have an idea to save postage for the local members. I've done this before with FishPoet. You leave a coin drop somewhere and give the recipient the coords and any other details by e-mail. They pick it up at their convenience. Money can be PayPaled as PW and I have done.


Just an Idea.

It's getting kind of crazy again.


2 state coins each.

50 states

$8.00 a coin.

2 x 50 x 8 = $800.00

JUST state coins!


GAA :o

What I meant was this is getting kind of expensive!

$800 a year is a lot of money and there are a lot of private coins coming out.

GoBolts is spending a lot of money and that is not fair to him.

Do we have to get every single coin that comes out?


Off of soapbox now.

C4, you okay after the CITO event?


I have an idea to save postage for the local members. I've done this before with FishPoet. You leave a coin drop somewhere and give the recipient the coords and any other details by e-mail. They pick it up at their convenience. Money can be PayPaled as PW and I have done.


Just an Idea.

I am cool...with the set-up at this time...

Also I am drive all over the county...and my time is flexable...It is easy for me to meet people/make drop offs.

Posted (edited)


-Nevada (NGA): purchased

-JeeperMTJ's: purchased

-Columbia: pre-ordered

-CacheHunters42: purchased

-Okalahoma Native American: purchased

-Kilted Cacher: purchased

-nielsenc: in hand

-Iowa: purchased (only 12 so if others ordered I would like to keep the extra)

-Nevada (orange hippo): pre-ordered



-North Carolina: purchased

-Sir Gerald: in hand

-New Mexico: in hand



-Delaware: purchased

-Arizona: pre-ordered

-Alabama: purchased

-New York: purchased

-South Carolina: purchased



-Alabama: purchased

-KansasPC: in hand

-Moose: purchased

-Red-Handed: purchased


Up-date JeeperMTJ coin paid for

Edited by GoBolts!
Posted (edited)
Up-date  JeeperMTJ coin paid for

How'd ya do that before they go on sale? Inquiring minds want to know! :mad:

Because I am the SDGC's FNG!


Edited by GoBolts!
Up-date  JeeperMTJ coin paid for

How'd ya do that before they go on sale? Inquiring minds want to know! :mad:

Because I am the SDGC's FNG!




I was part of the "Group, pre-order, pre-sale"!




:huh: Will you be our friend?!? :(




Posted (edited)
Up-date  JeeperMTJ coin paid for

How'd ya do that before they go on sale? Inquiring minds want to know! :mad:

Because I am the SDGC's FNG!




:huh: Will you be our friend?!? :(




With all of the e-mail I am getting...I think half of the Geo-coin community wants to be my friend. :(


PS My friends allways start by sending my their coin. :lol:

Edited by GoBolts!

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