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San Diego Geocoin Club (sdgc)


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OK.... so if I understand it correctly, if I see a new item available for purchase, I would look to see if the group had already ordered by checking the ordering thread and this thread, if not, then I would buy 8 for the group... 2 each for the 4 of us, plus whatever extra I wanted, and then post here what was ordered here, so that all would be informed...If I see that the group has already ordered, I would assume that 2 (assuming at least 8 were ordered) of the ordered coins are destined for me, and I would adjust my personal order accordingly...


Then financially, we all settle up at some interval of time (maybe every few months)


Does that sound right?


Also... I have an order of German coins (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) coming in the next few days


And... I just may have an inside track at acquiring some of the new "f0t0m0m" coins due out in mid-Sept.

Posted (edited)

*** Updated list: 08/31/05 ***


States coins:

Arizona -10 nscaler

California -get from Steve ! (PW) 1 from J&J :lol:

Colorado -?

Maryland -nscaler (10 ordered) -PW ordered 1 (wife)

Minnesota -in development, requested PW - 4, C4 - 5

Michigan -C4 (?)

Nevada -in development

New Jersey -C4 or nscaler - 4 (?)

New York - nscaler - 5

North Dakota -C4 (?)

Ohio -? (check for trades?)

South Carolina - nscaler - 10

Tennessee - nscaler-10 C4-5

Washington -nscaler - 5 -PW ordered 1 (wife)

Wisconsin - C4 - 8 ordered - on waiting list

Wyoming -on order, requested 2. nscaler 2 silver/ 2 bronze


Canadian coins:

British Columbia -?

Calgary -PW 1 bronze rec'd 08/30/05 :lol:


Personal coins:

Avroair -6 nscaler

Camp Explorer -?

Compass Rose - nscaler - 10

fOtOmOm - fOtOmOm :D

KTAG - C4 - 10

Opticsboy - nscaler - 4 metal - 40 chips

VA cache - nscaler - 6 Rec'd 08/31/05 :ph34r:


Event coins:

G.O.N.E. ?

GeoBash ? - private PW

Geowoodstock III -?

Geowoodstock IV



GeoCoin Club -subscribe (PW)

German -do you know of anyone ordering these ? fOtOmOm ?

U.K. -on waiting list (or get from C4 or nscaler ?)

USA -purchase online

Edited by PassingWind
Posted (edited)

You got it pretty well right Jim. Very informal. I probably don't need two of each coin, but will take them (trade extra). :lol:

Interested in the German coins - we'll see :ph34r:

And yes, I think you do have some leverage with a certain upcoming personal geocoin :lol:


And we are sort of working on a San Diego Geocoin. I would think there would be some interest - not just locally, but countrywide.


It also depends on how well the coin is done. There are some interesting personal coins out there. And some boring looking State coins. :D


C4, PW and I met at our recent local geoevent (8/21/05).

Edited by nscaler

Tired of getting no response :P . Okay, I got bored :P

Tried my hand at a basic San Diego Geocoin.

Found a picture of the California Tower at the Balboa Park Web site.

I put the SDGC in the number because a plain SD could be mistaken for South Dakota.

Nothing set in concrete.

I'm using printshop pro and haven't figured out how to curve the letters yet.






Looks good for a start...That's a great building... I don't think I've ever seen that building, but there is much of San Diego I have not explored...


When I think of San Diego, I think of the more touristy spots like the Zoo, and Sea World and the building down there that stands out in my mind is the Hotel del Coronado....


I need to come down there sometime and cache... I haven't done any caching in the San Diego area yet....


The Del Coronado pictures look great!!!...


I've decided I'd like to go ahead and join the SDGC group. As my first SDGC act, I will promise send each of the current members one of our new f0t0m0m coins when they arrive in mid-Sept.


I don't ask to share in those items that you've already acquired or ordered, just to be included in future purchases. However, I am always willing to purchase excess coins, if you somehow end up with more than you wanted.


So, as I understand it, that makes the standard # of coins to order for the group 8.

Posted (edited)

Welcome Jim! (and your coins :huh: )

Already an order for 65 coins? Cool <_<

So I guess we are at six members?









And coin orders:


bullitt - 65

Camel680 - 2

Edited by nscaler
Posted (edited)

After I get back from vacation, if we want to work out an order for German Coins... I have a resource in Germany that will buy them for me, have them shipped to him, and then ship them to me. He just picked some up for me, and they are on their way right now. They are great for trading for some of the more difficult to obtain coins....But they are not cheap.. they are at least double what most coins here sell for...

Edited by f0t0m0m
After I get back from vacation, if we want to work out an order for German Coins... I have a resource in German that will buy them for me, have them shipped to him, and then ship them to me. He just picked some up for me, and they are on their way right now. They are great for trading for some of the more difficult to obtain coins....But they are not cheap.. they are at least double what most coins here sell for...

thats great fOtOmOm !! count me in on the German coins


Jim, I also noticed in your collection, eight Wisconsin coins. ;)

C4 tried to get some and is on the waiting list.


Hold them for us?

Pretty please? :laughing:

Posted (edited)
So, as I understand it, that makes the standard # of coins to order for the group 8.

I think eight will work for now.

I really don't need more than one coin for my collection(Well most of the time).

Also, we will probably be adding more members as we go.


Update: order for two more SDGC coins!

Edited by nscaler
Jim, I also noticed in your collection, eight Wisconsin coins. 

C4 tried to get some and is on the waiting list.


I forgot to post that they contacted me, and had a few trades drop out. I have at least one for NScaler, and Passing Wind. (They were the only ones I knew I was buying for at the time!)




p.s. My connection was down at home, so I may be out of touch for the weekend. Have a safe holiday weekend. And Jim, have safe travels for vacation, I'll have your back for any unexpected releases!)


p.p.s. I got notification today that my personal coins should be here Wednesday! Yippee!

Posted (edited)
First attempt at a couple of versions of a San Diego County Geocachers geocoin. Thanks to Jamey Ritter Designs!  :laughing:


Cool! :)

I like the top left the most.


It's SDGC not SCDG - I know. Knitpicking.

How about SDGC5000 like the CA coin. The 5 signifies 2005.

Put something like:

SDGC.geocoin.net instead of geocaching.com. Marky (I'm sure) will host for us(free).

Not sure we need the state symbol on the back. County outline? ;)


Just my 1.99995 cents worth ;)

Edited by nscaler

I'm not in San Diego anymore, but i'd be interested in a coin club, i'm interested in getting at least 2 of any new coins coming out. and so many come out i cant keep up!


i have 3 washington 2005 and 2 or 3 new jersey on the way as well.



Posted (edited)

Well with that 6 in your call sign, obviously you are from CA :laughing: (KE6VUP here).

I guess we can let a zonie join, huh?



Here is a county outline to use.


Edited by nscaler

I just recieved my Northwest Penn coin. Its very similar to the moun10bike, with the geo 4 colors and foot prints. Looks to me like the SD county would lend itself to that treatment. Colors and perhaps the Palomar Observatory. The surf board is nice but what that got to do with caching. :laughing:

I just recieved my Northwest Penn coin. Its very similar to the moun10bike, with the geo 4 colors and foot prints. Looks to me like the SD county would lend itself to that treatment. Colors and perhaps the Palomar Observatory. The surf board is nice but what that got to do with caching. :laughing:

I was hoping to generate some ideas of a San Diego County Geocachers Geocoin that would relate to what "is" San Diego County. Obviously, the desert, mountains, and beaches make up our county along with our Spanish heritage. The goal was to combine these scenes in a way that say's "Thats San Diego County", and not focus to much on "geocaching" related items for the front of the coin, those can go on the back of the coin. Remember, if this coin is produced people around the world will recognize...."That's San Diego" !


Please, continue with the comments and recommendations !! Thanks :laughing:

Posted (edited)

I agree PW.

How about landmarks (like the Tennessee coin has) placed over the county outline?

Palomar Observatory in the upper right.

A surfer upper left (along the coast).

A dune buggy lower right.

California tower lower left.

Maybe something in the middle (forest?).

This will show the diversity of the county. :laughing:

Edited by nscaler
Posted (edited)

Here is an idea on the back.


images can be added.


P.S. I just noticed that C4 and Fotomom both ordered 5 each of the SC coin that I ordered 10 of.

C4 and fotomom also ordered 5 each of the ND coins. Hmmm.... :laughing:

Edited by nscaler

Had an idea for whenever we get together. The local members can be together - wherever (pizza?). I bring my laptop and communicate with our out of town members with wireless connection. Trades are made in person and internet. Then just one package of coins exchanged with out of towners until next meeting.

I see this as the only way this can work out, what with the price of gas (gulp) :D .


Yes I did. :huh:


Now, the question is, do I need to up the order?


I am covering for fOtOmOm while they are on vacation. He wants 5 untrackable, 10 trackable of any coin. It appears this may be trackable if the response is high enough.


Also, they are accepting orders until the 10th, so there isn't fear of them running out.


How many are we ordering for the club these days?


Once I know that, I can up the quantity accordingly, or, since there isn't a rush, others can place orders as well.



Posted (edited)

I'm easy. Just one, State or Personal. And not every single coin out there. Besides any coin I may not want, up for trades.


Off the soapbox. :huh:

Edited by nscaler

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