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San Diego Geocoin Club (sdgc)


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Posted (edited)

What I have coming so far.


Compass Rose - 10


Maryland - 10


New Jersey - 4


Nevada - posted interest - no response from Orange Hippo ;)


South Carolina - 10


Tennessee - 10


Washington - 5


Wyoming - 2 silver / 2 bronze - I think.


Charter members:





Edited by nscaler
Posted (edited)
What I have coming so far.


Compass Rose - 10


Maryland - 10


New Jersey - 4


Nevada - posted interest - no response from Orange Hippo ;)


South Carolina - 10


Tennessee - 10


Washington - 5


Wyoming - 2 silver / 2 bronze - I think.


Charter members:





Kilted Cacher - 5 (if he sells them)

Edited by nscaler

Thanks nscaler for getting this thread up and running!


These are on my radar....help if you can! ;)


Calgary -XRN95 sending me 1 bronze

Compass Rose -order online

GB Geocoin ?

GeoCoin Club -need to subscribe

German -do you know of anyone ordering these ?

Geowoodstock ?

U.K. -sent e-mail, on waiting list (or get from C4 or nscaler ?)

USA -can purchase online



California -on waiting list

Colorado ?

Maryland -nscaler (10 ordered)

Minnesota -in progress of development, requested 4

Michigan -C4 (?)

New Jersey -C4 or nscaler (?)

North Dakota -C4 (?)

Ohio ?

Tennessee -C4 or nscaler(?)

Washington -nscaler(?)

Wyoming -on order, requested 2


I see no problem with anyone not in San Diego. I don't know about the others though. Have you looked in the forums for any groups near you? I doubt there are any. But I've heard that the COOL group orders lots of coins. 115 coins at a time. I'm hoping to keep this a small group. We'll see. :huh:


Actually, COOL is not accepting any new members if I am not mistaken.


I don't have any problems with someone from outside the area joining. You'll just miss the pizza parties we have when we hand out coins! :huh:




I ehar of Cool...... but as you stated theya re full.


I might jsut try to get the same thign started in my area here as well. Cool is a little further away than I can join the pizza parties also.


BUt it might give me a good reason to drive to southern california also!!! HAHA


Well, if it doesn't work out up there, come join us (well not in the physical sense).

You would think there would be someone in the San Francisco/Sacramento area interested, huh? :huh:


Well I looked around for it but couldn't find it. I'll keep searching. It is a lot of work trying to get sdome of these coins!!! HAHA takes longer to do this research than some of the harder code caches i have don!


I would also like to join the Coin club. I have

3 2004 Cal

30 2005 Cal

1 Conejo Cachers

1 Texas

1 gold Alaska

3 2004 Washinton

2 gold Canada

1 Tennesee

1 Woodstock III

New Jersey comming

Nevada on order plus some others I can't even remeber now

I would also like to join the Coin club. I have

3 2004 Cal

30 2005 Cal

1 Conejo Cachers

1 Texas

1 gold Alaska

3 2004 Washinton

2 gold Canada

1 Tennesee

1 Woodstock III

New Jersey comming

Nevada on order plus some others I can't even remeber now

Sweet !! welcome fisnjack...when we goin fishing? :anitongue:


There was a new coin released sometime today in the coin thread. By the time I saw it, there were only 19 left. I tried to grab 8, then upped it to 10, but someone edited their post asking for all 19 at the same time!


I guess we'll have to wait and see if they include my order or not. I'll keep you posted.



Welcome Fisnjack! I remember you at the geoevent.

I see C4 ordered 8 Wisconsin coins. Good job sir! :laughing:

I'll keep the list running....


Calgary -XRN95 sending me 1 bronze

Compass Rose -order online

GB Geocoin ?

GeoCoin Club -need to subscribe

German -do you know of anyone ordering these ?

Geowoodstock ?

U.K. -sent e-mail, on waiting list (or get from C4 or nscaler ?)

USA -can purchase online



California -on waiting list

Colorado ?

Maryland -nscaler (10 ordered)

Minnesota -in progress of development, requested 4

Michigan -C4 (?)

New Jersey -C4 or nscaler (?)

North Dakota -C4 (?)

Ohio ?

Tennessee -C4 or nscaler(?)

Washington -nscaler(?)

Wisconsin -nscaler (8 on order)

Wyoming -on order, requested 2



When ordering coins, put in you are ordering for the SDGC group. Maybe they will give preference to a group? I know bullit is from the Bay Area Group, but he didn't say it.

Posted (edited)

Also ordering some Opticsboy metal coins (4) and C4 had already ordered 2.


I'm also getting 40 of his "chips" @ .70 cents each for myself.

Of course, they will be available to the club, just my purchase.

Edited by nscaler
Ordered six of these for SDGC:


Also called the Donbadabon geocoin :(

Sweet thanks guys for placing these orders....I would have missed them.


Count me in for at least one each for any Personal Sig coins..........


I love the Virginia coin because I'm a hard core SCUBA diver. :wub:


Okay, guys (no gals yet) when you purchase any coins please:


1. Check first to see if anyone in the club has already ordered any (here and any previous posts on that thread).


2. Say you are purchasing for SDGC. (I even put SDGC spelled out in my signature)


3. Post here you have purchased the coin (a picture would be great) and how many.


And how many coins do we order? I've been ordering six now.


And we need someplace to keep a list of what coins have been ordered and by whom (great word). I'm putting all the coins I order (and trading for) on my cointracking page. Only $18 for a year and they are adding a PayPal option. That is how I ordered the VA cache coins.

The cointracking site is just an idea. If you could post your coins on a web site (yahoo is still free) and post your "coin list" in your signature line like I have.

Hmm... I just remembered that I have a personal web site at geocities (owned by yahoo) that I could use.

Self: Leave memo to self :D

Posted (edited)

Updated list: (copied from above and added stuff )


Calgary -XRN95 sending me 1 bronze - private PW trade

GB Geocoin ? - private PW trade

GeoCoin Club -need to subscribe

German -do you know of anyone ordering these ?

Geowoodstock ?

U.K. -sent e-mail, on waiting list (or get from C4 or nscaler ?)

USA -can purchase online



California -on waiting list

Colorado ?

Maryland -nscaler (10 ordered)

Minnesota -in progress of development, requested PW - 4, C4 - 5

Michigan -C4 (?)

New Jersey -C4 or nscaler - 4 (?)

New York - nscaler - 5

North Dakota -C4 (?)

Ohio ? (check for trades?)

South Carolina - nscaler - 10

Tennessee - nscaler - 10

Washington -nscaler - 5

Wisconsin - C4 - 8 ordered - on waiting list

Wyoming -on order, requested 2. nscaler 2 silver/ 2 bronze


Personal coins:

Compass Rose - nscaler - 10

KTAG - C4 - 10

Opticsboy - nscaler - 4 metal - 40 chips

VA cache - nscaler - 6


any updates/corrections? Cut and paste list and correct.


Edited by nscaler

Sorry guys, I haven't been able to keep up with where we are at, but I just saw a post from Hammerjane for the new KTAG coins. (Kentucky Tennessee area Geocachers)


It looks like they are going fast, so I ordered 10 for the club.



Posted (edited)

Thanks Dave,

I wasn't sure to get them or not. There are a lot of personal coins out there.

I updated the list above.


Edited by nscaler

I knew that all of us weren't in to the personal coins, but since this was more of a club coin, I went ahead. However, saying that, if anyone doesn't want this one, no worries. They limited it to 500, so that is rare enough that I will hang on to extras for trade bait.




This from the Minnesota Geocoin process:


" As far as our coin, we're actually in the final stages of choosing a design. We've kicked around many ideas, including some similar to what you asked about. Hopefully, we'll publish our final design choices for a vote soon. "

Posted (edited)
I knew that all of us weren't in to the personal coins, but since this was more of a club coin, I went ahead. However, saying that, if anyone doesn't want this one, no worries. They limited it to 500, so that is rare enough that I will hang on to extras for trade bait.



And you thought the Wisconsin coins sold out fast! (12 hours) The KTAG sold out in six! :ph34r:

Edited by nscaler
This from the Minnesota Geocoin process:


" As far as our coin, we're actually in the final stages of choosing a design. We've kicked around many ideas, including some similar to what you asked about. Hopefully, we'll publish our final design choices for a vote soon. "

I see that C4 ordered 5 and PW ordered another 4. Extras can be used for trades - no problem. :ph34r:

About getting together - A lot of these new coins aren't coming out until Mid-September. Sometime after that? Tentative date? Sept. 24th in the evening? I'll be out of town 10/1 - 10/8 on a Cruise. Mexican Riviera :lol: Get some Cabo caches.


Hi Group,


We may need to exchange numbers for important info!


I joined a group last month that is making 4 coins per year. It is a Northwest group, but they opened it up to anyone. The membership is limited to 50 members, and each member only gets 2 coins per issue. That will make them all very limited.


I just got a message that there are now 4 openings. First come first served.


If you are interested log in here. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PNGG/



Posted (edited)

*** Updated list: 08/30/05 ***


States coins:

Arizona -10 nscaler

California -get from Steve ! (PW)

Colorado -?

Maryland -nscaler (10 ordered) -PW ordered 1 (wife)

Minnesota -in development, requested PW - 4, C4 - 5

Michigan -C4 (?)

Nevada -in development

New Jersey -C4 or nscaler - 4 (?)

New York - nscaler - 5

North Dakota -C4 (?)

Ohio -? (check for trades?)

South Carolina - nscaler - 10

Tennessee - nscaler-10 C4-5

Washington -nscaler - 5 -PW ordered 1 (wife)

Wisconsin - C4 - 8 ordered - on waiting list

Wyoming -on order, requested 2. nscaler 2 silver/ 2 bronze


Canadian coins:

British Columbia -?

Calgary -XRN95 sending PW 1 bronze - private PW trade


Personal coins:

Avroair -6 nscaler

Camp Explorer -?

Compass Rose - nscaler - 10

fOtOmOm - ?

KTAG - C4 - 10

Opticsboy - nscaler - 4 metal - 40 chips

VA cache - nscaler - 6


Event coins:

G.O.N.E. ?

GeoBash ? - private PW

Geowoodstock III -?

Geowoodstock IV



GeoCoin Club -subscribe (PW)

German -do you know of anyone ordering these ?

U.K. -on waiting list (or get from C4 or nscaler ?)

USA -purchase online

Edited by PassingWind
Posted (edited)

Another update:

C4 ordered 5 coins from TN too - total 15 (trade extras)

I got 6 Avroair personal coins for the club today :unsure:

I ordered 10 Arizona geocoins - in initial design stage. (e-mail sent)

Edited by nscaler

Just a note. I have a friend that is leaving on vacation for two weeks, and I agreed to purchase any newly released coins for him while he is gone.


Over the next couple of weeks, if I am the first to see a new release, I will be ordering a larger than normal amount, so don't be alarmed. In addition, if one of you places an order for our club, I will be placing an additional order, providing there are any left! At the rate things have been selling out, that might not be possible.




I am trying to go through and log all of my orders so I can see what I have. When I got started, I was placing orders as fast as I could.


I haven't responded to all of our posts here, because I have some of the coins already committed to trades. I think I should have extras on most of them, so I will try to let you know.


Also, on some new purchases, I may make personal commitments over and above the coins we order as a group if at all possible. If I really like a coin, I may want more than 1 extra sitting around for future trades. I think the craze will continue to grow, and people getting on board a year from now will have a difficult time finding some of the coins we are buying now.



Posted (edited)
Another update:

C4 ordered 5 coins from TN too - total 15 (trade extras)

I got 6 Avroair personal coins for the club today :unsure:

I ordered 10 Arizona geocoins - in initial design stage. (e-mail sent)

update made...thanks


Edited by PassingWind
So how does this coin club work? I might be interested....if I join, does it preclude me from still ordering additional coins on my own..??


Nope, I plan on doing the same. The main thing we are doing is trying to make sure we don't miss any opportunities. We haven't really done anything formal. As of now, there are only 3 of us actively working here. (Unless fisnjack is with us for sure.)


Basically, the first one to see a new release is making a purchase of 6 coins for the group. (2 each.) Just to make sure we don't miss any of the fast moving releases. Then we post here the purchases that have been made. Once the coins start arriving, we plan to get together to distribute coins and settle up.


Anyway, to the rest of the group, fOtOmOm, (Jim), is the friend I am ordering for while he is on vacation.


Having more eyes search is always helpful. Besides, we may just have to make our own coin for this club! :)




I told you guys I'm losing it! :)


I missed the cutoff for the Ohio geocoins, so I have been trying to trade for one.


I even sent the organizer of the coin release a note, and he told me that he was completely out. :)

I just got an email saying that my Ohio geocoins had shipped! It had a PayPal receipt attached and everything!


My addiction is bad, I am starting to have blackouts! :D




I think they have medicine now for those blackouts. Unfortunately, a side effect is blackouts! :D

So how many Ohio coins did you order? I've already set up a private trade for one.

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