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Pittsburgh Caches With Interesting Locations


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You could also look for any caches places by the Leprechauns (e.g. The Elves Go to Jail, etc.); their hides are clever and placed in interesting locations.

Thanks for the compliment, but for what the OP is asking for, I'd go with the recommendation to seek Quest Master's caches. Judging from the OP's early finds, it's a long drive from our area to Quest Master country (Westmoreland, Fayette, Somerset and Indiana counties). But, it is worth it even at today's high gas prices. Mines are featured at Casparis (currently disabled due to the mines being closed off) and Sand Quarry. Hampton and Scattered Remains both highlight the ruins of previously busy areas. And you can see iron furnace ruins while hunting Iron Center or Iron Alliance or Elk Rock. Oaks Point features the ruins of an old railroad resort.


There are no caches in the area that feature mineshafts, to my knowledge. Probably this is because of safety and landowner issues.


In Moraine State Park, several caches provide glimpses of life in the area prior to when it was a park -- old industrial equipment, stone wall ruins, etc.


Now, there are PLENTY of interesting caches closer to Pittsburgh, but they don't necessarily feature "old buildings" or "abandoned mine shafts." It depends on what the OP means by "other."


This also reminds me that I need to make up a "best of Southwest PA" bookmark list. My Top 5% list (linked below) also contains lots of recommendations from places as far away as Arizona, Florida and Washington.

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One of the problems, if you want to call it that, of the immediate Pittsburgh vicinity is that land tends to get reclaimed. That is, the closer to downtown you get, the less chance you'll find old abandoned buildings of any interest. You either find historic buildings that get renovated, or whatever was there is razed and something new is put in its place. If you're into that kind of thing, though, you might want to hike sections of the Rachel Carson Trail. For example, there's a cache called Loggerlager II that's on the RCT. It's on what used to be Indian hunting grounds, and later was part of the trolley line that ran from Pittsburgh to Butler. You can still signs of the old rail grade there. If that's up your alley, you can get a trail guide from the rachel carson trail website. Also check on Trigo, and check the PA reference shelf at any library. I've found a wealth of interesting sites there, but many of them are on private land and are unsuitable for cache placements.

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Thank you all for the very informative, ummm, infoarmation. Heh.


I am planning my first cache to hide, so I want it to be a "cool" one with lots of interesting things to see and do. Not just a "look under the dead tree to get the container". Those are fun, but I want my first one to stand out.

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