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Category Proposal: Confluences

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Question: I looked around the degree confluences project pages and at some of the submissions but did not see the answer to this question.


Each confluence gets only one visit?


So that when they are all found, the project is done???


(Ok that was a second question--sorry).

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No, we wouldn't need to post the confluence points...but...we would need to post cords for "as close as we could get" because some of these are in the middle of something (like a building) so that you can't get to actual zero.


It might be interesting to see the changes in these places over time, even over various seasons. Maybe an additional element could be added, such as "look what I spotted at the confluence" with a photo of a scarecrow in the middle of the field, or a raptor swooping down to pick up prey, etc.


I went through many of the gallery pictures in the US today. The only thing that concerns me is that many of these are on what looks to be private property. While folks might have welcomed the one visit for the Confluence project, they likely won't be as thrilled with multiple people wanting to cross their land to get a waymark.



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