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Geo Coins In The Wild


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10 or so, even the common USA geocoins tend to not travel as much as a travelbug. I believe I've lost 1 or two that I've released (probably by cachers that didn't understand they act like travelbugs, I'm not upset about it, just what happens).


I think 3 or 4. Mostly USA.


I plan on releasing one of the Maryland coins when I get them to see if it can travel to Maryland and then back here to CA. WIll it? I doubt it; but curious to see how far it gets.


I have a stack of Santa Cruz coins that I've kept for the sole purpose of leaving them in caches, though. Not easy ones. Special, out-of-area caches 'cuz I want others to get that "hey, that's cool - a coin" feeling when they find it.


I've probably found about 8 coins in caches, but I normally don't go thru them items in the cache. Most of them have been USA coins, with one Canada and one other that I don't remember the type on. If I happen to notice a TB or coin and I can help it along I will.


Of the 5 USA Coins that I released last year, only 1 is still actively moving. That is the one I placed in London. None of the ones in the US lasted more than a few caches.


I have also released a few dozen 2004 California coins, but I do not track the movement of those.

I think 3 or 4. Mostly USA.


I plan on releasing one of the Maryland coins when I get them to see if it can travel to Maryland and then back here to CA. WIll it? I doubt it; but curious to see how far it gets.


I have a stack of Santa Cruz coins that I've kept for the sole purpose of leaving them in caches, though. Not easy ones. Special, out-of-area caches 'cuz I want others to get that "hey, that's cool - a coin" feeling when they find it.

Looking forward to see some of the Santa Cruz Geocoins inside your new placements, since you have a habit of picking cool locations. I already have a Santa Cruz Geocoin, one of the best designs out there IMAO (In My Arrogant Opinion) :rolleyes: .


I haven't counted but I have found many Geocoins in caches... 10 USA, 2 CA(2004), 2 Canada, Alabama, Idaho, Washington, Conejo, Pepper, CKayaks, and Moun10Bike. Some of them have traveled on.

How many geo coins have you found actually in a cache?

Me? I have found 3


Two USA and one Moun10bike


Forgot about Canada. I've found two Canadian also.


I have found about 10 in caches, mostly USA, Canada and Vacman (he is local and leaves them around.) I have placed 7 in caches to be trade items (to Keep) and 2 as travelers. These were all California coins. The 2 travelers are gone....


Several USAs of all years, Vacman, Pepper, CKayaks, Nurse Dave & Beckerbuns, Mauison, California, Oregon... Maybe others? Also a Calgary that I passed up and left for someone else.


I've also left many geocoins in caches, which almost invariably are then taken via horrible down-trading. :rolleyes:


I have found about 6 -- some of which were left specifically for me to find. (in an envelope with my name on it)


I am just on a trip to a remote area where I will be placing a cache with about 12-15 coins in it.


They will all be taken I am sure -- likely for aweful trades..... BUT ... at least I am going to make them work for it!


We've found two. Have had one for a week or so, and it is looking to go to Italy, we're in Connecticut. Anyone headed for Europe?


We'd been considering using USAgeocoins as Tbug tags, drilling a hole and attaching them to something or other and sending them out with a goal like our other bugs. Figured they'd get a little more attention since they'd show up as a coin as opposed to a bug. The annoyance factor upon finding them might cause people to pitch 'em anyway, but they'd be less collectible with a hole through 'em.


From the sounds of the discussion here that may be a bad idea, as thye'd just get scarfed up for trading. Of course if we saturate the area with em...


Done dreaming now.


Interested to hear any thoughts on the matter.


I've seen 2 in caches. One I picked up, it wanted to go to Florida. Had it with me at an event and handed it off to another cacher who was supposed to be headed that way soon. The other was in a TB hotel and we were showing it to some folks from out of town. Didn't have any bugs with me at the time to trade out (it's a 1 for 1 cache :D ) All the others (including my personal milage coin) have been "found" in cacher's hands.


I've found two Moun10bike coins, five WA coins, three OR coins, one Tunston jihad?, one Mexi "I don't wanna and U can't make me" coin, three Canada coins, Two AK coins, several TB Geocoins, and I'm sure of a few others I don't remember.


According to my stats, I've fournd 30 USA Geocoins. Most of those were found in the wild. At least 20 of them. If fact, I found one on Sunday. I've also found a Canadian and a Texas in the Wild, as well as a "Joy of Geocaching".


I found1 U.S.A. Geocoin in a muticache.

plus a moun10 bike coin at pizza party event cache.

and a michigan migo coin

after 404 traditinal caches

32 multi cache

8 mystery puzzle caches

3 event caches

<_< the odds arent very high!

of course I HOG all the ones that I have purchased :unsure:


I found just 2 USA coins in 400+ caches. Both thoes coins are now dead--one lasted 3 months, other 6 months.


I launched 2 USA geocoins.

One lasted 8 months (nothing in past month)

And sometimes you get super lucky--the other is still going strong with 17,000 miles including visits to California, Italy and Sweden.


I would be afraid to launch a valuable coin or a coin that you could not just buy more of for $5. Geocaching is still a cheap sport ;)


Found one USA Geocoin in the wild...actually found it twice. Second time we took it out of Michigan and dropped it in Kentucky and its currently moving around New York.


As for releasing, we turned one loose and it lasted two months before coming up missing. Had the same thing happen with a Michigan coin that went MIA.


We've found and moved on 1 geocoin TB and ......


:o Yesterday Koikeeper and I received a brand new geocachetreasure.com The Green Man 2002 Inaugural geocoin as a FTF prize. Totally cool! I'm going to TB it and use it as a personal bug to track our geocache mileage and adventures. :huh: ImpalaBob

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