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Connecting Gpsv To Usb Port

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:D My understanding is that cables are available to connect GPSV serial port to computer USB port, but certain considerations are a must or the connection won't work.

Any information on this matter would be appreciated as well as a make or supplier.




I use a cheapo Belkin converter and have little problem.


I think the only issue that I've had is that the GPSr should either be connected and on when you power up the pc, or it can't be connected and on when you power the pc. I can never remember which, but if it doesn't work, I do it the other way.

I use a cheapo Belkin converter and have little problem....

I use the same one for my GPS V. Whenever I use it the PC is already on, then I plug in the converter, then the GPS. It's never caused me a problem if the GPS is on or off when I hook it up.

I use a cheapo Belkin converter and have little problem....

I use the same one for my GPS V. Whenever I use it the PC is already on, then I plug in the converter, then the GPS. It's never caused me a problem if the GPS is on or off when I hook it up.

Mystery solved. Looks like PC first, and then GPSr.


BTW, I also have had to turn off my hotsync, but that's no biggie as long as you remember.


I have the same setup in my Jeep. Belkin adaptor to V. Only time I get a conflict is if I switch between nRoute and Mapsource. Computer won't recognize the GPS until I restart the pc. Doesn't seem to matter whether GPS is plugged into port or not when I turn on the pc. It recognizes it either way other than as I mentioned above.

Posted (edited)

Here is kind of a generic document to get you past any problems getting serial/USB adapter to connect .....


Finding Com Port


Its quite possible your lap top or desk top machine can not "find" correct COM port!...


Suggest you delve into what COM ports or USB/adapter ports your "systems" have available or are configured for....


Major problem is usually identifying what COM port number the USB/RS-232 (serial) adapter was assigned by WINDOWS system. This is also valid for locating available hardwired serial ports. Port numbers can be verified in the "control panel" under "system" under "hardware" under "device manager". Scroll down to “ports” and it will tell you the port number and at what speed (baud) port is configured at. This info is necessary to get EasyGPS and GSAK and “other” programs to communicate with GPS unit. Yes you do need to set baud rate on GPS to match computer COM port which may be set with whatever software computer is running.


Most software applications and hardware (modems) like to work with COM 1 ... Also if you have any "synchronize” software running for a Palm or other hand held, it grabs COM 1 and will not let any other applications use it. You may need to disable any synchronization software it you have it as a running application to release COM 1 if you have to use that specific COM port.


Also just plugging in a USB/SERIAL adapter to usb port may not trigger system to assign COM port number. In some cases you must have a valid device (GPS) on end of data cable from usb/serial adapter and the device must be turned on for system to respond and assign a COM port number. Also having a loop back plug in usb/serial adapter will trigger adapter/system to assign com port number if serial adapter requires a "valid" device on end of cable.



Hyper Link Test


Here is procedure to test COM/SERIAL/USB port. It will work with both hardwired serial port (COM) on older computers or with USB/SERIAL adapters if proper drivers are loaded. This test will require a “loop back” plug for serial connector that has pins 2 and 3 connected (shorted) back to each other.


1. Determine COM port number using the process above to find the port number (Finding Com Port).


2. Open HYPER-TERM the communications terminal program that is standard part of Windows supplied utilities. If installed it may be found under “Communications” on main menus. (or any other terminal program you are familiar with)


3. Establish a “new connection” file name. something like “serialtest” or “loopbacktest”. Specifying the specific COM port number (found in above procedure). Set ASCII options to NOT echo characters locally (Uncheck – Echo Characters Locally).


4. Plug in USB/SERIAL adapter and install “loop back” plug on serial connector plug ( if using hardwired port on computer that is where loop back plug goes also) . IF you can now type characters on key board and see them appear on screen the com port and path (and USB adapter) are good. If you unplug loop back plug and then type and characters do not appear on screen this further verifies port is working properly and adapter is working. If you type and get double characters (aa-bb-cc) for each key stroke with loop back plug in place it means “local echo” is turned on. If you only get single characters when loop back plug is removed then it still proves serial path is good.


Hyper Terminal setup.


Start Hyper Terminal and when “New Connection” window box is presented enter your file name (“looptest” or whatever) Click ok.


Next box should say “Connect To:”

In this box, at bottom it should say “Connect Using“and there should be a com port number ( mine comes up COM 4 – Yours may be different). Click OK.

Note: Hyper Terminal should only show you any valid COM ports available by system. IF you don’t see and COM ports your adapter is not configured ( drivers?). Your computers MODEM should also be listed if computer is so equipped and modem is “active”.


With loop back plug in place try typing. Do you get characters? Answer should be yes.

Remove loop back plug, do you get characters? Answer should be no.


If you need to change “echo” settings. Go to File drop down menu and click on Properties. In properties box, click on Settings Tab. In setting box select ASCII Setup. Either check or uncheck “ Echo typed characters locally” (what ever you prefer).




Edited by Dale_Lynn

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