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Tacoma Micros... Augggg!

GO West

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1. I'm tired of the BORING Northwest forum topics lately. I need some controversy.


2. If I take the time to go find your stink'n d... micro, I'm INSULTED when your decrypted hint says: "no hint at this time."




Let me put it another way:


I love caching. But after I have taken the trouble to visit the place that YOU, the hider, have brought me to... and after I have taken twenty minutes of my life to search... and finally conceded failure, and check the hint, I would like to be told...


...WHERE IT IS!!!!


Amen brother. There is absolutly no reason to encrypy a non hint. If you don't add a hint the cache page already says "No hints available", so either add a hint or don't. Don't add a non hint.


I have been finding an abnormal amount of micros lately. You can see in my sig line what I think of them. I certainly won't ignore them, but...


I think that I jinxed myself by recently placing a couple micros of my own! :P


I am headed up to the Whistler area for a Looong weekend of caching and camping. Hopefully I will get to hear the elusive clank of the ammo can at least a few times! I guess I would even settle for the mellow pffft of the tupperware.


I feel your pain.


Considering this, I originally hid an ammo can at a park for one of my puzzle caches with about $30 worth of swag in it. Within a week it was gone, after only a few cachers found it. I wasn't too happy about it, but I figured it would be best to replace it with a micro.


Unfortunately, I think it's very hard to make a non-muggle-able regular sized urban cache in Tacoma, unless it's one of those Pappa Bear type camo hides.

Unfortunately, I think it's very hard to make a non-muggle-able regular sized urban cache in Tacoma, unless it's one of those Pappa Bear type camo hides.

Not true. Please don't assume a lack of imagination on all of us...





Posted (edited)

Criminal, we love that cache-it's a most creative urban hide.


A group of us went down to Tacoma a few weekends ago And every one that we got was a micro. most were nanos as well.

I know that at least 2 that the group got were smalls, not micros, because we put them out: The Art of Tacoma: Locomotive Monument and Fear This: Acrophobia.


Ughh-obviously, I'm still not clear on the whole quote thing. Anyway, you get the idea.


*Fixed formating TMJ*

Edited by Team Misguided
Posted (edited)
Criminal, we love that cache-it's a most creative urban hide.


A group of us went down to Tacoma a few weekends ago And every one that we got was a micro. most were nanos as well.

I know that at least 2 that the group got were smalls, not micros, because we put them out: The Art of Tacoma: Locomotive Monument and Fear This: Acrophobia.


Ughh-obviously, I'm still not clear on the whole quote thing. Anyway, you get the idea.

Here, I fixed the quotes for you :-)


And to the ppint: there are some nice caches in the Point Defiance park near Tacoma as well.

Edited by shunra
1. I L-O-V-E urban micros


2. Encrypted non-hints are a sure sign of Neanderthal intelligence - period.

I echo gg's point 1 and I represent gg's point 2. I did once encrypt a hint - and heard about it promptly from gg. It was such an easy cache so I thought. Well, I immediately removed the non-hint and have remained at a more evolved level ever since. Now, for a real geo pet peeve ... how about having a really warped ratio of finds (many) to hides (few), particularly when many of the finds are FTFs? Does that grease anyone else the wrong way? peace, fishiam

1.  I L-O-V-E urban micros


2.  Encrypted non-hints are a sure sign of Neanderthal intelligence - period.

I echo gg's point 1 and I represent gg's point 2. I did once encrypt a hint - and heard about it promptly from gg. It was such an easy cache so I thought. Well, I immediately removed the non-hint and have remained at a more evolved level ever since. Now, for a real geo pet peeve ... how about having a really warped ratio of finds (many) to hides (few), particularly when many of the finds are FTFs? Does that grease anyone else the wrong way? peace, fishiam

Peace, fishiam. Remember it's just a game. :lol::P:P

Posted (edited)

Well, we successfully chased one southie out of Seattle. Of course the hide was in an irresponsible place. Duh! Got to give it to the northies, they got class. Peace, Nolenator

Edited by nolenator
... how about having a really warped ratio of finds (many) to hides (few), particularly when many of the finds are FTFs? 

I've thought about that from time to time. What ratio would you consider acceptable?

... how about having a really warped ratio of finds (many) to hides (few), particularly when many of the finds are FTFs? 

I've thought about that from time to time. What ratio would you consider acceptable?

I think that once you get caching in earnest, somewhere in the range of 100 to 1 seems appropriate, perhaps a bit lower if you're an FTF hound. If you go after those FTFs, then providing the opportunity for others is the right thing to do. Geocaching is a game, sure, but don't all games have both written and unwritten rules? peace, fishiam

Geocaching is a game, sure, but don't all games have both written and unwritten rules?

Ah, yes! the unwritten rules: et·i·quette (I always have to look up the spelling on that).


I despise rules but love etiquette.


What's an FTF hound? (My ratio is about 30 to 1)

Posted (edited)

I'd personally rather see an active cacher put out only a few well-thought out hides, than saturate everywhere they go with lame film canister hides, effectively closing out large areas to anyone that would like to put in something better.

Edited by Prying Pandora

Not to overstate the obvious but ... there are many happy mediums between mining an area with "lots of film canisters" and placing a "few well thought out" caches. The point here is giving to the game as much as you take from it. It is as Go West said a matter of etiquette. For a view of what top cachers do in terms of find/hide ratios merely check out the leaderboard: http://boulter.com/geocaching/leaders/?groupID=3


peace, fishiam

The point here is giving to the game as much as you take from it. 

I've never understood this line of thinking. Finding caches, trading, 'fixing' caches (helping maintain), writing logs about your experience are all "giving to the game". Not everyone has the right mindset to hide caches. If a person is not interested in hiding a cache, who are you to make them feel guilty about that? Or even question them about it.


In the last 7 days there have been 134,181 new logs written, assuming a 75% find ratio, then by your ratio that means somewhere around 10,000 new caches should have been placed (1:100). Do we need that many new caches each week? That would mean 2.7 times as many new caches as are active right now placed this year (10K * 52 = 520,000. there are 191,094 active caches.) Is that what you want? Talk about cache density!


And not everyone who places caches takes the time to maintain them (a current example was mentioned in a thread on the Geocaching Topics forum this past week, and there have been cases locally of high count hiders not keeping up with their caches). Again, is that what you want?


Let those who want to hide caches, hide them; and those who don't, leave alone to let them enjoy the game.


BTW, this isn't from someone whose hide/find ratio is "outside" your ideal, mine's 1:66 plus a few I've adopted - but what does that prove.


To add one more note about 'making' people hide caches - to quote my wife 'Blooming Idiot': "I have zero interest in hiding caches. If they 'force' me to hide a cache to continue, I'll quit!" She has several hunderd finds (she's working at back logging them all now), so she "should" (by your thinking) have placed a half dozen or so - never happen.

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