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Geocaches At Royal Roads University?

Basement Troll

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Does anyone know the names (or if they are even registered here) of the geocaches at Royal Roads university in Victoria BC? According to their website, they have 8 there. I tried searching based on the postal code, but none of the results seemed to be on the campus grounds...



From what I recall reading Royal Roads was offering a Geocaching event for $75 per person to learn about geocaching and that they woud be placing some caches about the grounds for that occasion.

Something they thought would bring more tourists out to the grounds. But they weren't caches that would be for the general public.

We were out on the grounds last Monday looking around and said the place really needed a virtual cache or two there.



I have been exchanging emails with one of the women who organizes the geocaching events at Royal Roads, and she said they will be putting up 4 caches in the next little while, for public use. She did give me the list of their 6 "training" caches, and asked me to let her know what I thought of them.

:rolleyes: I think that charging people $75 to learn how to find plastic boxes is ...BS... id be more than willing and happy to show someone how to find a cache....for free. :D
:( I think that charging people $75 to learn how to find plastic boxes is ...BS... id be more than willing and happy to show someone how to find a cache....for free. :huh:

And the guy who put it on is from Ontario ;)


This whole idea of charging people to cache is crap.


I am surprized that Groundspeak has not jumped this idiot with a layer. It puts a very bad impression as an expensive sport to newcomers and may discourage new players.


Someone needs to sort this out. I am glad I do not live near there. Do they actually call it geocaching or are they going under a different name?


Makes me sick just thinking about someone out there trying to take advantage of people and make a buck.


What is supposed to be a very affordable sport. Apart from gas prices that is.


I e-mailed RRU to ask what could possible warrant the cost of their geocaching. Here is their reply: :blink:



We have a mandate to provide education at Hatley Park National Historic Site and would like to encourage visitors to explore the 565 acres and learn about the West Coast's different eras and areas…First Nations', Sawmill, Tannery, Dunsmuir's, Military, University, marsh, forest, lagoon and gardens. Geocaching is a wonderful way to explore the property and learn about it.


What we have done is only a modification of the activity we all enjoy. It is an introduction to geocaching and we highlight the fact that there are organizations in Victoria, on Vancouver Island, in BC and around the world they may wish to join. We purchased a selection of Garmin GPS60's so that young people and tourists visiting Victoria will have the opportunity to learn an alternative activity. What we offer is an experience on how to use the units--and we supply the units and a certified geocache instructor. The idea is that they will enjoy it enough to take this up as a recreational activity.


Currently, we have eight teaching cache locations on site, plus two virtuals. In 2006 we will have cache sites posted on the web. I hope you will want to search for them. This will encourage people such as yourself to visit our site and see its beauty--as well as find the history handout in each cache.


The cost of our experiences helps cover the purchase of the GPS units, depreciation, cache contents, room location, certification and training of instructors and the work and handouts that go into delivering each session. We often have only two or three people on a course. To give you an idea of what a 90 minute session includes, here is a cut and paste of the information each instructor receives before a session.




Check out cache locations and cache contents

Copies of geocache locations required for session

Geocache handouts on web sites

Geocache handout re questions and etiquette

Maps of property

Evaluation forms


Visitor passes

Hatley Park information

Get key from Security

Check out room a minimum of one hour in advance

Check GPS units to ensure cache coordinate for first cache is loaded, batteries in good shape, geocache sample available

Provide water for each guests

Greet guests at front entrance gates going into MEWS

Provide visitor parking pass


First five minutes


Introductions, housekeeping (washrooms, emergency, etc.)

Quick overview

Hatley caches contents - show an example


Washroom Break


Next twenty minutes


Get group to take bottle of water with them as they use the preloaded GPS units and the #001 Handout. The group will actually see how the GPS units work by having them read the description and clues and then go as a group to find Cache #001

After finding cache, discuss the types of caches – include virtual and also GPS etiquette


Intro to Geocaching

Geocaching.com and other sites. (Handout)

· What a GPS does and how it does it.

· Button tour

· Power on and turn off GPS receiver.

· Find (GoTo) function.


Remainder of session


Locate two other cache(s) -if you have excess time, include virtual at top of stairs in front of Grant Building

Formal closure




· Put GPS units, extra water, paper, pencils, handouts, sample cache, etc. inside cabinets and lock the cupboards

· Take keys back to security

· Put evaluation forms in brown envelope and address to Pat Hatchman – drop forms off at front desk in Museum


What we are doing is placing caches - where the caches should be - and maintaining the caches on this National Historic Site. As you know this is big issue with parks associations across Canada. In essence we are promoting an educational/tourism activity and ensuring geocache etiquette is learned before the guests go out into the environment.


I hope you will support us as we provide our introduction to geocaching as we definitely are encouraging each participant to join a local geocache organization.


If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Best regards,



Patricia Hatchman

Manager, Visitors Experiences

I hope you will support us as we provide our introduction to geocaching as we definitely are encouraging each participant to join a local geocache organization.


I still could show/teach it all for free and my pencils are free.


I also disagree that someone should be charged $ for this hobby. :)


To each their own. If they can make some money off of geocaching, more power to them. Groundspeak makes money off geocaching (they're not running a break even service) and no ones complaining. So if Royal Roads wants to try to make a few dollars teaching people how to use a GPS unit and a compass, then good on them if they can. No one is being forced to join their course.

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