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Not sure if this has been requested before....... I'd like to create a filter that shows only a specific number of waypoints. For example, I'd like to have just 150 waypoints that are 20 mile radius from my center point. Any way I can do this? Thanks in advance

The way I would do that is filter for 20 miles from center point, clear all user flags, set user flags for the first 150 waypoints and then switch to my "check mark filter".


I don't know if that sounds complicated, but using user flags for various manipulations has become a favorite tool for me.

An alternative is to specify the waypoint sequence range (e.g., 1 to 150) in the export dialog window. I don't know if that setting shows in all export formats, but it does for Magellan variants.


Hey Guys,

is there a way (in a Macro) to filter based off the the new Macro Flag? I know how to it with the USER flag, But I want to perserve that for other things and do some filtering and exporting or moving based off the the Macro Flag being set. I am sure there must be a why and I have just not found it yet.


Also, When I Load GPX using a Macro, is there any way to get the summary screen that normally show when loading manually to display?


Thanks again

Posted (edited)
Not sure if this has been requested before....... I'd like to create a filter that shows only a specific number of waypoints. For example, I'd like to have just 150 waypoints that are 20 mile radius from my center point. Any way I can do this? Thanks in advance

The way I would do that is filter for 20 miles from center point, clear all user flags, set user flags for the first 150 waypoints and then switch to my "check mark filter".


I don't know if that sounds complicated, but using user flags for various manipulations has become a favorite tool for me.

Note, if this is something you do often you could put the code into a macro and place on the tool bar for one click access. Although not exactly the same thing download the Distance.txt macro from http://gsak.net/Macros.php as a starting point - you may even find this macro useful in it's own right.


This macro will prompt you for the distance so it does not have to be fixed.


Also note that this macro has been coded to automatically set your current waypoint as the centre before doing the distance calculation and setting the filter.


If you don't want the macro to do the automatic setting of the current waypoint as center then just delete the line CENTER from the macro.

Edited by ClydeE
Posted (edited)
is there a way (in a Macro) to filter based off the the new Macro Flag?


Yes, the new Macro Flag is just another database variable so you can set an "On the fly" filter using the MFILTER command:


MFILTER If=$d_MacroFlag


If yo want all records that do NOT have the Macro flag set:


MFILTER If=.not. ($d_MacroFlag)


The brackets are not really needed around the single variable but it is a good habit to get into if you are using .not. with expressions.


Also, When I Load GPX using a Macro, is there any way to get the summary screen that normally show when loading manually to display?

Maintenace release 2 of version 6 (out soon) added the token [<ShowStats=No|Yes>] to both the GETMAIL and LOAD commands - as I know you have a preview copy of this release they should work for you now.


so just add the following to the end of the LOAD command



Edited by ClydeE
Would some one please explaying what htis is?

If you are asking about GSAK, suffice to say it is the greatest thing since sliced bread when it comes to paperless caching.


Thanks again, Clyde. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Actually, the current GSAK shipped defaut for Google Satellite view is :


Google Satellite View=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%lat+%lon+(%code-%name)&spn=0.020,0.020&t=k


This not only shows a pointer, but the GCXXXX code and Cache name


Unfortunately when you do an update of GSAK these shipped versions of custom URL's are not overriden. The reason being that you may have made your own custom changes to them and we don't want the install to clobber those custom changes.


So for all new installs of GSAK, users get the latest Google URL with pointer, gc code, and name.

Ooh, I hadn't realised there were new custom URLs to be had! However, the Google Satellite one doesn't work if there is a hash (#) in the cache name - but I suspect there isn't anything you can do about that. :rolleyes:


You said the updates to the URLs don't get shipped out with new releases, do you list them anywhere?




Edited by minstrelcat

Actually, the current GSAK shipped defaut for Google Satellite view is :


Google Satellite View=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%lat+%lon+(%code-%name)&spn=0.020,0.020&t=k


This not only shows a pointer, but the GCXXXX code and Cache name


Unfortunately when you do an update of GSAK these shipped versions of custom URL's are not overriden. The reason being that you may have made your own custom changes to them and we don't want the install to clobber those custom changes.


So for all new installs of GSAK, users get the latest Google URL with pointer, gc code, and name.

Ooh, I hadn't realised there were new custom URLs to be had! However, the Google Satellite one doesn't work if there is a hash (#) in the cache name - but I suspect there isn't anything you can do about that. :laughing:


You said the updates to the URLs don't get shipped out with new releases, do you list them anywhere?




Current shipped custom URL's for GSAK are:





Microsoft MapPoint=http://mappoint.msn.com/map.aspx?C=%lat%2c%lon&A=35&P=|%lat%2c%lon|1|Cache|L1|

Microsoft Terra Server=http://terraserver.microsoft.com/image.aspx?w=1&Lat=%lat&Lon=%lon

Bench Mark=http://www.geocaching.com/mark/details.asp?PID=%code

Multimap (Zoom in)=http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?&scale=10000&gride=%lon&gridn=%lat&lat=%lat&lon=%lon&width=600&height=600

Multimap (Zoom out)=http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?&scale=25000&gride=%lon&gridn=%lat&lat=%lat&lon=%lon&width=600&height=600


Add cache to watch list =http://www.geocaching.com/my/watchlist.aspx?w=%gcid

Log cache=http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?ID=%gcid

Co-Ord Grabber=http://boulter.com/gps/grabber/grabcoords.php?url=www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=%code

Google Maps=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%lat+%lon+(%code-%name)&hl=en

Google Satellite View=http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%lat+%lon+(%code-%name)&spn=0.020,0.020&t=k


I'm trying to export the waypoints to my NG TOPO program so I can print the maps. It is only exporting waypoints "1" and "P", neither of which are waypoints on my list. I have a 3 year old and a 6 year old who are currently whinning, "You said we would go Geocaching after breakfast...!" What am I doing wrong? Could somebody direct me to a link where this is discussed in greater detail please.

I'm trying to export the waypoints to my NG TOPO program so I can print the maps. It is only exporting waypoints "1" and "P", neither of which are waypoints on my list. I have a 3 year old and a 6 year old who are currently whinning, "You said we would go Geocaching after breakfast...!" What am I doing wrong? Could somebody direct me to a link where this is discussed in greater detail please.

The steps I just followed with success:


1. Filter to desired cache list.

2. File/export/NG Topo TPG file

3. Generate (you may have lost some default settings...try %code for waypoint name and 6 or 8 for maximum characters...review other settings for AWOLs)

4. Open Topo! and import saved cache file with file/merge tpg


Does that do it for you?


Still not getting it. I need to review terms. No idea what an AWOL is. I will be able to play with it more after kids go to bed. Thanks for the help and once I get going I'm sure it will all make sense.

Still not getting it. I need to review terms. No idea what an AWOL is. I will be able to play with it more after kids go to bed. Thanks for the help and once I get going I'm sure it will all make sense.

AWOL: Absent WithOut Leave...my flippant term for any setting in the export dialog that may be missing or changed to something that doesn't work for you in this instance.

Still not getting it.  I need to review terms.  No idea what an AWOL is.  I will be able to play with it more after kids go to bed.  Thanks for the help and once I get going I'm sure it will all make sense.

Here are a few more details to the list of steps:

1. Filter to desired cache list.

GSAK exports whatever waypoints you have showing in the grid on your screen. Frist you have to load waypoints into GSAK. As a premium member, you can generate "Pocket Queries" from geocaching.com to get the waypoints you want. Then you have to sort them to select the ones you want. In GSAK, go to the "Search>Filter" menu and play around with the settings until you get just the caches you want to export to TOPO! in the filter.

2. File/export/NG Topo TPG file

In GSAK, click on the "File" menu, then "Export", then "National Geographic TOPO! TPG file". This will open a smaller window (aka dialog box) with a number of choices. There are two critical choices here:


"TPG File to Create" - click on the little folder icon to the right of this box and navigate to the folder where you want to save the TPG file. Then type the name you want for the file in the "File Name" box and click the "Open" button.


Waypoint Name: make sure you enter the following in this box, without the quotes: "%code".


3. Generate
Click on the "generate" button. Don't worry about things that are "AWOL" at this point.


4. Open Topo! and import saved cache file with file/merge tpg
Open the National Geographic TOPO! program, click on the "file" menu, then "Merge .tpg". Navigate to the folder where you saved your TPG file above, click on it, and click on the "Open" button.


Your waypoints should appear on the TOPO! map.


After I hit generate it is saving it as a Grafix file not tpg or tpo. Where do I go from here. Thanks for the help so far and AWOL meant the same thing to me...

Just got it. I would ask you to marry me but I've already been spoken for. Thank you for the help and I really appreciate it.

You're welcome!


We recently posted a gripe about the new Street Pilot 2720 in this forum (8/26/05). We have since found that by exporting a .mps file from GSAK, importing it into our old Mapsource program (left over from our SP III) and then using Mapsource to transfer the data, waypoints can be loaded. It would be nice if they would transfer directly from GSAK, but this will work until something better comes along. I'm guessing that something would have to be added to GPSBabel to make that happen. Robert Lipe has mentioned that Garmin seems to be very fond of changing data formats, so I guess it's possible they've come up with another new one.


We recently posted a gripe about the new Street Pilot 2720 in this forum (8/26/05). We have since found that by exporting a .mps file from GSAK, importing it into our old Mapsource program (left over from our SP III) and then using Mapsource to transfer the data, waypoints can be loaded. It would be nice if they would transfer directly from GSAK, but this will work until something better comes along. I'm guessing that something would have to be added to GPSBabel to make that happen. Robert Lipe has mentioned that Garmin seems to be very fond of changing data formats, so I guess it's possible they've come up with another new one.


Yes, please see my comments in this post


Okay I've been using this program for a while now.. but seem to have hit a wall here..


A month ago I was on a older version.. I think it may have been still hte 5's not usre.. I don't think it was 6, anyway.. problem is that since I upgraded, today, I can't get anything to my GPS at all..


It says it transfered ok.. but when I check the GPS it's all blank,


I've never had problems before, is there anyway I Can go back a couple versions?


I don't keep my install files around, to my dismay, any ideas would be great.




Okay I've been using this program for a while now.. but seem to have hit a wall here..


A month ago I was on a older version.. I think it may have been still hte 5's not usre.. I don't think it was 6, anyway.. problem is that since I upgraded, today, I can't get anything to my GPS at all..


It says it transfered ok.. but when I check the GPS it's all blank,


I can't say I have heard of this one before.


First try rebooting your computer then have another go.


Perhaps if you could provide some more "specifics" and someone might be able to help.


That is:


What brand and model is your GPSr?


What functions are you performing on your GPSr that would indicate you feel it is "all blank"?


Will transfers still work to your GPSr with other software?


Anything else you can add that might be of help.


Thanks Clyde..


I am useing USB.. I tired booting all that.. the GPS and such.. the only thing that made them show up was unplugging the USB cable.. :( The reason I didn't beofre was because I Was going to load some new maps..


Sorry for the false problem..



  [ Re: Garmin 2720 ]  I'm guessing that something would have to be added to GPSBabel to make that happen.  Robert Lipe has  mentioned that Garmin seems to be very fond of changing data formats, so I guess it's possible they've come up with another new one. 


Yes, please see my comments in this post

Mine, too.


Actually, my post there would have probably been somewhat less off-topic in this thread; I just plain had too many sessions open and typed into the wrong one.. :-)


I use Custom Export to convert GPX files for a Lowrance iFINDER GPS (*.usr). Is there anyway to control which waypoint icons are shown for the converted waypoints? (If there is an old thread on this topic I missed it.) Thanks.

The icon set available in lowrance usr format is described (in a way that isn't terribly convenient for most of you, but in a way that Clyde will likely grasp) at http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/gpsb....14&view=markup

An interesting link but as you suspected it is over my head. For the time being at least I guess I will just have to live with the little dive flag icons (unless of course I want to change them once they are loaded in the GPS.)

I use Custom Export to convert GPX files for a Lowrance iFINDER GPS (*.usr). Is there anyway to control which waypoint icons are shown for the converted waypoints? (If there is an old thread on this topic I missed it.) Thanks.

I will admit the number of Lowrance users does seem to be growing.


It has been on my "list" for some time to add support for this format allowing you to select icons in a similar way the Magellan eXplorist and SD card export works.


Owing to the volume of requests for support, this feature has now worked it's way up the priority chain.


Lowrance users should get a smile on your dial in the next significant (read non maintenance ) release. :D

I use Custom Export to convert GPX files for a Lowrance iFINDER GPS (*.usr).  Is there anyway to control which waypoint icons are shown for the converted waypoints?  (If there is an old thread on this topic I missed it.)  Thanks.

I will admit the number of Lowrance users does seem to be growing.


It has been on my "list" for some time to add support for this format allowing you to select icons in a similar way the Magellan eXplorist and SD card export works.


Owing to the volume of requests for support, this feature has now worked it's way up the priority chain.


Lowrance users should get a smile on your dial in the next significant (read non maintenance ) release. :D

Whoo Hoo! THANKS from all us Lowrance users (old and new)! :D:P

I use Custom Export to convert GPX files for a Lowrance iFINDER GPS (*.usr).  Is there anyway to control which waypoint icons are shown for the converted waypoints?  (If there is an old thread on this topic I missed it.)  Thanks.

I will admit the number of Lowrance users does seem to be growing.


It has been on my "list" for some time to add support for this format allowing you to select icons in a similar way the Magellan eXplorist and SD card export works.


Owing to the volume of requests for support, this feature has now worked it's way up the priority chain.


Lowrance users should get a smile on your dial in the next significant (read non maintenance ) release. :D

Whoo Hoo! THANKS from all us Lowrance users (old and new)! :P:D

Pardon me if this is already on your Lowrance support list, but would it be possible to include the name of the cache (even the Smart name would be nice) in the export file so it would show up on the GPSers waypoint info page of the Find menu (possibly even in the Altitude info location?)


I realize It's possible to combine a smart name with the cache code name but once that is loaded in the unit it tends to clutter up the map unnecessarily. In my opinion, having just the cache code on the map is fine but it would be great to be able to access the actual name of the cache somewhere on the cache info page.


You have a fantastic product Clyde. Thanks for all your help and support!

Pardon me if this is already on your Lowrance support list, but would it be possible to include the name of the cache (even the Smart name would be nice) in the export file so it would show up on the GPSers waypoint info page of the Find menu (possibly even in the Altitude info location?)


I realize It's possible to combine a smart name with the cache code name but once that is loaded in the unit it tends to clutter up the map unnecessarily. In my opinion, having just the cache code on the map is fine but it would be great to be able to access the actual name of the cache somewhere on the cache info page.


You have a fantastic product Clyde. Thanks for all your help and support!

I am honestly not sure if the usr format supports "cache descriptions" in this manner. I have my doubts as I would have thought you would already see it when doing the custom export using GPSbabel.


As the actual USR file that GSAK will generate is created by GPSBabel we will need the Babel Guru to answer that one.


[ In Lurch voice: "you rang? " ]


I see only one name per waypoint in the implementation of the .usr format. It looks like the format itself can be up to 255 characters long (no, I don't really expect that's the useful upper limit...) so you have flexibility as to WHAT goes in that name, but I don't see that it has a place for, say, a longname and a shortname.


If you have a .usr file that disprove this theory, please feel free to send it our way for analysis.

[ In Lurch voice: "you rang? " ]


I see only one name per waypoint in the implementation of the .usr format. It looks like the format itself can be up to 255 characters long (no, I don't really expect that's the useful upper limit...) so you have flexibility as to WHAT goes in that name, but I don't see that it has a place for, say, a longname and a shortname.


If you have a .usr file that disprove this theory, please feel free to send it our way for analysis.

I sort of thought that to be the case but figured I would make the request anyway. Thanks for the explanation.




I have just downloaded the new version (Ver 6.0.2 build 24) and it now seems that the Fugawi export doesn’t work.


Here is an example of the export text file:-


GC2824,Sherlock 3 - The wages of sin Watson! by Lunchbox (Maintained by Chris n Maria) (2/1),Sherlock 3 - The wages of sin Watson! by Lunchbox (Maintained by Chris n Maria) (2/1),51.5133000,-0.1106500,-99999999.0,20011027,000000


I have found if you removed the last two fields the import on Fugawi works fine, I am not sure what these are for but I suspect this is causing the issue.


This export was working fine last week, I can’t see any mention of Fugawi as a bug fix so not sure why this would be happening now.


Clyde can you explain what the last two fields are for, sorry I can’t check if these fields are in an old export. Unless I downgrade my copy of GSAK.





Posted (edited)


I have just downloaded the new version (Ver 6.0.2 build 24) and it now seems that the Fugawi export doesn’t work.


Here is an example of the export text file:-


GC2824,Sherlock 3 - The wages of sin Watson! by Lunchbox (Maintained by Chris n Maria) (2/1),Sherlock 3 - The wages of sin Watson! by Lunchbox (Maintained by Chris n Maria) (2/1),51.5133000,-0.1106500,-99999999.0,20011027,000000


I have found if you removed the last two fields the import on Fugawi works fine, I am not sure what these are for but I suspect this is causing the issue.


This export was working fine last week, I can’t see any mention of Fugawi as a bug fix so not sure why this would be happening now.


Clyde can you explain what the last two fields are for, sorry I can’t check if these fields are in an old export.  Unless I downgrade my copy of GSAK.





GSAK includes the latest version 1.2.7 of GPSBabel which does the conversion to Fugawi


So it would appear that 1.2.7 of Gpsbabel has made changes to this format that now breaks it on your system.


Until we get to the bottom of this, the fix for you would be to download version 1.2.6 of Gpsbabel and unzip to the install folder of GSAK making sure to write over the old version of GPsBabel.exe. Check you now are using version 1.2.6 of GPSBabel by doing Help=>About.


Note: 1.2.7 fixed some issues with the GDB format so if you also use this format you may run into issues going back to 1.2.6

Edited by ClydeE


I have just downloaded the new version (Ver 6.0.2 build 24) and it now seems that the Fugawi export doesn’t work.


Here is an example of the export text file:-


GC2824,Sherlock 3 - The wages of sin Watson! by Lunchbox (Maintained by Chris n Maria) (2/1),Sherlock 3 - The wages of sin Watson! by Lunchbox (Maintained by Chris n Maria) (2/1),51.5133000,-0.1106500,-99999999.0,20011027,000000


I have found if you removed the last two fields the import on Fugawi works fine, I am not sure what these are for but I suspect this is causing the issue.


This export was working fine last week, I can’t see any mention of Fugawi as a bug fix so not sure why this would be happening now.


Clyde can you explain what the last two fields are for, sorry I can’t check if these fields are in an old export.  Unless I downgrade my copy of GSAK.





GSAK includes the latest version 1.2.7 of GPSBabel which does the conversion to Fugawi


So it would appear that 1.2.7 of Gpsbabel has made changes to this format that now breaks it.




Until we get to the bottom of this, the fix for you would be to download version 1.2.6 of Gpsbabel and unzip to the install folder of GSAK making sure to write over the old version of GPsBabel.exe. Check you now are using version 1.2.6 of GPSBabel by doing Help=>About.


Note: 1.2.7 fixed some issues with the GDB format so if you also use this format you may run into issues going back to 1.2.6

Thanks Clyde thats has fixed the issue.


As I suspected that last two fields are no longer in the text file and irt works fine now in Fugawai.






I have downloaded the new version of GSAK ( 6.0.2 build 24 ) using GPSBabel ( 1.2.7 )

today and I don't experience a problem with the export to Fugawi.


The latest version of GPSbabel has date & time fields at the end of the data for each cache. These can either be ignored in the Import Field Dialog or explicitly chosen.


Hope that helps



I have downloaded the new version of GSAK ( 6.0.2 build 24 ) using GPSBabel ( 1.2.7 )

today and I don't experience a problem with the export to Fugawi.


The latest version of GPSbabel has date & time fields at the end of the data for each cache. These can either be ignored in the Import Field Dialog or explicitly chosen.


Hmm, perhaps this is also a version related issue with Fugawi.


KiwiGary and Zensunni what versions of Fugawi are you both running?

We are both running version 3.1.4 of FugawiUK ( I sometimes cache with KiwiGary so I am aware of his set up )



Then why is it he gets the error and you don't. ?


Perhaps it is just a case of education on using the Fugawi import routine?

We are both running version 3.1.4 of FugawiUK ( I sometimes cache with KiwiGary so I am aware of his set up )



Then why is it he gets the error and you don't. ?


Perhaps it is just a case of education on using the Fugawi import routine?


Perhaps :ph34r:




Sometimes GSAK runs extremely slow on my Win2003 Server system. It has lots of processes running and uses lots of disk swapping. I notice that GSAK seems to be doing lots of disk I/O during the slow times such as importing a new 500 item pocket query and reindexing the database. See gsakiowrites5nh.jpg

Is there a way to optimize or configure the GSAK process so it will take up more memory and perform less disk I/O? Setting it to a higher priority does not help.


Hi Robert


We are both running version of FugawiUK. I can't remeber the previous version unfortunately so I'm not sure if that was build 635. As to the import routine I noticed no change between the previous version and this one which I downloaded on the 17th May '05 so it has been about for a while.





Sometimes GSAK runs extremely slow on my Win2003 Server system. It has lots of processes running and uses lots of disk swapping. I notice that GSAK seems to be doing lots of disk I/O during the slow times such as importing a new 500 item pocket query and reindexing the database. See Is there a way to optimize or configure the GSAK process so it will take up more memory and perform less disk I/O? Setting it to a higher priority does not help.

What is your definition of Slow?


How may waypoints are already in your database?


The latest version of GSAK has been optimised for speed, so loading a 500 waypoints into a database of say 3000 waypoints should take at most about 5 seconds on reasonable hardware. (If you are running windows 2003 I suspect the box you are using is quite beefy so it should be even less).


Loading a GPX file does cause a lot of disk activity becuase there is much in the databse to update. Some versions of virus scanning software that have real time protection running have been known to make this process slow to a crawl.


If you have virus scanning software on this system, then disable realtime scanning for the GSAK install folder and the GSAK data folder.

Sometimes GSAK runs extremely slow on my Win2003 Server system. It has lots of processes running and uses lots of disk swapping. I notice that GSAK seems to be doing lots of disk I/O during the slow times such as importing a new 500 item pocket query and reindexing the database. See gsakiowrites5nh.jpg

Is there a way to optimize or configure the GSAK process so it will take up more memory and perform less disk I/O? Setting it to a higher priority does not help.


if you are doing a lot of disk swapping suggest first a program like

MemTurbo 3


then maybe you need some more RAM in your system.


Constant disk swapping is a sure sign of used up mem. What does your performance meter say about your memory usage? Above 40% constantly? OVER 50%!?


gotta get some more RAM in that box. Or kill some of the applications you are running.


do you boot often or let it run 24/7?


Microsoft has some notorious memory leaks in its applications.



What is your definition of Slow?


How may waypoints are already in your database?


The latest version of GSAK has been optimised for speed, so loading a 500 waypoints into a database of say 3000 waypoints should take at most about 5 seconds on reasonable hardware. (If you are running windows 2003 I suspect the box you are using is quite beefy so it should be even less).


Loading a GPX file does cause a lot of disk activity becuase there is much in the databse to update. Some versions of virus scanning software that have real time protection running have been known to make this process slow to a crawl.


If you have virus scanning software on this system, then disable realtime scanning for the GSAK install folder and the GSAK data folder.

It took 5 minutes and 4 seconds to load a 500 record GPX file into a 7000 record database. The logs have over 114600 records to index.

The hardware is AMD Athlon 2GHz with 480MB RAM. Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition has the GSAK folder set as exclude. Computer runs 24/7





Posted (edited)
What is your definition of Slow?


How may waypoints are already in your database?


The latest version of GSAK has been optimised for speed, so loading a 500 waypoints into a database of say 3000 waypoints should take at most about 5 seconds on reasonable hardware. (If you are running windows 2003 I suspect the box you are using is quite beefy so it should be even less).


Loading a GPX file does cause a lot of disk activity becuase there is much in the databse to update. Some versions of virus scanning software that have real time protection running have been known to make this process slow to a crawl.


If you have virus scanning software on this system, then disable realtime scanning for the GSAK install folder and the GSAK data folder.

It took 5 minutes and 4 seconds to load a 500 record GPX file into a 7000 record database. The logs have over 114600 records to index.

The hardware is AMD Athlon 2GHz with 480MB RAM. Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition has the GSAK folder set as exclude. Computer runs 24/7





Definitely sounds like you have a problem on that system.


Not sure what, but you have a bottleneck there somewhere. You may have to terminate programs and/or services one by one to track down the culprit.


On a similar spec box (running Windows XP PRO), I have a medium size test database of 16,000 caches and 200,000 logs.


Loading a 500 GPX file into this database takes about 15 seconds from start to finish (this includes not only loading and reindexing, but interrogating all the logs for found dates).

Edited by ClydeE
Not sure what, but you have a bottleneck there somewhere. You may have to terminate programs and/or services one by one to track down the culprit.

I have a lot of utilities running. It may be that something like Google desktop index is running each time a disk write occurs. That sounds unlikely but stranger things have happened.

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