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Sorry, But......


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I was trumpeting about Spookfest earlier this year. I would LOVE to do a Halloween event, but it's not going to happen.There are certain words / phrases that should not go in the same sentence together. Like *my house* and * major structural damage*. It gets better and better. I've now been told that to keep my family safe, I need to move out of my house. My friend thinks its an excellent opportunity for an extended camping trip, but she can laugh, she doesn't have *major structural damage*. Anyway, it looks like I'll be busy for a while. And broke for a while. Shop99er has got that Halloween thing going on, and I have an excellent outfit planned. My car is due to blow up next, but I hope to see you there. And, I have some excellent ideas for Spookfest '06.

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Well look at it this way... you now have a creepy house for spookfest. :D


All joking aside though, I hope there have been no injuries to you and yours and I hope you get through this with a smile at the end of it all.





I know in each life a little rain must fall, but dangitall, I'm getting tired of the buckets!

Edited by TotemLake
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Allanon, I was on the beach yesterday, and I didn't find the frigging cache. My house may be falling down around me, but the cache was a 1 1/2 and I didn't find it. That's what I'm really upset about.

Hey, I have 2 DNFs on a virtual cache this month. The second one even after a hint from the owner. I know how you feel.


Sorry about the house and the spookfest cancelling. :D

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Dear Wienerdogs~

It has been a horrible, unimaginable year. I owe Lucy, of Lucyand Rickie more apologies than you can imagine. Somewhere, underneath, is the girl who plotted the Romp, and I wasn't even ~right~ then. But I was not nearly so wrong. I still have a small child, and I am ready. I wish I could go back, but going forward is a better teacher.

I'm glad to hear from you.


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Oh, yeah. I don't know him very well, but I would trust Shop99er to come up with something special for Halloween. Honestly, the first time I met him I thought my heart was going to stop. He's just that kind of guy. And, I've said it before, but his wife is a sweetheart. You'll be OK!


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I'm having a bad year, a bad month, an especially bad week. But you woke me up with a giggle. I'm picturing that big Hawaiian shirt coming out of the brush towards me, and its hilarious. That man is lucky I don't actually know how to operate my pepper spray, because I've got a can of it that's supposed to bring down a grizzly bear. Probably wouldn't affect him at all. Hee-ha!

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Too bad this a geocaching forum, and not an appropriate place to discuss contracters. I cancelled Spookfest when I was told I was $10,000 short of saving my home. There gets to be a point when you're so used to bad news, you can't be shocked anymore. It might as well been 100 thousand.

The end of the story(Does anyone remember Paul Harvey?) is a little different. There still will be no Spookfest. Watch out! By October '06 I will have had two years to think about it. Oooh. I like the thinking part.


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