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Chat Room

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simple question (i hope)


how easy or hard would it be to make an english chatroom on this forum


i know there is one already but it's always just americans


would it be possible to make a UK chatroom?

simple question (i hope)


how easy or hard would it be to make an english chatroom on this forum


i know there is one already but it's always just americans


would it be possible to make a UK chatroom?

Where is it? I never knew one existed :(

simple question (i hope)


how easy or hard would it be to make an english chatroom on this forum


i know there is one already but it's always just americans


would it be possible to make a UK chatroom?

there used to be one on the UK geocaching web page at http://www.geocacheuk.com/


However when I went to get the exact link ...


"This Account Has Been Suspended

Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible."






Hi Guys


This is not exactly related to the question of a chat room but I have just been to log into geocacheuk.com and found the following message

"This Account Has Been Suspended

Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible."

I see that someone else has posted the same note on here earlier but I was wondering if anyone else is getting the same message? :(

Hi Guys


This is not exactly related to the question of a chat room but I have just been to log into geocacheuk.com and found the following message

"This Account Has Been Suspended

Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible."

I see that someone else has posted the same  note on here earlier but I was wondering if anyone else is getting the same message?  :(

Yup :(




Hi Guys


This is not exactly related to the question of a chat room but I have just been to log into geocacheuk.com and found the following message

"This Account Has Been Suspended

Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible."

I see that someone else has posted the same note on here earlier but I was wondering if anyone else is getting the same message? :(

Its OK. They are moving the databade to a new server and they have been asked that when they started to move it that they would take the account off line, to save any corruption in the data.


It will take a while to move the 20,000 trigpoint photos and all the Stats/Trigpoint databases


More information can be found here


There is a chatroom on the G:UK forum, but I will be the first to say it isnt the best and does not get much use. (Apart from us 4 and Jess :( )

Hi Guys


This is not exactly related to the question of a chat room but I have just been to log into geocacheuk.com and found the following message

"This Account Has Been Suspended

Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible."

I see that someone else has posted the same  note on here earlier but I was wondering if anyone else is getting the same message?  :laughing:

Its OK. They are moving the databade to a new server and they have been asked that when they started to move it that they would take the account off line, to save any corruption in the data.


It will take a while to move the 20,000 trigpoint photos and all the Stats/Trigpoint databases


More information can be found here

Pheeeewww :laughing::laughing:


Thanks Diego

Posted (edited)
how easy or hard would it be to make an english chatroom on this forum


You might want to rephrase that. :laughing::laughing:


There used to be a chat room on the www.geocachingtoday.com online mag, but again, noone used it.


There is a chat room on the Scottish geofrees forum (which isn't exclusive to Scots), for those who are registered there.

Edited by Firth of Forth

You can always go to the Off Topic thread and join in the cheers chat room.

Mind you, the off topic thread has a lot of intresting off topics in it, so you must have plenty of time to spare.

Oh! Yes! the Brits do use off toipc. Ask Nobby.Nobbs!


It is dead easy to create an Geocachingt chatroom on IRC and it won't cost you a penny. Anyone who has a computer running 24/7 can do it. I don't otherwise I'd offer. HTML based chats are crap, you're much better off using a protocol that's been purposely engineered for group discussions.




If anyone is interested in trying out IRC as a chat medium, I'll setup a channel on a friendly server and post details on how to log-on.


Probably worth agreeing a time to try it as well.





No idea what you're talking about with all the technology but we're up for a chat, just give us step by step instructions and we'll be there.

likewise what's all this techno babble about? set it up and i'll visit. but who else will be there at 4am???


Ok, after a glimmer of interest I've setup an IRC channel.


For those that are IRC aware details as follows


IRC Server : irc.nixhelp.org

Server port : 6667

Channel : #geocaching


For those who've not used IRC before I'm putting together a brief HowTo which I'll have finished by the end of the day hopefully.


Feel free to drop in, I'm normally around most of the day.





No idea what you're talking about with all the technology but we're up for a chat, just give us step by step instructions and we'll be there.

same here...


Nice easy to understand instructions, and next time I'm an insomniac, I'll be there!


(Beats ironing at 3am anyway!)


Ok, here goes, some basic instructions, more detailed one's hopefully with screen grabs to follow.


For the purposes of this guide, I’ll assume IRC is totally new to you, and start at the bottom. You can download any irc client you want, but I’m going to suggest mIRC and talk you through how to connect to nixhelp with this client.


Mirc can be found at www.mirc.co.uk and you install it as you would any windows application. Upon opening mirc (and bypassing the shareware screen) you will be presented with the mIRC Options dialogue fill in the fields as you see fit, but you will need to select a nickname, and a secondary one, incase someone has taken your first choice. Your nickname is the name that appears on screen to other people when you are connected to irc, and is basically your online identity from that point forward, choose wisely.


Once all the details are filled in, click the little sunburst icon in the bottom left (this is something they added in this version of mirc, older versions employ a slightly different screen, but the principles are the same), you will now be presented with the server screen of mIRC Options.


Click the add button and a further dialogue pops up . in the description field, type nixhelp, or something memorable, something you’ll remember when wanting to connect to irc, in the irc server box, type “irc.nixhelp.org” (no quotes). We use port 6667, and there is no password to connect to the network. The group box is irrelevant at this point, as we are only adding one nixhelp server, but I would type nixhelp in there also. Click add and you will be taken back to the previous screen.


Simply press the "Connect To Server button", and you will be connected to nixhelp.


A join dialog box should pop-up.


ou type in “#geocaching” (no quotes again) into the box at the top, and press the join button. You will now be presented with the ukha channelin all it's glory!


On the right are the people who are in the channel, at the bottom, where you type your input, and taking up the majority of the space, is where all the channel messages are displayed.


And now your on irc! Just type what you want into the input box at the bottom, hit return, and your chatting


Any problems let me know, same goes for improvements to the instructions.




Stuart (Gadgeteer on IRC)


IceChat is free from Download.com - includes smilies and other stuff not on mIRC, it is free and a quick download.


You need to use instead of irc.nixhelp.org to set up though.


Oh and did I say it was free ;)


It's a pity that the person who started the channel thinks it's ok to kick off one of the main people using it - for no reason I might add.


I wouldn't have thought it would get much use with megalomaniac ops in charge. I think an apology to the person concerned is in order.




What a nice channel to chat, have a laugh, and then get kicked off. Don`t think I`ll be frequenting that place again. Until there is someone who`s a little diplomatic at the steering wheel. Thanks :blink::lol::wacko:




Are you sure that they intended to kick you off? Perhaps it's their first chat room, and they were experimenting with what the buttons did. ("Hmmm, I wonder what this 'Kick' button does" <click> "Ooops!") I know the first time i used irc, I wondered what the "Slap" button did, and it slapped someone in the face with a wet salmon. I apologised immediately, but of course, if you've kicked someone off, then they're no longer there to apologise to.

Posted (edited)

I have now set up an online java script that will allow you to get in to the chat room without downloading a piece of software.




Click the link and bookmark it. You will have to wait a moment whilst the applet logs on.


When you see 'End of MOTD Command' type the following;


/nick *your cache name* (eg. /nick hokesters - there is a character limit of 14) and press enter.


now type;


/join #geocaching


Have fun! :lol:

Edited by The Hokesters
I'll go and have a chat with Stu and find out what the problem is.

Good luck :lol:


Maybe setting up a channel by a person who`s more diplomatic, helpful and friendly, who`s a little less volatile, would be the answer. Someone who`s been in the sport longer and is more respected..... I don`t know, it`s just left a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth. :lol:




The kick whilst intentional wasn't ment to cause any harm or bad feeling.


It's true that it's often seen a a joke amongst chan ops, which was exactly how it was ment.


I've appologised to Pengy and I believe the issue to now be resolved, and Pengy is back on channel.


I consider Pengy to be a co-founder of the channel, and perhap didn't afford her the respect she deserved.




Due to mounting pressure.... Okay Tigger slapping me around a bit with a wet fish, she has mediated a solution, and all is well in Channel Geocaching...


Thanks for the apology, tar.


Now let`s get Waffling!!! :lol::lol:



think hubby has set firewall rather high and all I get is a little red square in the corner. Ho hum. And he is away all weekend playing soldiers which means No caching for me which = sheer blind panic!!! :lol::lol::lol:

PM me and we will see if we can't get you online soonest!

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