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Pacific Nw Coin Group


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I was just reading about the MIGO coins that are produced in a set of 100 and limited to members only. What about starting a similiar NW group? Any interest?

Sure, right after we get the 2005 WA coins done. :D


The problem is the economics of scale!


We had thought of doing a WSGA members coin, but.. with only a hundred or so members the overhead really increases the cost per coin.


Would there be interest in a WSGA Members Only Coin?

The problem is the economics of scale!


We had thought of doing a WSGA members coin, but.. with only a hundred or so members the overhead really increases the cost per coin.


Would there be interest in a WSGA Members Only Coin?



There SHOULD be some members only 'perks' to try to bring the membership up (I know there is for the camp out, but that's the only one I recall seeing)...but that's just my opinion and not necessarily that of management...

Posted (edited)

To mint the coin you can get by for about $5 a coin when doing 100 of them. I would like to see 100 cachers or maybe even 50 cachers that would buy two of them when done. We could do one design like MIGO that would always be on the top of the coin and then have a different scenery in the background. I like their idea of a pumpkin for this Fall and then something different for the winter. Here are the steps and I would love to coordinate this attempt at it:


1. Get 50 members signed up that will commit to spending $10 for 2 coins.


2. Develop our logo


3. Develop a plan for how many coins per year and start to work on them. Realistically I could see doing 2 to 3 coins per year just for the heck of it. I would see a core group (5 to 10) that would be assigned the design for each coin with input from the other members.




I will start to track the first 50 members and go from there.

Edited by KirklandExplorers
To mint the coin you can get by for about $5 a coin when doing 100 of them.

1. Get 50 members signed up that will commit to spending $10 a coin (2 of them)

Yeah sure, I'll buy two. I'm confused though - are they $5 each or $10 each? You're saying it both ways.


Wasn't this started by Hydnsek? Not that I spend so much time in the forum, that I can be clued in on everything. Just wondering if we are going to Splitsville here.


But yes, I am glad to be in, and I am glad to commit $10 for 2 coins.



Wasn't this started by Hydnsek? Not that I spend so much time in the forum, that I can be clued in on everything. Just wondering if we are going to Splitsville here.


we would also be interested.

The problem is the economics of scale!


We had thought of doing a WSGA members coin, but.. with only a hundred or so  members the overhead really increases the cost per coin.


Would there be interest in a WSGA Members Only Coin?

Yes to both. I am willing to buy two of the Pacific NW coins and I would love to see a WSGA coin get started also. As for the Pacific NW coins put Robinego on your list for two also. Thanks

Posted (edited)
I was just reading about the MIGO coins that are produced in a set of 100 and limited to members only.  What about starting a similiar NW group?  Any interest?

I'm in for 2 per strike, and e-mail sent.

Edited by Shop99er


Would there be interest in a WSGA Members Only Coin?

Yes to both. I am willing to buy two of the Pacific NW coins and I would love to see a WSGA coin get started also.

Ditto for me on both.


Would favor a broader WSGA issue, and would be interested in 2-3 of a special issue. I wouldn't be surprised if more than 50 interested members (or new members) showed up. It is also desirable to have an extra or two for trading (at least one would stay in most of our own collections). If you went up to 200, it would still be a pretty limited minting.


KirklandExplorers, since you volunteered to be the 'fearless leader', can you make and post some definite rules here for all to see?...Just to save everyone time and effort and possible hurt feeling later (or now)...


Per the above posts I have the following at a minimum that should be answered:


• Are we limiting this to 50 people with a 2 coin purchase for a total of 100 coins?


• Or are we going to be allowed to purchase as many coins as we want?


• Are purchases going to be limited to WSGA members only? Do those 'members' need to reside in the PNW? If so, what is the definition of PNW?


• How about a running list of people that have signed up/have been accepted?


Thanks in Advance.

Great! I will track the number of cachers to hit 50 with the goal of minting 100 (2 per). We can look at expanding down the road if enough interest.

If I read this correctly he is wanting 50 people to buy 2 coins each which equals 100 coins. The first 50 to sign up are in.


This is for a PNW coin not a WSGA coin. The WSGA coin is completely seperate.

Posted (edited)
Great!  I will track the number of cachers to hit 50 with the goal of minting 100 (2 per).  We can look at expanding down the road if enough interest.

If I read this correctly he is wanting 50 people to buy 2 coins each which equals 100 coins. The first 50 to sign up are in.


This is for a PNW coin not a WSGA coin. The WSGA coin is completely seperate.

Just for the record, 'tudles, I saw that...but it appears that not everyone did since there were 'pre orders' for more than 2 already appearing... :(


And as for the 'members only' thing, it's still confusing even to me with the various comments above by RWW, that's why I want clairification. I read it as a WSGA Members Only coin... :( :(

Edited by Allanon
Great!  I will track the number of cachers to hit 50 with the goal of minting 100 (2 per).  We can look at expanding down the road if enough interest.

If I read this correctly he is wanting 50 people to buy 2 coins each which equals 100 coins. The first 50 to sign up are in.


This is for a PNW coin not a WSGA coin. The WSGA coin is completely seperate.

Just for the record, 'tudles, I saw that...but it appears that not everyone did since there were 'pre orders' for more than 2 already appearing... :(


And as for the 'members only' thing, it's still confusing even to me with the various comments above by RWW, that's why I want clairification. I read it as a WSGA Members Only coin... :( :(

Thats because that is what I thought was being proposed.


We can do it fairly easily if everyone wants it! Obviously there has to be demand, but these days thats not hard.


Welllll, maybe I was the one who misunderstood. :( I did not get the feeling that it was a WSGA coin. Maybe we need some answers from KirklandExplorers to set us straight. :(


In conversations via e-mail with KirklandExplorers, this is what I have come to understand the rules to be regarding this coin group. If I make an error here, I have no doubt that he'll correct it/me toot-sweet.


1) The membership of this group will be limited to the first 50 cachers that sign on.


2) Each member of this group will be able to buy 2 coins per season.


3) Purchases are limited to the members of this group.


4) This is not associated with the WSGA in any way, shape, or form.


Remember, the above info is stricly my interpertation of the information that I have received from KE.

Posted (edited)

See, already two different 'opinions'...


And now for something completely different...THE REAL TRUTH!...KE, it's your stage... :(


BTW, I'm in either way. :(

Edited by Allanon

We would like to be on the list for two! Thanks.


seems like there might almost be 50 spoken for already...


(not sure what that comment by allanon was about in the previous message so I will not comment---- )

In conversations via e-mail with KirklandExplorers, this is what I have come to understand the rules to be regarding this coin group. If I make an error here, I have no doubt that he'll correct it/me toot-sweet.


1) The membership of this group will be limited to the first 50 cachers that sign on.


2) Each member of this group will be able to buy 2 coins per season.


3) Purchases are limited to the members of this group.


4) This is not associated with the WSGA in any way, shape, or form.


Remember, the above info is stricly my interpertation of the information that I have received from KE.

Thank you that is what I also understood it to be. I just didn't have the finesse to say it as you did. :laughing:

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