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Alaska Geocoin - Gold Leaf Version

Ladybug Kids

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Just a reminder that as with the brass and silver coins I need to pay the mint up front before they will start production. If you haven't already done so, please send in your PayPal payments or drop me note to let me know the "check/MO is in the mail." I did tell the mint this morning that the gold relief version is a "go" and that I'll get them final numbers tomorrow morning.


I got my desktop functional again last night, so I will work up a webpage this evening so you all can see what I think your status is (which doesn't always reflect reality these days :anibad:). I believe I've replied to each received payment or other note received to date. If you haven't heard from me after sending a note or payment, please "ping" me again.


New orders will be accepted until midnight tonight.


Edit: Fingers moving faster than brain this morning :rolleyes:.

Edited by Ladybug Kids
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Finally got hardware problems squared away, so the Order Status Pagehas been created. Please check the page for status of your payment and shipping address and drop me an e-mail or PM if you note any errors. I'll send individual e-mails as check and money order payments arrive.


Note to self...make routine backups of ALL working files.

I am seeing the "Brass and Silver Missing" table overlayed on top of the table with the paid status of the new coin :rolleyes:

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I am seeing the "Brass and Silver Missing" table overlayed on top of the table with the paid status of the new coin :rolleyes:

I see this too using Firefox. Reverting to IE the overlay problem goes away.

Sorry about that. I tried tweaking the page a bit...if someone with Firefox could let me know if it now displays correctly I'd appreciate it. I'll download Firefox tonight so I can check page viewability in both IE and Firefox.


If necessary, I'll split the two tables onto separate pages. Thanks for the feedback with the viewing problem.

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Its still broken.


<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">

Microsoft doesn't play nice with others.


None of this is needed, it is just formatting and I think only IE understands it anyway. Try removing this


       <col width="127" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:4644;width:95pt">
       <col width="94" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3437;width:71pt">
       <col width="86" span="2" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3145;
       <col width="67" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:2450;width:50pt">
       <col width="68" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:2486;width:51pt">
       <col width="64" style="width:48pt">

and this

     <col width="120" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:4388;width:90pt">
     <col width="94" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3437;width:71pt">
     <col width="86" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3145;width:65pt">
     <col width="89" span="4" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:3254;
     <col width="67" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:2450;width:50pt">

     <col width="68" style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:2486;width:51pt">
     <col width="64" style="width:48pt">


You are also opening and closing tables without putting anything in the tables. Remove all occurrences of this. They are not needed.


     <table width="871" bordercolorlight="#0000FF" border="1" bordercolordark="#FF0000">


Also, this isn't needed


<div align="center">


since you are already doing this.


<p align="center">


I'd use the p tag to center. The p tag centering is more reliable across different browsers.


Tidy up the code a bit, paying attention to close all tags that you open and remove the redundantcies then I'm sure it will display properly on all browsers.

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Thanks, Glenn!


Yes, I've been using Frontpage to develop the pages and it sticks all sorts of unnecessary "stuff" into the html code. All the open and close table statements are probably relics from previous revisions to the page.


Will see if I can't do a quick fix from my work desk during my lunch hour. If that doesn't work, I'll rebuild the page from scratch at home tonight using your tips.


Again, thanks for your tips...I hope one day to really have html figured out.

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Cleaned up the html a bit.  Anyone with Firefox and/or Netscape got a minute to check it out at:  Alaska Geocoin Orders After July 9?

I see a table with 93 entries. Were there that many more "last-minute" orders?

I also see the "missing" table below. I am wondering if we're seeing old info.


note: this report is from IE in my office (the earlier report was from firefox at home)

Edited by pdxmarathonman
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Cleaned up the html a bit.  Anyone with Firefox and/or Netscape got a minute to check it out at:  Alaska Geocoin Orders After July 9?

I see a table with 93 entries. Were there that many more "last-minute" orders?

I also see the "missing" table below. I am wondering if we're seeing old info.


note: this report is from IE in my office (the earlier report was from firefox at home)

The correct page should read "Last Updated August 4, 11:47 ADT."


The long list is cobbled together from the first coin runs' waiting list, new orders (mostly one and two coins at a time, not collectors/traders) that were placed for the second limited run, and the gold relief coin orders.


The "missing" table is still a hold over from the first coin run and will soon grow again come Sunday if PayPal and checks for the second run and gold relief coins haven't arrived by then. I saw over in the South African geocoin thread that Sissy has been experiencing the same problem with cachers expressing interest, getting on the list, and then dropping out of sight.


Will definitely streamline the process next time around. People were correct when they said "if you mint them, people will buy them," so there is no need to go through both a preorder/expression of interest and then an order phase.

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Updated the Second Run and Gold Relief Orders webpage this evening. Please check the page and make sure your payment status is correct since there are several cachers for whom I don't have record of payment. If you paid, please e-mail me a tickler and I'll make the change in the database.


The mint's production schedule slipped and I hope to have the second run brass and silver goins and the gold relief coins for shipping by August 19.


Note that all silver and gold relief coins are spoken for unless payment isn't received. There is a very limited number of brass coins still available.

Edited by Ladybug Kids
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I picked up all remaining brass, silver, and gold relief coins from the Alaska Mint on Thursday :D. I will begin the process of mailing them and will try to have them all out by the end of next week. I will add a shipping date column to the Second Run and Gold Relief Orders webpage so you can see when your coin(s) go out. I will not ship coins to cachers who have not paid, so if in doubt, check you payment status on the webpage. I have some updates to do after being on the road for the past several days, so please give me until this evening to catch up.

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Yes, the gold relief coins will be trackable at that website. Mr. Snazz has had some problems with a server cutover and the site's been down for a few days. When it comes back up, gold relief will be added to the pull down menu which currently has brass and silver or one can log the coin number directly as 05GXXXX.


I'll post in this thread when the site comes back up.

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Still no joy. Man, I am gonna be happy when it arrives :o

Hang in there, I'm still waiting for mine to arrive in Hawaii.


From what I was told at the post office. Mail travels by moose from Alaska through Canada to Lower 48. All mail from the main land to Hawaii is carried by whales, dolphins are used for express mail, to the islands. It takes a little longer for my mail because I live near the North Shore so from Honolulu we get our mail by carrier honu (turtle). Its nice seeing big government using nature and not trying to destroy it. :huh:

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Still no joy. Man, I am gonna be happy when it arrives :o

Hang in there, I'm still waiting for mine to arrive in Hawaii.


From what I was told at the post office. Mail travels by moose from Alaska through Canada to Lower 48. All mail from the main land to Hawaii is carried by whales, dolphins are used for express mail, to the islands. It takes a little longer for my mail because I live near the North Shore so from Honolulu we get our mail by carrier honu (turtle). Its nice seeing big government using nature and not trying to destroy it. :huh:

I think that to Oregon, they must transport on the backs of Humpback whales and then transfer to a spawning salmon heading up the Columbia River. As it reaches the mouth of the Willamette river in Portland it gets picked up by local bicycle courier. Unfortunately, I live west of PDX proper, and am out of their delivery area. So, hopefully it's currently in the saddlebags of the final leg of the Pony Express.


I received three coins in the mail today that were all mailed from western states since the weekend! But nothing from AK.

One of the coins was an AK silver in trade!

Edited by pdxmarathonman
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Thanks for maintaining your sense of humor over this. The moose are pretty focused on eating in preparation for the long upcoming winter, so they might be taking a bit longer to get to the coast.


Lemon Fresh Dog's coins are hung up in Canandian customs (perhaps "Geocaching Tokens" wasn't clear enough on the customs slip?).


From past experience, the sure fire way to get the coins to show up is for me to fill out the insurance paperwork and traipse back down to the post office. Keep me posted and I'll do it on Saturday, which would give the packages a full week to reach their destination. So far, out of more than 400 coin shipments, haven't had one permanently stay missing, though a few have taken 10-14 days for some reason.


Johny Cache in the Netherlands and I did an international cache exchange. The first cache I sent him didn't arrive after a month of waiting. So, I filled out the insurance paperwork, packed another cache up, and went back down to the post office. I mailed the second cache Global Express insured and it made it to the Netherlands in three days. The first cache showed up unscathed two days later.

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