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Geocaching On 5fm


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I noticed last weekend that there were logs from 4 or 5 brand new cachers in Cape Town, and thought that this was some wired coincidence.

My friend told me later that Gilman was talking about it on 5FM, which would explain that.


i was wandering if anyone in the other provinces noticed an influx of new cachers last weekend, and if they heard the show and were there any geocachers being interviewed. Apparently gilman was not too convinced of our merits :rolleyes:


Gillmans short comments about caching did nothing for caching as they just saw it as a big joke for a bunch of nerds. Unfortunately I didn't have 5FM number to call in and explain.


Geocaching, a nurd sport? Well then pass me a pocket protector and some thick glasses!


To answer Discombob, I checked my cache logs and no new cachers from that time period logged any of mine.


Personally I listen to TUKS FM or Highveld, 5FM is too Back Street Boyish for me.

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