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Geocoin Ordering Group


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So, the growing interest in geocoin collecting, and the economics of bulk orders, has me thinking of offering to start a local coin club, a la Nurse Dave's (which has some WSGA members, but is full).


The group size would be limited to 20, we'd have clear rules on orders and payment (which I hope to 'borrow' from ND, who appears to have this wired), and I'd be willing to do the front work and organization....


Better than each of us buying twosies and tensies with individual shipping.


What do you think? Suggestions?


Who'd be interested?


Being on the home stretch of the Alaska geocoin distribution, I fully embrace the collector club concept. The prospect of packing 30-100 coins into a single Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelop or Box is much nicer than packing 5-20 individual envelops. The coin club members save on shipping and the coin shippers save on handling.


I'd join, but am not quite in the same geographical area. Perhaps we can get one started up here in Alaska.


As a member of the previously mentioned Nurse Dave group, I can tell you that it's very nice to know there are lots of eyes watching the various forums for the new coins.


The only real 'rules' are that you need to keep money in your account so when it comes time to order, he has the money to do it.


I'm sure if you asked nicely, he may share his vast knowledge and experience.


Also, I developed a macro driven workbook in Excel that Dave uses to keep track of the accounts, which I'm more than willing to share. Let me know and I'll send off a blank one and instructions.



As a member of the previously mentioned Nurse Dave group, I can tell you that it's very nice to know there are lots of eyes watching the various forums for the new coins.


The only real 'rules' are that you need to keep money in your account so when it comes time to order, he has the money to do it.


I'm sure if you asked nicely, he may share his vast knowledge and experience.


Also, I developed a macro driven workbook in Excel that Dave uses to keep track of the accounts, which I'm more than willing to share. Let me know and I'll send off a blank one and instructions.



Thanks, Allanon, I'd love it if you would send your spreadsheet and instructions! And yes, I've asked Nurse Dave if he'd share his knowledge with me. Moun10Bike already shared some of the basics of how the group works. I've done some similar projects before, so am hoping this won't be too difficult.


I'll generate the initial interest list based on who posts here, and report back when I have a proposed setup for feedback.


Also....we need a cool name. :) Something jazzier than Pacific Coin Collectors (PCC), which is all I've thought of so far.


The files are in you e-mail, hydnsek. :)


The Excel file contains everyone up to k7-wave...you'll have to add anyone else.


Let me know if you have problems.




Allanon, would it be possible to have your Excel setup emailed to me? I'm going to discuss this with the Ladybug Kids (Daddy Ladybug) regarding an Alaska Geocoin Collectors group. As Daddy Ladybug said in his post - sure makes sense! Would be a nice adjunct to an Alaska geocaching group... Thanks!




But before I send it, can you give me a few names of people that may be interested. It's easier if I pre-load a few of them in and adjust the macro accordingly (unless one of you is really good with macros, then I probably shouldn't need to).

Also....we need a cool name.  :D  Something jazzier than Pacific Coin Collectors (PCC), which is all I've thought of so far.

Hmmm... will it necessarily be limited only to local (i.e. Pacific) folk? I'm thinking not, so...


How 'bout "Crazed Coin Collective" (CCC) or... Coin Miser's Collective (CMC), or... Geocoin Association of Scroogers (GAS) (a.k.a. F.A.R.T.: Fraternity of Amalgamated Ruble Teamsters) :unsure:


In any case, count me in pending the forthcoming rules details.

Also....we need a cool name.    Something jazzier than Pacific Coin Collectors (PCC), which is all I've thought of so far.


Too Late! We've already used the COOL name. Our new geocoin buying group in Utah is known as the COin Order Liaison, or COOL. So you'll just have to use another name that's not so COOL, OK?




Oh, and I'm going to speak "out of turn", but just because she's busy with other family things right now...


LittleBlue would also probably be interested, so please hold a place for her...and if she's NOT interested she can tell you later...


Thanks, Allanon! You're so sweet. :o You're right on both fronts- I'm interested in joining the group (hydnsek would make a great 'brain' for the group- I definitely lack the organizational sense to track coin offerings on the forums. <_< ) And I have been so busy trying to entertain my husband's parents for the last 2 weeks and rebuild our deck that I've hardly had time to check the 'puter.


Double thanks to hydnsek and my geobuddy Allanon!

Double thanks to hydnsek and my geobuddy Allanon!

You're very welcome, and you're on the list. And Allanon was extremely helpful in providing the inside scoop on Nurse Dave's group [as was ND himself in email].


Details forthcoming shortly on the Pacific Coin Collective.... [thanks to jcar, not to be confused with the Borg Collective :) ]

Posted (edited)



My very small group here in Portland is called: "Go JayBee's Coin Collectors Guild". It is very manageable at 5 members right now. I can't imagine how N.D. does it with his group. Good luck with your new job, hydnsek. :anibad::anibad:


Count me in as a "consultant"........we need to keep each other informed of new releases. As a matter of fact, I almost missed this one today Tennessee Bronze Coins


(Looks like you already knew about this....don't you ever sleep?)


BTW: Am on my way to the Post Office in a few minutes with a package for you.



Edited by Go JayBee
Count me in, but I reserve the right to not purchase some coins. I assume that is always a possibility

To make things work most efficiently for the volunteer manager, coin purchases will be automatic for the agreed numbers whenever a new coin is announced. This is how Nurse Dave's group works; it would take too much time and be too complicated to keep track if everyone got to state their druthers for every coin. So, something to consider. More soon....


I realize that your idea is for a "local" club, but I would love to join if it isn't too much trouble. The "Pacific" name would still apply, but I'm in Southern CA. I don't see any coin clubs down in my area. I just don't want to miss out on any new coins! Thanks, Dave (Cornerstone4)


I might be interested if I had any idea of what we are talking about in cost here? How much would someone have to budget a month, year, etc.? How many would a person be expected to buy?


I might be interested if I had any idea of what we are talking about in cost here? How much would someone have to budget a month, year, etc.? How many would a person be expected to buy?


This is exactly why I would like some way to opt out of buying some of the coins. I would like some idea of how much this is going to cost.


Perhaps this could be set up as an opt out situation. For example a message is sent to the group about some coins coming up. Members would have a certain number of days to say no, otherwise their standard order would be set up. I know this would be more work, but I suspect some members would be willing to share the work.


Also, how would distribution of the coins be handled? For some of us a meeting someplace would not be out of line, but even for people in Eastern Washington that might be a problem.

I might be interested if I had any idea of what we are talking about in cost here? How much would someone have to budget a month, year, etc.? How many would a person be expected to buy?


Give me a chance to pull together the guidelines and then everyone can discuss and decide. Sorry, but I've had some other priorities over the past week that have prevented me from following up with the proposed guidelines, altho I have completed the research phase (chatting with other coin groups and members and getting recommended approach, best practices, etc.).

I might be interested if I had any idea of what we are talking about in cost here?  How much would someone have to budget a month, year, etc.?  How many would a person be expected to buy?


This is exactly why I would like some way to opt out of buying some of the coins. I would like some idea of how much this is going to cost.


Perhaps this could be set up as an opt out situation. For example a message is sent to the group about some coins coming up. Members would have a certain number of days to say no, otherwise their standard order would be set up. I know this would be more work, but I suspect some members would be willing to share the work.


Also, how would distribution of the coins be handled? For some of us a meeting someplace would not be out of line, but even for people in Eastern Washington that might be a problem.

The coin purchases will be automatic, per predetermined agreement with members on how many coins and cost. It would be too time-consuming and inefficient to inform/debate every purchase. And we would likely miss out on opportunities to purchase, as some allotments sell out quickly. Nurse Dave places his orders automatically when a new coin is announced, he doesn't poll the membership first.


Distribution can be in person or via mail. If via mail, then the postage comes out of your account balance.


Obviously, a coin group will not be for everyone - you lose some individual control in order to participate in an efficient purchase system that gives you a better chance of hearing about/purchasing more of the geocoins as they are released. There's also some clout in having large orders and you save some on shipping costs.


Once I post the guidelines, then you can decide if the approach works for you, or not. No worries either way. I can tell you it will adhere very closely to Nurse Dave's group, which has a waiting list for membership, so it must be working. Since I'm creating the group and doing most of the work, I'm sure you'll agree that I get to set the ground rules to make it manageable....and yes, extra helping hands will be accepted (thanks, jcar).

Nurse Dave places his orders automatically when a new coin is announced, he doesn't poll the membership first.


No, but we DO have the option of "opting out" of particular purchases...and you are automatically "out" if your balance falls below $0 in your account.


To "opt out", all someone has to do is email Dave (or post to the group mailing list), they want to opt out and then they don't get that coin. We are always sending group messages about which coins are being discussed and where (the Travel Bug forum is a big place these days to track such things), but there are also lots in the regional forums.


Of course, you have the ability to set the rules however you want, I was just wanting to clairify the opt out policy of ND's group.



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