+reveritt Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 My avatar is a photo of a bronze sculpture from the Dr. Seuss National Memorial in Springfield, MA. I don't know who the sculptor is. Quote
+Sagefox Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 Ours was drawn for us by our son many years ago. The inspiration for the drawing came in 1989 when we bought a Vanagon camper and added to it the vanity license plate SAGEFOX. We LOVE camping and traveling in deserts. Quote
+BlueDeuce Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 I don't know who the sculptor is. Lark Grey Dimond-Cates (Geisel's step-daughter) Quote
+QDman Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 I did my own (not that it was all that difficult). Quote
+El Diablo Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 Mine was sent to me by a friend (Hawk-eye) that gave me the name El Diablo. I have no idea where it originated. El Diablo Quote
+Pork King Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 I have a few avatars that I use with the same username on other sites. I didn't design them, I just googled. You'd be surprised at how many pigs wearing crowns one can find on the internet. I use this one on my "FOUND IT!" stickers I use to sign logs with... and one non-pig related that I use elsewhere... Quote
+Joe Smith Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 (edited) i've had a few. this one started off with a picture of the 60cs (my baby) After allot of work on ms Paint I got the "GX" logo on the screen. So I used that for a while. After I got GIMP I used that to crop and resize, and i added a better background. Instead of the plain white, I made it transparent and layered it over a section of tree branches in the fog that I took in our front yard. This gives some subtle shading and colors. I am still playing around with GIMP, and might make something more personal someday. But for now I'll stick with it. I also like this picture that i did, but it doesn't work as well as an avatar. Joe SMith Edited July 16, 2005 by Joe Smith Quote
+Siberian Cacher Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 I took the picture. Does that count? She's 100% original! Got her as a pup when I began caching. She's probably found more caches than I have Quote
+Subterranean Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 Mine's an electron microscope image of a deer tick by artist/scientist David Scharf. Quote
WH Posted July 16, 2005 Posted July 16, 2005 Among my many addictions, video games rank a close second to geocaching. For some reason, Ive always liked the Yoshi character. I don't know why, but for some reason, he appeals to me. Thats why he's my avatar. Quote
+Langner91 Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Long boring story: I graduated from The University of Iowa in 1991. I am a RABID Hawkeye fan. I even drive a Yellow / Black Dodge Dakota. I am a little obsessive about my favorite college. My father owns 80 acres of nothing in West-Central Wisconsin. He bought it so we could deer hunt / mushroom hunt / camp / goof-off. It is a great piece of property. Nothing for MILES in all directions. We go up every year for the 4th of July, that is his birthday. This year, for some strange reason, the whole place is covered in Black Eyed Susans. Sure, there have always been a few around, but this year they are EVERYWHERE. My seven year old was standing in about 14 acres of meadow and looked up at me and said "Looks like God likes the Hawkeyes too, Dad." We spent a few minutes finding the perfect one for a picture. I live for moments like that. Quote
+NotThePainter Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Some some old dead guy with the same name as me painted my avatar. Quote
+ParrotRobAndCeCe Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Parrots are cool. Parrotheads are cool. The image? It's been on my web site since I first designed it about ten years ago. Couldn't tell you where it came from originally. Quote
+Miragee Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Mine is a photograph of an old schoolhouse located near Twin Falls, Idaho. I took the picture many years ago. When I was back up there last November, I tried in vain to find the building, but I think Suburbia removed it from the landscape . . . Quote
+M&DofKJE Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Well, we're "Mom"&"Dad"ofKJE. So the picture is of K, J, and E at a cache site in Palatka, FL. J is the one holding the GPS, K is the poser, and E is the one having fun between the 2. The picture was taken before we realized how much the GPS would take over our life. K became the infamous "Agent K" and now posts here on her own. We applied the "Agent" moniker on the two boys until they come up with their own. I know, it's an uncreative avatar, but it's who we are. Quote
spinifex Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 (edited) Found a picture of a stop sign in English and Inuktitut. Made an avatar out of it because it looked neat C-ko Edited July 17, 2005 by spinifex Quote
dkhughes Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 (edited) Amish Hacker created this one Wow LOL Edited July 17, 2005 by dkhughes Quote
+Sue Gremlin Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 I took this photo on the beach in Cape May when Joe and I were scouting out a venue to have our wedding. We just happened upon this shark who was willing to pose with Joe. Quote
+briansnat Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 My current one is the flag flown during the Battle of Bennington, by General Stark's troops. I switched to it as Independence Day was approaching and I'll probably keep it for a while. A portrait of Gen. Stark BTW was my avatar for a time. Quote
+Mr. Fantastic Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 My avatar is just a googled image of Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic Four. I chose it because the name is the same and there were more images to choose from now that the movie is out. Before that it was just an interesting picture of a burning log I took while hunting a cache in an area that had just undergone a prescribed burn. The cache did not survive, by the way. Quote
+TeamAO Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Uhhh....I searched for Alpha Omega on Google. Quote
+joe gremlin Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 (edited) Mine is a rare photograph of an actual Gremlin at rest in its native habitat. If you look close you can see that this one's a female and she's pregnant. Ain't she a beauty? Blimy! She almost took me 'ole arm off there! Edited July 17, 2005 by joe gremlin Quote
+Jamie Z Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 I'm one of the few who has an actual picture of me as my avatar. It's kind of weird, actually that more people don't put a picture of themself. In the one other internet forum in which I participate, virtually all users have their own pic as their avatar. Only a small handful use something else. I also use my real name as my nick... wish more people did that. Jamie Quote
+Team Cotati Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 I'm one of the few who has an actual picture of me as my avatar. It's kind of weird, actually that more people don't put a picture of themself. In the one other internet forum in which I participate, virtually all users have their own pic as their avatar. Only a small handful use something else. I also use my real name as my nick... wish more people did that. Jamie What possible difference can this make? Do you plan on becoming close personal friends with these pixels? Quote
+joe gremlin Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 I'm one of the few who has an actual picture of me as my avatar. So... Are you the one on the left or the one on the right? Quote
+Tidalflame Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Right now, mine is the cover artwork for Dream Theater's latest CD, Octavarium. My old one was a vectored silhouette of my girlfriend and me, which I made in Photoshop. Quote
+Blind Avocado Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Mine is just something I threw together in Photoshop just for the GC forums. Quote
+KKTH3 Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Ours is from a photo I took while caching. At the time we first did this cache, I believe it was the closest one two our house. Since then there have been a number more that have cropped up a bit closer. Quote
+Jamie Z Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 (edited) What possible difference can this make? Do you plan on becoming close personal friends with these pixels? I'm not sure what sort of sarcastic meaning you have, but my answer is yes. When I meet geocachers (and I've met about 50) I really like if I already know something of what they look like, and their name. All too often I arrive at an event to meet "GeoMan" and although I've seen his nick before, I don't know his real name, nor do I know him on sight. It's nice to know who you are talking to, don't you think? I guess it also has to do with dealing with people at a personal level. We have a fairly tight-knit group (although the larger geocaching becomes, the less tight-knit is it ) and it's nice to converse with people where I can refer to them by name, and I can see their face. Something tells me that if we were sitting together at a table, you wouldn't be so edgy. I try to treat people online as I would in my living room--or at the very least, as if we were at an event. Jamie Edited July 17, 2005 by Jamie Z Quote
+Ladybug0048 Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Ah golly gee, how silly I feel. I've been lurking on the forums for almost a year now and have only posted a few times. Just yesterday I tried to figure out how to get my avatar and sig line to be added to my posts and I haven't been able to figure it out. HELP! Quote
+Ladybug0048 Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Ah golly gee, how silly I feel. I've been lurking on the forums for almost a year now and have only posted a few times. Just yesterday I tried to figure out how to get my avatar and sig line to be added to my posts and I haven't been able to figure it out. HELP! I must have finally figured it out. I see they are now appearing. Ignore the previous cry for help. Quote
+entropysedge Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Mine is a painting I did a few years back Quote
+joefrog Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Yep, did it myself. Took the frog pic, added the colors, removed the background... Quote
+NomadVW Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Did me own on an evening of fiddlin. Just a VW logo hiking along. Might add a hiking stick soon. VW Quote
+copper_toad Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Yep. Took the picture myself. I must admit, it is a staged photo. I posed the toad on a rock in one of the birdbaths we have. It was a very good model; didn't even budge. Quote
+Jhwk Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 I grabbed the pic and my some added the hat and gps and shadow etc... Quote
Black Mage Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 I change mine from thime to time, but at the moment I'm using a picture of Zim, from the cartoon Invader Zim...the best cartoon evarz! Some other avatars include: Leo from VGCats. Dr. Hobo, also from VGCats. A Helghast soldier from the PS2 game, Killzone (why is it that the bad guys are always so much cooler than the good guys?) A simple Black Mage sprite from Final Fantasy. I call this one, Evil BM. I have also used these in the UTAG forums: Quote
+joe gremlin Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 This is an avatar I found on another forum and I don't know why but I can't stop watching it. Quote
+deimos444 Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 My avatar is a photo of my Golden Retriever " Poster Boy " taken with 35mm infrared film and transferred to Photoshop 8.0. I used multiple transparency layers but I'm still not certain how I reached the image I have. Go figure. I've been using various refractive and density gradiant mediums for quite a while and I still come up with stuff that drives me and the other Materials Science guys crazy. I guess there is something to be said for the " gee, I wonder what this is gonna do attitude. " If anyone has been to any of the tech shows in Silicon Valley they might have seen some of my metallographic and micro pictures of components and board sections and stuff. Quote
+robert Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 I'm one of the few who has an actual picture of me as my avatar. It's kind of weird, actually that more people don't put a picture of themself. In the one other internet forum in which I participate, virtually all users have their own pic as their avatar. Only a small handful use something else. I also use my real name as my nick... wish more people did that. Jamie mine is a photoshopped pic of me signing a log at this cache earlier this year. Quote
+Douglas_Clan Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 Long story involving King County Sheriff's 911, and a helicopter trip, and a gnome named Heinrich Quote
+sept1c_tank Posted July 17, 2005 Posted July 17, 2005 I'm one of the few who has an actual picture of me as my avatar. It's kind of weird, actually that more people don't put a picture of themself. In the one other internet forum in which I participate, virtually all users have their own pic as their avatar. Only a small handful use something else. I also use my real name as my nick... wish more people did that. Jamie I enjoy avatars; they are a visual representation of the hundreds of people in our community. I recently incorporated my photo into my avatar, mostly for the same reasons as Jamie. I googled for my first avatar.---> And painted my own outrageous color. ---> Then I decided everyone should see my pretty face, so I developed the current model. BTW, Jamie, my real name is sept1c_tank! Quote
+ChileHead Posted July 18, 2005 Posted July 18, 2005 Just gimp'd my facial features on top of a habanero, my favorite chile pepper. Quote
+WeightMan Posted July 18, 2005 Posted July 18, 2005 I was sitting in the Rose Bowl just before the start of the Washington vs Purdue game on January 1 and saw this red tail flying over. I couldn't resist taking the shot. By the way, Washington kicked butt in that game. Quote
HideNseekers Posted July 18, 2005 Posted July 18, 2005 Mines just a guy with his head and more burried in a bucket. It reminds me of myself while Geocaching. Family members usually out cache me big time. Quote
+Cait&aly&unc Posted July 18, 2005 Posted July 18, 2005 It's us. We tried to get a liltle help and be a little cryptic. Why bother. We are who we are. We're not ashamed of who or what we are. We seek caches. Want to do something about it? Caity (my blonde bombshell) will take care of that! And whomsoever may outlast her will be taken care of by Aly (her sister). All in fun, we're here and we're having a blast. See us and say Hi. Please. The only thing more fun than finding a cache is finding a cache in the company of another brother or sister cacher! The joy found in seeing a fellow geocacher intently focusing on their GPSr while relentlessly advancing on your position after you have found a cache is amazing! A face placed with an avatar when you don't visit na=many events ia great! Quote
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