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Wyoming Geocoin


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I would like 2 silver please as an individual or was the max one(1)?


I am a member of ICE which I expect has already ordered our 35 bronze and 2 silver. If not, could you please let me know....


Thanks a bundle!!

I will try and answer the questions I see from above..


The cost of GC.COM tracking is $1.50 per coin with a 1500 coin minimum. At $10.50 for a silver coin one would have to sell almost 215 coins to just cover the cost of making them trackable. What you lose on each coin you can make up on volume???

WYlostinMA has visited with someone and he has all the costs taken care of. I believe we are still working on $5.50ish for bronze $10.50ish for silver.


Until I get a better count from the others in our NEW buying group, I'd guess we would be interested in around a dozen of the Silver coins.

A group is only allowed two silver coins. Each of your group members will need to order silver coins individually.


I didn't know you were taking orders already

No orders have been taken, we are just kinda trying to get a tally of what we need to mint. Currently we are at 493 bronze - 87 silver !!!


What are the stats on the silver coin? Solid 0.999 silver 1 oz. like the Alaska coin, or something else?

They are not .999 silver... but I honestly can't tell you what they are. sorry


The designs were hashed over at the last geo-meet in Casper. The design is being reworked and will be posted when completed. WYlostinMA and Lady K..thanks again for all the hard work.

As best as I can tell, this is the last post that was made by anyone that has some real clue as to what's happening with this coin. :P


As you can see, it was posted in July!! :P


An update would be greatly apprieciated by everyone that has expressed an interest in this coin. After all, you haven't said anything for 2 months. ;)


I have a personal interest in an update, since you have one of my personal coins, which was sent in good faith as a trade for a Wyoming coin.


So, howzabout it?


I will contact KKTH3 and WYlostinMA to try and get a run down for everyone.


Hopefully we can at least get everyone a look at the design and an estimated time frame of when pay pay will be set up.


So sorry for the delay in the process. :laughing:


why does it appear that people prematurely list coins like this with no artwork or update, close the thread if you aren"t going to follow through with the coin.

It is VERY unfair to the people who sent their trades in to have to wait months and months on end to get a coin back.


It is VERY unfair to the people who sent their trades in to have to wait months and months on end to get a coin back.

I hear ya. This was getting out of hand. So the process I now typically follow is that I set up the trade and package up my end in an addressed mailer. I hold the mailer until I either know the person I am trading with has received his/her coin(s) or is shipping his/her end of the trade to me. At this point, I mail my end of the trade.


I still have 3 trades out there from before I began doing this. But this process makes it much easier to manage and it's the reason why I was needing your address and stuff a few weeks ago. I have a stack of mailers here that are ready to ship.


It is VERY unfair to the people who sent their trades in to have to wait months and months on end to get a coin back.

I hear ya. This was getting out of hand. So the process I now typically follow is that I set up the trade and package up my end in an addressed mailer. I hold the mailer until I either know the person I am trading with has received his/her coin(s) or is shipping his/her end of the trade to me. At this point, I mail my end of the trade.


I still have 3 trades out there from before I began doing this. But this process makes it much easier to manage and it's the reason why I was needing your address and stuff a few weeks ago. I have a stack of mailers here that are ready to ship.

I want to know if they kept a record of who's coins they got....it's been so long that I hope they did not forget.

Posted (edited)

So the process I now typically follow is that I set up the trade and package up my end in an addressed mailer. I hold the mailer until I either know the person I am trading with has received his/her coin(s) or is shipping his/her end of the trade to me. At this point, I mail my end of the trade.

This works better than a spreadsheet! I just look at the marked envelopes to see who and what trades are in-process.


BTW: I still need LadeBear68's mailing address :P

Edited by pdxmarathonman

I keep a spreadsheet of all my trades. I posted my coin available for trades and lined up about 40 trades thus far. People knew up front that my coins would take 4-5 weeks to come in and it was up to them to send their coin now, or when the coins came in, or even after they receive mine in the mail. It is working for me and hopefully I will have my coins in a week or two. My mailers are all labeled and ready, so a one day turn-around for all those I have addresses for.

I keep a spreadsheet of all my trades. I posted my coin available for trades and lined up about 40 trades thus far. People knew up front that my coins would take 4-5 weeks to come in and it was up to them to send their coin now, or when the coins came in, or even after they receive mine in the mail. It is working for me and hopefully I will have my coins in a week or two. My mailers are all labeled and ready, so a one day turn-around for all those I have addresses for.

I have three different way I keep track mailers, spreadsheet, and index cards.

I keep a spreadsheet of all my trades. I posted my coin available for trades and lined up about 40 trades thus far. People knew up front that my coins would take 4-5 weeks to come in and it was up to them to send their coin now, or when the coins came in, or even after they receive mine in the mail. It is working for me and hopefully I will have my coins in a week or two. My mailers are all labeled and ready, so a one day turn-around for all those I have addresses for.

I have three different way I keep track mailers, spreadsheet, and index cards.

BTW, you are the only one on my list that I don't have an address for. If you could send that, I can update my spreadsheet. :P

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