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Cache Buzzards

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Ok, I'm obviously a newbie and having difficulty with my software. I've looked through old posts and can't find the answers that I'm looking for. I've also looked at Smittys(something or other) and various other step by step web sites but none of them seem to explain exactly what to do - like "ok....my screen doesn't have that "magic button" you're talking about". So....as complex as it is - can anyone either help me fully or in part with the following questions? If you'd rather, anyone willing to talk to me like I'm 4 can email and we can do it that way. I just appreciate help. By the way - my GSAK and Cachmate are paid for. So here goes:



I see where people have them generated a couple times a week. When I generate mine I say 'send me 50 that I haven't found'. But it keeps sending the same 50, because obviously I haven't changed the information. So, I deleted all my queries and will just mark the ones I've found in the meantime. Why would I keep downloading the same 50 and having to import them every couple days and rework them? Am I missing the point of Pocket Queries? I'm certainly not finding 50 every couple days but I like a good variety in case I travel 10-15 miles down the road.



Love the program but have a problem converting the files to get them into my PDA. I have to open Cachemate, go through about 15 steps, go back into GSAK and then export them. Does everyone have to go through that every single time? Also, do you list your Pocket Queries by date as different data bases? I have several files, all differnt names, with the same info in them. Does that make sense? Aren't I just wasting computer space?



I love this program! Great for my PDA. But....does it really do my any good to mark that I've found a cache, put in the time, date and comments, turn around and do the same thing on GSAK and turn around and do the same thing on Geocaching.com? I understand having to do it in one program and then again on the web, but it makes no sense to be doing it three times - I'd rather be spending all that time outside. Isn't there someway my Cachemate can sync with GSAK, other than just importing the queries into my PDA?


Well, there you have it. My ignorance exposed (along with a few spelling errors, I'm sure). Again, any insight, help, or laughing would be appreciated.

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Ok, I'm obviously a newbie and having difficulty with my software. I've looked through old posts and can't find the answers that I'm looking for. I've also looked at Smittys(something or other) and various other step by step web sites but none of them seem to explain exactly what to do - like "ok....my screen doesn't have that "magic button" you're talking about". So....as complex as it is - can anyone either help me fully or in part with the following questions? If you'd rather, anyone willing to talk to me like I'm 4 can email and we can do it that way. I just appreciate help. By the way - my GSAK and Cachmate are paid for. So here goes:



I see where people have them generated a couple times a week. When I generate mine I say 'send me 50 that I haven't found'. But it keeps sending the same 50, because obviously I haven't changed the information. So, I deleted all my queries and will just mark the ones I've found in the meantime. Why would I keep downloading the same 50 and having to import them every couple days and rework them? Am I missing the point of Pocket Queries? I'm certainly not finding 50 every couple days but I like a good variety in case I travel 10-15 miles down the road.



Love the program but have a problem converting the files to get them into my PDA. I have to open Cachemate, go through about 15 steps, go back into GSAK and then export them. Does everyone have to go through that every single time? Also, do you list your Pocket Queries by date as different data bases? I have several files, all differnt names, with the same info in them. Does that make sense? Aren't I just wasting computer space?



I love this program! Great for my PDA. But....does it really do my any good to mark that I've found a cache, put in the time, date and comments, turn around and do the same thing on GSAK and turn around and do the same thing on Geocaching.com? I understand having to do it in one program and then again on the web, but it makes no sense to be doing it three times - I'd rather be spending all that time outside. Isn't there someway my Cachemate can sync with GSAK, other than just importing the queries into my PDA?


Well, there you have it. My ignorance exposed (along with a few spelling errors, I'm sure). Again, any insight, help, or laughing would be appreciated.

Pocket Queries.


By getting the pocket queries on a routine basis you get the most current logs. That way you can see if anyone has trouble finding it you will know. If you are using GSAK you just import them into GSAK and the new logs will show up. You don't need to delete the old logs.


GSAK export to Cachemate. I don't use this so I can't help you for sure, I can tell you that the Cachemate converter doesn't require that you open Cachemate on the PDA. Just export it. The next time you open Cachemate it will ask if you want to import. Select yes and it will update the Cachemate DB with the most recent logs.


You don't have to mark the caches as found in GSAK. The next time you recieve the pocket query it will include your log and GSAK will update the found flag on its own. You will however have to include your finds in the pocket query.


I have three queries, one for caches that I have found in the last 7 days. This updates Watcher for me. (Watcher is a GSAK like tool that I like better than GSAK and it is free)

The other two queries select the 500 nearest unfound caches, one over difficulty 2 and one under.

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Why would I keep downloading the same 50 and having to import them every couple days and rework them? Am I missing the point of Pocket Queries? I'm certainly not finding 50 every couple days but I like a good variety in case I travel 10-15 miles down the road.


So you have the most current information.


I (and I think many GSAK users) download the nearest 500 unfound caches of the type I search for twice a week.


With the "import from e-mail" option and a gmail account, importing isn't a problem. (And I'm not sure what the "rework" part of this would be.) ;)

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I use GPXSonar on my PocketPC, so I can't answer your GSAK question.


As to the Pocket Queries, it doesn't help to run the same query over and over again, but if you were going to Dallas, Texas and wanted just the micros, or if you wanted to download all the 3+ terrain caches near you so you could find some nice hikes, or you just wanted a list of all your found caches--the PQs will do all that.


As your personal caching style evolves you'll figure out pretty quickly what you do or don't need to keep using.

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I see where people have them generated a couple times a week. When I generate mine I say 'send me 50 that I haven't found'. But it keeps sending the same 50, because obviously I haven't changed the information. So, I deleted all my queries and will just mark the ones I've found in the meantime. Why would I keep downloading the same 50 and having to import them every couple days and rework them? Am I missing the point of Pocket Queries? I'm certainly not finding 50 every couple days but I like a good variety in case I travel 10-15 miles down the road.

To make sure that you have fresh data. The first time you're out caching with a week old PQ and spend 2 hours searching for a cache and come home and find out it was archived 3 days ago, you'll understand. ;)


Now, it's only returning the same 50 caches each time, if there are no new caches, no archived caches, and you haven't found any caches since the last time the PQ ran. (Assuming you're filtering out your finds in the PQ generator).


Generally, if you KNOW you're not going to be caching for a day or two, it's pointless to run the PQ's as the data will be "stale" by the time you go caching.


I don't use GSAK or Cachemate, so I'll let those for people who do.

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    Love the program but have a problem converting the files to get them into my PDA. I have to open Cachemate, go through about 15 steps, go back into GSAK and then export them. Does everyone have to go through that every single time? Also, do you list your Pocket Queries by date as different data bases? I have several files, all differnt names, with the same info in them. Does that make sense? Aren't I just wasting computer space?

I use GSAK and Cachemate and don't have any problems exporting the files, I just hit File -> export .pdb file, click on generate, and its done. Then it just loads to my PDA when I next synchronise.


What happens when you try to generate the file?


Also as far as databases go, I have a number of different ones for different areas, a local one for caches around the local area, which I just update with pocket queries every few days, and then additional ones for areas I might be visiting.

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I use GSAK and Cachemate and don't have any problems exporting the files, I just hit File -> export .pdb file, click on generate, and its done. Then it just loads to my PDA when I next synchronise.


What happens when you try to generate the file?


My problem is not exporting into my PDA - it's making the file into a .pdb file so it can be exported. I have to close the GSAK, open a zipped Cachemate file, go to the file converter, then open something called cmconverter, extract all, run the 'extraction wizard" (which is an ordeal in it's own)....so on and so on. It's just silly to be doing all that every couple days for basically the same information from a PQ that may have a few sentences different.


Does your mommy know your using the computer?


Yes, but she told me not to talk to strangers. Hmmmmm.......

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You don't need to use cmconverter, Just run file-export to .pdb file. You can also set up a button on the toolbar to export to cachemate.


If you think the information doesn't change much just upload it once a week. But I can tell you from experience that caches change more rapidly than you think. I can't count the number of caches that have gone missing in the week since I uploaded the PQ. The only reason I only do it once a week is to try to help the server load until a fix is put into place for slow and missing pq's

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I agree, you shouldn't have to enter all this information 3 times - and if you are using GSAK you don't.


1. When Exporting from GSAK to cachemate, make sure you tick the box "Intall to palm after conversion". This way you won't have to go trough all those other steps you are doing. GSAK will do the conversion and automatically send to your palm on the next sync


2. After updating your founds and making notes in Cachemate you can sync these with GSAK using the "File=>Load Cachemate logs and finds" option


3. You can then have GSAK logs these finds at geocaching.com by opening up the GSAK usernote for the cache and click on the "Log Cache" button


4. Better still, one GSAK user has written a macro that will combine steps 2 and 3 for you and do the lot for every cache (rather than one at a time) You can find the "CacheMateLog.txt" macro here http://gsak.net/Macros.php

Edited by ClydeE
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Ok, there we go - now to the meat and bones - I think I may understand a bit better. I'm going to work on it today. Rest assured I will update in this thread how things go. Thank you all so much for your lengthy responses. Seriously - couldn't do it without you - and don't think I'd want to if I didn't have the support of the community. *tear* :o

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With the "import from e-mail" option and a gmail account, importing isn't a problem


Tried to get a GMail account but apparently they are only giving them to certain people - I'm not one of them. Any ideas? I opened a Google account then found this in their web site:


2. Does creating a Google Account give me a Gmail account?


Unfortunately not. Gmail is currently in a limited release, so you need to get invited by another Gmail user in order to sign up.


Thank you to the Cacher who sent me an invite! Much, much appreciated!

Edited by Cache Buzzards
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With the "import from e-mail" option and a gmail account, importing isn't a problem


Tried to get a GMail account but apparently they are only giving them to certain people - I'm not one of them. Any ideas? I opened a Google account then found this in their web site:


2. Does creating a Google Account give me a Gmail account?


Unfortunately not. Gmail is currently in a limited release, so you need to get invited by another Gmail user in order to sign up.



You can try this thread or email me through my profile.


I have plenty of invites to send out....

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