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National Geographic .tpo Files Question

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Hi all,


There is a bunch of National Geographic .tpo files out here (containing wpt and tracks) and I would really like to import them on my GPS or look at them through mapsource. So far my searches didn’t lead me to anything for using them on my 60CS and national geographic apparently do not support USB ports very well.


For some reason .tpo file resisted any reverse engineering attempts, which explains the lack of support. So plan B is to get a USB-to-serial adapter from gpsgeek.com in addition to some national geographic software.


Because I am not really interested in the topographic maps, but only in the *.tpo overlay files, I was wandering if I could just purchase NS least expensive product which is GPS USA at $24.95 US. Unfortunately when I looked at the comparison charts, this product doesn't allow sharing trail files with mapXchange, which makes me believe the software is unable to read/write/import/export *.tpo files. On the other hand, product description says "Easily transfer waypoints, routes, and tracks between your GPS and PC". I am a bit confused about the capability of this software wrt *.tpo files. :D


Any opinion?




Hello, Stephane,


I just upgraded my GPS from a Legend to the 60CS and have a similar problem. I use Topo! extensively and now cannot talk to the GPS via USB. I have put in a question to NG Tech Support but have yet to receive an answer.


If I do hear from them I will post their info here.








If you already have NS software, then the simplest thing for you is to get that USB-COM adapter from gpsgeek. It has been recommended by another user (from GPS babel) who upgraded his GPS to the 60CS just like you.


In my case, I want to avoid paying $99 for topo maps I do not need ans I am just inetrested in the .tpo overlais files.



Posted (edited)

I just picked up NG Back Roads Explorer at Costco for $30 and it covers all 50 states to 1 level of detail less than what the state products do.

Edited by LandRover
Hi all,


There is a bunch of National Geographic .tpo files out here (containing wpt and tracks) and I would really like to import them on my GPS or look at them through mapsource. So far my searches didn’t lead me to anything for using them on my 60CS and national geographic apparently do not support USB ports very well.

National Geographic's Topo! 4.0 supports USB. It's $40, and also includes 3D views and reasonably recent street overlays. I've transfered data from/to my 76C via USB with this software.

Posted (edited)

Hi Renegade Knight ,


Yes, GPSbabel does some kind of conversion for these files but only for the old national geographic files format. GPSbabel team still haven't reverse engineered the newer .tpo format; this fact is mentioned in GPSbabel's "README" supported format list.


Hey LandRover,


Can you confirm that NG Back Roads Explorer can read .tpo files, it look like it is the case when I read NS' product description. If that so then I am in business. The only problem is that NS says that "We regret that this item is not available at this time.". Any clue why?


Old Bill,


Where did you see the TOPO! software at $40 box ?

NS sell it for $99 on NS site.




Edited by xCetera
Hi Renegade Knight ,


Yes, GPSbabel does some kind of conversion for these files but only for the old national geographic files format. GPSbabel team still haven't reverse engineered the newer .tpo format; this fact is mentioned in GPSbabel's "README" supported format list....

Sorry, NG messes me up with their tpg and tpo files. I do not at all like that they got rid of waypoint files. I do like some of the abilities of the newer format for their main files.

Old Bill,


Where did you see the TOPO! software at $40 box ?

NS sell it for $99 on NS site.




He is talking about TOPO! Streets & 3-D Views. It is an add-on to the TOPO State series. It updates the software to a newer version with USB support. You don't automatically get the version update even if you buy a TOPO state product today. You only get it when you install TOPO! Streets & 3-D Views.


With that said, it is well worth the small price you have to pay (much less than $40). In addition to the USB support, you get cool 3D maps and lots of extra street detail which is useful. Buy it!




Rocket Man,


I agree that $20 for the Streets & 3-D Views is quite cheap, but this is only an add-on. Therefore I have to buy the TOPO State series ($99) and then TOPO! Streets & 3-D Views ($20) for a grand total of $120. Is there a least expensive solution to get the .tpo tracks in my 60CS considering the fact that I am not interested in the topographic maps themselves ?



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