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Does Tab "a" Go Into Slot "b" (60cs Accessories)

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I have the suction cup mount for my 60CS, but in the heat of Texas summer the suction cup doesn't like to stay on the glass. It was really the best option for me because I drive a roadster and everything in it is small... especially the dash. Unfortunately, for this vehicle I just don't have a lot of choice.


When using it in my wife's Honda CRV (which is much easier on those long trips) I'd like to use something dash based instead (to avoid the glass issue). Does the suction mount somehow snap into either the Dash Mount or the beanbag?


All the locations on the web that sell them don't really say much about this - can't blame them really since even Garmin doesn't say anything either. I really like my Garmin, but man those accessories can cost ya. Before I drop down $25 for another (non suction cup) bracket and $25 for the bag or dash disk, I wanted to see if someone has both and has tried this.




Whoops - meant for this to be in another discussion board. I'll let it simmer in here (since its here) and repost in the other area if I don't get any bites. Sorry about that folks.


I've got the 60cs also. I bought the suction mount first, and due to the 60cs being a vertical unit, it doesn't fit real well in my truck. They are building dashboards a lot higher these days. The only way I could get it positioned at an angle so I could see it was to rotate the main part slightly so that it wasn't stcking straight out, and then rotate the clip that the 60cs fits in.


But to answer your original question, I was unable to figure out any way to get the suction mount to fit into the dashmount or the bean bag. I think you are going to have to break down and purchase the dash mount separately like I did. One thing I noticed with the 60cs as opposed to the gpsV is that with the bean bag mount one should position it as close to the dash as possible, keeping the center of gravity low. I has the whole thing bounce off a couple of times since I has to move the 60cs about 4" from the center of the bean bag so it would fit between the dash and the windshield. This resulted in a configuration that would bounce and move around during travel over NY's roads. I ended up putting a beanie baby between the bean bag and the bottom of my radar detector to keep it in place. I did say beanie baby. Since we now have 4 lizards as pets, I thought one would be appropriate as a mascot in my truck. :unsure:


Just a thought; If the suction cup won't hold in the Texas sun, I would use caution with the dash mount. It holds using some kind of adhesive disk. Would the sun and heat have an affect on tha adhesive's holding abilities?


Hope this helps.


There is no need for the suction mount(have not used) to snap into either the dash mount or the bean bag(have both). When you get either the dashmount or bean bag they come with everything you need. If you are going to be using it in your wifes vehicle I would suggest the bean bag so that you can remove it when not caching. The bean bag is very stable and the only time I have had any trouble with it moving is when heading up the side of a mountain on very rough logging roads going faster than I really should be going.


Ditto from LandRover's posting. I've used my Bean Bag Mount in dozens of cars and trucks without any problems (unless you're about to roll over or jumping something). It folds down flat too so I can throw it into my bags.


I use cell phone mounts in both my car and truck. Just slide the stud on the 60CS into the slot of the mount. Some slots may have to be widened. 2 careful minutes with a grinding tool (dremel) will do it.


I've seen them sold in seperate parts, so I was trying to save another $20 or so. Thanks for the advice all - I'll be ordering the bag here shortly (will do some price shopping... maybe keep an eye out on ebay).


I may also see if Garmin will swap me and let me pay the difference. The joints on my suction mount are already cracking and I've had it for about a month.


I've got the handlebar mount for my bike as well as the bean bag and the sticky auto mount... haven't usd the sticky mount because the bean bag mount works so well... unless I'm taking 90 degree turns at high (>30mph) speed it's solid as a rock!


The handlebar mount is a bit of a different story. Twice I've had the 60cs FLY OUT of the little clippy-thing that the 60cs attaches to. The clip stays attached to the handlebars, but all that does is keep the $10 clip safe, not my $450 GPSr.


The first time it flew out, I was in the city and my GPSr landed right on the antenna... fun times. broke the antenna pretty hardcore. I called Garmin about it, they replaced the bike mount and fixed my 60cs for free.. but yesterday the GPSr flew out again, this time landing in some soft grass on the side of the trail. After a little testing, I noticed that any time my back tire hits even somewhat hard, the GPSr goes flying out... maybe I should use my etrex on my bike instead.

I've got the handlebar mount for my bike as well as the bean bag and the sticky auto mount... haven't usd the sticky mount because the bean bag mount works so well... unless I'm taking 90 degree turns at high (>30mph) speed it's solid as a rock!


The handlebar mount is a bit of a different story.  Twice I've had the 60cs FLY OUT of the little clippy-thing that the 60cs attaches to.  The clip stays attached to the handlebars, but all that does is keep the $10 clip safe, not my $450 GPSr. 


The first time it flew out, I was in the city and my GPSr landed right on the antenna... fun times. broke the antenna pretty hardcore.  I called Garmin about it, they replaced the bike mount and fixed my 60cs for free.. but yesterday the GPSr flew out again, this time landing in some soft grass on the side of the trail.  After a little testing, I noticed that any time my back tire hits even somewhat hard, the GPSr goes flying out... maybe I should use my etrex on my bike instead.

Buuu, wish I would have checked out your post yesterday as I just ordered a bike handlebar mount. Oh well, hopefully my full suspension mountain bike will lesson the chance of it popping out. I will have to test it out before hitting the trail and see if I can add something to the mount to secure it a little better.

I didn't invest in the bean bag mount yet but based on the positive comments on it, it will be my next purchase.

TeamShamrock, thanks for the interesting thread!


I've been doing some reading in the "I lost my gps" threads, and it seems to be a universal opinion that the Garmin bike mount doesn't always keep the gpsr in the bracket. I've thinking about getting one, and some of the ideas presented look like they would work. Maybe a couple of heavy duty rubber bands, or some type of elastic would help keep it on. I have some of the velcro cable ties that I think would work, and might last longer than a rubber band. You can get them at almost any electronics store or your local Lowes or Home Depot. I use them to keep all the cables for my laptop neat, especially when traveling. I haven't tried it yet, but who knows, it might work. Just have to figure out where to position them so the display screen is still visable.


On the other hand, I have read that the ram mounts are supposed to be really sturdy. I'll have to check into them also.


Okay - I'm a Garmin fan for life now. Here is an update to our problem...


I e-mailed the Garmin sales group and explained that the suction cup mount wasn't working out. Since buy.com (where I got it from) couldn't take it back because I didn't have the package anymore, I wanted to know if we could work something out - perhaps return the mount I had and pay for the difference for a bean-bag upgrade.


I got an e-mail from Garmin a day later...


"Since the Suction Cup Mount has not performed well for you I will send you

the bean bag mount as a replacement for good customer service. You should

receive the mount within the next two weeks."


Wow! B)


I thought about posting that in a "Another Magellan Customer Service" complaint thread, but sharing this with all of those that offered advice was more important to us.


Thanks again everyone!


Garmin has excellent customer service. When I lost one of my mapping

disks they sent me a replacement, no questions asked. They also reply

to tech questions quickly...even on weekends!

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