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Honoring Geocachers Of The Past

Team Dromomania

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This is a very large community and I'm sure that some cachers have passed away. Is there a specific thread or an area where such persons could be honored with a few words from those who knew something about them.


I personally do not know of any cachers who have passed away. I do know that if I'm still geocaching when I die I'd like others to know I passed away and did not just go MIA.

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Is there a policy concerning cachers who have passed away? I think it's good to keep the profiles but is anything official being done to do some housekeeping with that person's caches and TB's? I know if I should die that my wife would have no idea how to log onto our web pages - much less how to make any changes in the profile.


It is good to see these cachers are still remembered.

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Is there a policy concerning cachers who have passed away? I know if I should die that my wife would have no idea how to log onto our web pages - much less how to make any changes in the profile.

I'd imagine that's pretty much the case with most people.


If I were to meet an untimely end, no one here would likely know--at least immediately. It'd look to everyone that I just quit geocaching.


I'd wager that there are numerous geocachers who have died and none of us know about it simply because we don't recieve word. It's pretty hard to determine why someone may stop frequenting this site.


Perhaps this is a reminder to us all that it might be a good idea to include instructions to tie up loose ends online, should we unexpectedly die.



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If I were to meet an untimely end, no one here would likely know--at least immediately. It'd look to everyone that I just quit geocaching.


We'd assume you took a few months off to go paddle the Nile, or go trekkingin Nepal. I think though that after 6 months or so we'd start to wonder.

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