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Maryland Geocoin Information


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OK, we're ready to order! The following is the final artwork for the first batch of coins:








The coins will be trackable by Geocaching.com and will have its own custom icon:




We're going to get a final estimate and set the price once all the figures are figured but you can expect in the area of $6/each. We went with silver vs bronze which will look much sharper with the black background. Coins should be ready towards the end of July. We're ordering a bunch so shouldn't be a problem getting everyone taken care of.


More details to follow! :anitongue:


edit: Go ahead and put your orders in on this thread, we'll post the payment info later once it's finalized. Should be very soon (early next week most likely).


thanks everyone :rolleyes:

Edited by robert
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We will use this forum to help determine how many we will order and that will determine the final cost.Post how many you want here and payment will be by paypal or more conventional methods in the next couple of weeks.

Dancingfool will be the one taking the orders, do not shoot him.



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edit: Go ahead and put your orders in on this thread, we'll post the payment info later once it's finalized. Should be very soon (early next week most likely).

Without a better estimate on price I can't give you an exact amount. Put me down for somewhere between 6 and 10 depending on price.

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Shipping is one of the last details. I thought to include it on every coin but realized it penalized those who ordered more and our local group who may not need shipping. We will know better as the pre-orders come in. If the response is strong(it has been with commitments for 250 in less than 24 hours)we will order more and the cost will be lower. $6 per coin is a firm maximum and will include shipping. Hope that helps

Thank you for the orders we are really excited about producing this coin.

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