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Prob W/battery Holder Sportrak Map

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I love my Magellan SporTrak Map. :yikes: I've lost the clip that holds my battery compartment closed. :angry: I think it's a small E Clip. Does anyone know the correct clip and what size I need to replace it? Also any ideas of where to find it would also be greatly appreciated!

Posted (edited)

I feel your pain. My clip fell off within the first month of owning the GPS. I can't understand why they would put such a mickey mouse clip onto a battery pack when you have to give the battery pack a pretty good tug to get it out (No offence to any Disney fans for the mouse crack).


I didn't bother to replace the clip. I took a small drill and drilled a hole in the plastic piece of the battery flap. I didn't drill through into the compartment risking water leaking in, just through the extra plastic piece above the screw. I then put the lanyard cord through the hole and I have never had a problem since.


Here is a pic of what I did:



Edited by Chillibusher
Posted (edited)

Thank you Chillibusher for your suggestion. I think I know what you mean. However the first symptom I noticed was that after turning on the GPSr, it didn't aquire any sats. My other GPSr had no problems getting a fast lock on my position. The lack of clip perhaps prevented a good electrical connection for the batteries to properly power the unit. I'm not sure how your idea would prevent that. You say it works. Great!


I agree that one small clip seems a bit flimsey when you take into account that the clip has double duty. Essentially it is needed to yank out the battery holder and keep the lynard attached to the unit too.



I just saw the pic, it does explain your idea much better :angry:

Edited by naturewalker

you might want to check out this topic..... i have bought two of these lanyard attachments and work great! this attaches where your serial cable goes, though i dont hang my gps from it. some pretty good pictures on here.


meridian lanyard


i opted to just buy one, i got mine through this site mentioned in that post



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