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Explorist 400 Problems

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hi there, i just have a new explorist 400 and the product seems to be just fine but... i don't know if is it te firmware, but after is running a while, some options freeze the screen and sometimes he cannot load the basemap "error loading map/loading basemap" and the he freeze. When this append a cannot have acces to the options (like language or GOTO button). Sometimes it appear in the screen "BURN IN TEST press enter" He runs like windows 98, and the only whay to shut it off, is to remove the battery.


His this append to you? is there anyway to make it run fine? cos when he run ok, he runs like a charm...


thanks fo answers


You are not alone on these things; although they haven't seemed frequent, several people have reported freezes following otherwise successful data transfers and sudden, unexplained appearances of the burn-in window. My impression has been that the burn-in window tends to show once but doesn't recur. It sounds like you are seeing it more than that.


I don't know much to do about it. I would first try to clear all memory (you will lose any data in internal memory, but not SD card): menu/preferences/Clear Memory/all.


If that doesn't do it, I would then try a hard reset--I think that is a step up from the previous process-- by simultaneously pushing GOTO, OUT, and POWER keys.


If you continue to see these things, I would be inclined to exchange it. A call to customer service might shed light. It's not normal behavior.


Please let us know how things turn out for you.

hi there, i just have a new explorist 400 and the product seems to be just fine but... i don't know if is it te firmware, but after is running a while, some options freeze the screen and sometimes he cannot load the basemap "error loading map/loading basemap" and the he freeze. When this append a cannot have acces to the options (like language or GOTO button). Sometimes it appear in the screen "BURN IN TEST press enter" He runs like windows 98, and the only whay to shut it off, is to remove the battery.


His this append to you? is there anyway to make it run fine? cos when he run ok, he runs like a charm...


thanks fo answers

that "burn-in" test happen to my 600 yesterday after I reset it, not sure if it was suppose to happen but hasn't popped back up since. it was just strange see it, since it is listed in the secret menu items of commands.




reseting it was worst!

arghhh!!! if i wanna show how he freeze is to reseting it!


the sequence for an hard reset isn't right, that doesn't work. Someone know how to make an hard reset on explorist 400?


Posted answer in the other thread: make sure goto/out/power are pressed while unit is turned off. I verified that this works on my 500.


just change for another one at the store.. for now, is running ok for the last 3 days. When the problems appears, is in the first hour of use. So if you buy one, before being in search for a cache or to follow a route, try it home for a couple of hours in all mode and try all options (my suggestion).

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