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Group Caching Gpx File Generation

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Other than the Keenpeople.com online tool has any one found or written an application that could take a bunch of GPX files of different peoples unfound caches and generate a GPX file that only contained caches none of the people had done?



GPS Babel Geocaching tricks


We have a group hunt planned this weekend and would like to hunt only caches that none of us have found.

gpsbabel -i gpx -f yourarea.gpx -i gpx -f myfinds.gpx -i gpx -f hisfinds.gpx -i gpx -f herfinds.gpx -x duplicate,shortname,all -o gpx -F todolist.gpx


Translation: Start with a PQ of the entire area. Merge the 'found' cache lists from each cacher on the hunt. Discard anything that appears on the list more than once. Obviously, if the PQs aren't for exactly the same area/cache type, additional filtering may be needed.


I know I'm probably pushing the envolope now but is there any way to do it on a pocket PC?


My brother lugs a laptop along and I use a pocketPC. He'll use this as another excuse to justify carrying that monstrosity along. :o


I think we'd generally just do it the night before a cache hunt and not do it on the fly.

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