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  1. When in the map and clicking the search geocaches button I get this new message: "The web browser you are currently using doesn’t support WebGL, which is needed to view this map. To view a map experience that supports your browser, please use our Browse map." There is a browse geocaches button but that just takes me back to my home. I am using Windows 11 with Firefox browser and both are up to date with the current versions. I have successfully used this set up for years without this problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Thank you. Based on your advice I was able to test that my Firefox was able to run WebGL here: https://get.webgl.org Somehow in doing that test, the glitch got fixed.
  3. Or check out previous posts in the forums about this, there were quite a few people having issues with WebGL when it first became a thing, so some of these might have the fix you need: https://forums.geocaching.com/GC/index.php?/search/&q=webgl&quick=1
  4. See if you can get to the browse map by clicking the Play menu on the top of the screen and choose View Browse Map at the bottom. Or try going here for the browse map: https://www.geocaching.com/map But I would also do a google search for something like "enable webgl firefox windows11" and make sure you have everything enabled, something may have got turned off by a recent update.
  5. We’re sorry!The web browser you are currently using doesn’t support WebGL, which is needed to view this map.To view a map experience that supports your browser, please use our Browse map. Search Map is not working; see these topics for same issue I experience: Topic 365770 and Topic 365625; neither was helpful for my situation. Tuesday, Chrome update; immediately Search map stopped working and is currently broken. Wednesday, another Chrome update did not resolve this issue. Thursday (today) I rebooted Windows; still same issue. Windows 10 updates are current; no updates are pending. System does not meet minimum requirements for Win11. Chrome Version 104.0.5112.102 (Official Build) (64-bit) What do I try next?
  6. I just clicked on "View larger map" from a cache page and received this message - did something change? I've never had issues before. Using Chrome on a Windows OS.: We’re sorry! The web browser you are currently using doesn’t support WebGL, which is needed to view this map. To view a map experience that supports your browser, please use our Browse map.
  7. Yes, that did work. but this whole thing started because I use the "Map List" option in my Lists and that's NOT working. I went to the WebGL site and it showed the spinning cube and said my browser supports WebGL. My browser is up to date. Thanks for the suggestions. Marc
  8. As I recall, those maps require WebGL to be installed and working. My old PC (12yo at the time) didn't have the hardware for it, and those maps worked quite badly as a result. You can check it here: https://get.webgl.org/
  9. Hi NiraD, Thanks, Your post led to a solution, although not the way you intended. I had seen that "Use hardware acceleration when available" setting advice days ago, and it was always in the ON position. So, I left it alone. But today, I decided to try cycling through the setting. I intended to turn it off, relaunch CHROME, then turn it on again, and relaunch again. When I turned the setting off, and relaunched, I went into Geocaching and tried the new (Non-browse) map. It worked!!! I then signed off Geocaching, went into the CHROME settings and turned the "acceleration" setting back on, and relaunched. The map didn't work. I got the "WebGL not supported" error message. Back to CHROME settings and turned the "acceleration" setting OFF, and relaunched. The map works. So, either CHROME is screwed up, or the advice to turn hardware acceleration on is wrong -- the "WebGL" map only works for me when "Use hardware acceleration when available" is set to "OFF".
  10. I'm wondering if the new map uses WebGL to process the graphics. For a while, sites like Google Earth (web version) and REI's Hiking Project, which use WebGL wouldn't display on my machine because the hardware requirements were outdated for WebGL. When the new Geocaching map came out, it wouldn't display for me either, but I didn't get the usual "your hardware doesn't meet the minimum requirements to display WebGL content" message. Instead, I just got a blank white page. Oddly enough, the map did work in Firefox and Safari, so I'm not sure if it was a WebGL issue at all. But a few weeks ago, Chrome updated, and the new map suddenly worked. Coincidentally, so did the web version of Google Earth and The Hiking Project. So now I'm back to my original hypothesis - that the new map is using WebGL, and maybe the fine folks developing WebGL reduced the minimum hardware requirements so that those of us using 10-year old hardware can access the content. Or it could be two unrelated issues that were coincidentally resolved around the same time.
  11. fixed it by going to about:config and setting webgl. force-enabled to true.
  12. Dunno if it's related but I get this on the Search map with Firefox, but is ok on Chrome. TBH this could have been there for months as I never use the search map, and haven't yet looked at what I need to do to add/enable WebGL support :
  13. Hi Brendan. Sorry, I'm not seeing that; I still get the "snow" background with caches laid overtop. I'm using Firefox 66.0.2 (64-bit), Linux 4.15, about:config webgl all at defaults, and either "Use recommended performance settings" checked or "Use hardware acceleration when available" unchecked; doesn't matter. The key thing is I have old video hardware that flunks the test at get.webgl.org. And it's so old Nvidia no longer provides Linux drivers, meaning the open-source nouveau driver that I'm stuck with may be the culprit. I mention all this only in case it helps your devs, and indrectly, someone else. I'm upgrading my hardware shortly, mostly for other reasons, so it doesn't matter for me. EDIT: If I change webgl:disabled to true (non-default), then I do see the new modal window you mentioned. But that's obscure; I couldn't even find "webgl" in the preferences UI using their search feature. Anyway, moot for me; let's see if this fixes things for other people. EDIT: But that modal window redirects to the Browse Map (good) at my home coordinates (hardly useful).
  14. Hi, I have Firefox 66.0.3 on Ubuntu Linux (64 bit) with strong privacy and security settings and got a blank screen when I clicked the play/map link. Through a process of elimination I found this is due to webgl being disabled on my browser. As there appears to be no way of enabling webgl on a site-by-site basis (but NoScript claims to be able to do that) I am reluctant to re-enable the setting in config, given that I always only use the browse map anyway. Is there any reason the new map needs webgl when the browse map doesn't? It is the only page I've come across on the net that has failed due to requiring webgl.
  15. I'm experiencing the same problem with WebGL not being supported. It started happening about a week ago. I updated Chrome as suggested. Still doesn't work. I'm still on Windows 7.
  16. Definitely not an XP/Firefox problem. Due to XP, still on Firefox 52.9.0. gc.com map working, and test page working fine here https://get.webgl.org/ WebGL came with Firefox 51, which is still supported on XP systems. See here > https://hacks.mozilla.org/2017/01/webgl-2-lands-in-firefox/ So if you've updated Firefox to at least that level, you should be functional.
  17. @ratjam, do you have old hardware? If so, maybe check https://get.webgl.org/ to see if your hardware supports something called "WebGL". Groundspeak hasn't told us yet (that I can tell), but WebGL support seems to be a requirement of the new map, and (I suspect) will become a support headache.
  18. According to https://get.webgl.org/ my browser declares it supports WebGL, but apparently it doesn't do so properly. The spinning cube is all messed up. First time it's been an issue for me, well, assuming I planned to use the new maps. It would seem the new maps use/need WebGL - a good argument for keeping the classic maps around for a while.
  19. Unable to map caches on Chrome. This is a huge inconvenience. Is there any way to get back to the previous version? We’re sorry! The web browser you are currently using doesn’t support WebGL, which is needed to view this map. To view a map experience that supports your browser, please use our Browse map.
  20. Right. The newer map ("Search" map is the name we've given it) needs a newer browser and hardware than the old ("Browse") map. System requirements were never published, but we've determined you need WebGL for sure. There's a test here: https://get.webgl.org/ Map doesn't support IE.
  21. Old hardware? The video card in my 12yo ex-PC didn't have the modern-ness to run something called WebGL. There's a test button on the WebGL site. (A never-stated requirement...) If you can see the Browse button, that map should work.
  22. It's an old-hardware issue, so don't waste your time/money on Windows 10. Groundspeak ticked a "vector tiles" checkbox when they built that map, which we've since figured out means, you need something called WebGL, which in turn needs a modern video card and a modern browser. (OS? Dunno.) Try this test here: https://get.webgl.org/ My 12yo hardware with current Firefox on current Linux failed that test, and thus the map failed too. (I no longer care; upgraded hardware.)
  23. I doubt it's the operating system in this case (though it should be updated anyway). If you have old hardware, it probably fails this test: https://get.webgl.org/ Our esteemed hosts haven't said anything about this, but apparently you need working WebGL for the new default map to work. Note that the existing map still works, if you can get to it.
  24. As it is, just moving the map is laggy for me. Laggy to respond, laggy to draw. It's a lot less laggy when I switch the map to Google Street, but it's still slower than the browse map. I suspect it's a webGL issue with my ancient machine (we did decide that the new map is built upon WebGL, right?).
  25. Thanks for that - I was puzzled why the new map was showing up fine in Chrome at home but blank in Chrome at work. I enabled WebGL but still can't see it. Doesn't work in Microsoft Edge either, though at least in Edge I see the spinning cube I'm supposed to see when I visit https://get.webgl.org/ Fortunately I also have access to Firefox at work, and it appears to work fine in that, but I prefer using Chrome because of the easy access to cache page translations - helpful for I don't get to play with many browser settings as a mere user, so I may just have to bookmark the browse map for Chrome.
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