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Sad I missed @bootron last night on the Geocaching Talk Network's livestream about everything Waymarking. Just watched the recorded video and it was interesting seeing the history of the site and how it has grown over the years. Thanks bootron for everything you do to keep both Geocaching and Waymarking possible! Hopefully more people will start Waymarking For those wanting to watch the recorded live stream, here's the video link:
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This is a place where EVERYBODY can talk about the Hoosier state. Feel free to talk about TBs, Geocaches, GeoArts, etc., but keep it within Indiana. Thanks!
For anyone interested there have been a couple podcasts this week about Wherigo. The first one is put out by Groundspeak and gives a little information about the development of Wherigo. Although the part about Wherigo is pretty short, it still gives some interesting history about the team who created Wherigo. The second video is a tutorial/template for creating a simple Wherigo with URWIGO. Enjoy!
Sorry for the vague title, I didn't know how else to address this. So, I know there's a lot of talk about Geocaching and YouTube, and there's been a sort of agreement as far as I can tell that as long as you don't really post spoilers about a cache and it's specific location, for the most part all is well. Well, there's a pair of YouTubers whom I occasionally watch called MoreJStu that make all kinds of vlog type videos, several of which have recently included geocaching. At first I had no problem with what they were posting. I figured if it got some more people interested in our hobby, that's great! But then they posted this video today: There is so much misinformation in it about geocaching that I was nearly yelling at my screen. I think it's okay that they're wanting to share a geocache with the fans, there's nothing wrong with that. Except they show where they pack snacks into the cache and encourage others to come out and trade snacks too. Not only that, but they practically bury the cache. It's one thing to hide it with some foliage, but they literally made a hole to put it in. I'm not here to get them in trouble or anything, but I just hate the fact that they're demonstrating behavior against the rules of Geocaching to their 2.7 million subscribers... They also make it kind of known that in more than one video they usually don't trade swag, only take it. If you look on the comments on their vids, you constantly see things like "Ya'll inspired me to start geocaching!" and "Because of ya'll I'm building a geocache fort!". Which is great, except the majority of their followers are young kids who I know aren't going to read any of the rules before going out and geocaching, which will just create more problems... What are ya'll's thoughts?
Let's talk, you pick the subject. You will get our two cents worth... and take it with a grain of salt... oops, should have said: Open topic about Waymarking.
When I travel, it would be great if I could get the GPS to talk to my android tablet. I got an adapter cord so I could hook the two together, but if I try to send way points to the GPS I get "your browser is not compatible" and I've tried all three browsers on my tablet. Should I give up this dream, or is there a way to do it?
i have a problem and not sure how to fix it . i have a old lap top on vista and runs an old version of chrome and my gps does communicate ok with it. but my windows7 based pc used to comunicate to the gps then chrome and firefox and others change things to make the it safer to use the web .i belive since then i plug the gps in and the computer does not even know its there, i have down loaded the plugin from garmin still no go its getting to a point i belive its the windows7 based pc and chrome that have caused the connection problem , but how do i sort it please help in easy to understand computer garble. cheers steve
Everyone, Say what you need to say! Its 2:00!!
Hi all, I was asked to do a "Nerd Nite" talk- a ~30min talk on a nerdy topic, usually to an audience of 20-30 somethings, at a bar over beers on a Friday night- about geocaching. This isn't for two months, so I have time to prepare! But I was wondering, has anyone given such a talk before for the general public about geocaching, and if so are there any resources for writing one? Obviously, the first part I know has to be a general explanation about how geocaching works, and I have a mess of pictures from my adventures in exotic destinations where I found geocaches (like Tibet and Argentina), so was thinking one or two anecdotes from there. I was also thinking of highlighting one or two local caches that I think are cool, but don't want to pick ones that are too easy to find if you just want to vandalize them... luckily here in Amsterdam we have one or two "by boat" geocaches under bridges, so one of those might be cool to show. But hey, these are just some ideas I'm tossing around, and I'm happy to hear any others folks might have. Thanks all!
my old lady has never enjoyed anything I do(well she does enjoy shooting as much as me and her son does). she won't ride the Harley.she hates the hot rod cars I have built in the past. says they make her feel like she left her guts in the road when we take off!!! I tried to explain geocaching to her and got that deer in the head lights look(she doesn't enjoy deer hunting either like I do). I loaded her and my 3 year old daughter up in the car and took off. she was getting into it by the second cache!!!! hey i'm 40. she's 38 I think!!!! I don't keep up with years on her. i'd trade her in if I did. well me and campdogg took her 10 year old boy and my daughter with us the other day. each of them loved it. I think I got chiggers, but still loved it!!!! this is something that friends can do or a family. it is honest clean fun. i'm a locomotive engineer for the railroad and stay in Chattanooga more than I do my own home. I just picked up two gps units that have geocaching made into them. one for home and one for Chattanooga!!! that's right i'll be doing it all over the place!!! i'm planning on getting some travel bugs because there are a few places I want to send them if people will honestly help out!!! I live in the east and want to send some out west. sterg's, golden gate bridge, mount rushmore, you get the ideal. im enjoying this with family and friends. I live in Kentucky, but I work with guys from Chattanooga, Georgia, and Alabama that are geocachiers!!! we are going to start finding these things in a 4 state area!!! got to love this!!
I'm sure all geocoincollectors saw this coin before. I like it very much and because there is such a great description of the designer Chris Mackey I think it is worth it, to open a thread. I know for sure that there are the following versions: - LE Antique Copper - LE Antique Silver You can get them in several shops, so just google for the coin Here is the official description: International Talk Like a Pirate Day is celebrated annually on September 19th. It is a day where speaking pirate is not only acceptable, but encouraged. This detailed coin commemorates this special day and will be available for a limited time only. This coin was designed by Christian A. Mackey and measures 2 in. in diameter. What is the meaning behind this design? Glad you asked... The pirate skull side... •The skull with mouth open of course is the pirate talking, but the patch on the right eye is courtesy of "One-eyed Willie" from the Goonies movie. •The symbol on the patch is the crucifix found stamped on dozens of different "doubloon" coins during the reign of the pirate age. •In latin on the left from bottom to top is "Talk Like (a) Pirate" and on the right is 9/19/2013 for this year. •1995 is the infamous year upon which the holiday began after an injury during a raquetball game. •The Spear/Hourglass/Heart symbols were used by a bunch of the most notorious pirates in history and each had various meanings. Most commonly the spear was a symbol of imminent attack, the hourglass was a warning to enemy ships to not try to stall for time, and the heart was a symbol of warning that no quarter would be given and all put to death if surrender was not complete and immediate. •The S.-B. within the speaking pirate skull is a tribute to Summers and Baur who began to promote the idea for a holiday. •The odd raised elipses on the edge of the coin were a common design element in all the coins regardless of origin in that particular era. The Crest side... •Cache on crown - Cache is King •The pillars are the infamous Pillars of Hercules depicted on coinage of the era representing the old world and the new. •Plus Vltra - latin inscription for Further Beyond and denoted new discoveries in a newly discovered hemisphere of the world. •The floating crown was a symbol of oversight of the new colonies from the government back home. •The 8 and R on the pillars indicates 8 Reales and what led to the coins being called "Pieces of Eight" where coins would be commonly cut into 8 equal pieces like a pizza during trades. •Signal and Yelling man are self explanatory •Spreading laurel in the background is symbol of victory and growth in the new world. •The fleur de lis (lilly flower) was a common european symbol of royalty. •The Latin on left - "Explore the World" and "Share the Experience" from the Groundspeak homepage. •The S at the bottom is commonly the City of Origin for the coin and this case would be Seattle. •The Dahlia is the official symbol of Seattle, The City of Flowers. •The shield center crest is the GPS signal lightning bolts (normally the three crosses of the holy trinity on a doubloon).
Hello Very new to all this but I'm completely hooked already! I've hidden a cache near my house. Today, when I was sweeping the drive, a treasure hunter came for the cache. When she'd logged the stash she came over to talk to me about the gadget I was using to get the weeds out of my drive. Should I have mentioned that it was my cache??? I wanted to but didn't know what the etiquette was.
We've all had good times caching. A memorable day, a record setting PT run, or finding the perfect spot for a perfect cache by accident. What about the other side of the coin? Lets share our failure days/puzzles/hides.... whatever. I'm really hoping this thread doesn't turn into any sort of negative attack thread, please lets just keep it to our own (or our groups) failure days, and lets keep it fun. Over the last several days, I've been planning a trip for today. Trying to figure out where to go, find somebody to go with me, figure out which caches, etc... I decided on Bodega Bay, CA. 15-20 caches planned, two of which are some of the oldest in California. My son and I were going to spend a special day at the ocean, caching, and just relaxing. That was before I was up all night with stuff flying out of both ends of me like I was Linda Blair. Very, very uncool. Your turn....
Here is the message I received, I'm not available, so I thought I put it out there. Please reply if you contact Michelle, so she doesn't get hammered. ______________________________ Does your brother know of an avid geocacher that would like to give a brief 10 minute talk about geocaching and travel bugs…possibly including a few personal stories? If so, do you mind passing their info to me and I’ll forward to Doug, please? The time commitment would be on 4/12 from 4pm for 10 minutes and they could stay until 6pm when the event is over or only stay for 10-15 minutes. Thanks so much!! J Michelle Michelle Watson College of Technology and Innovation 6049 S. Backus Mall, Sutton Rm 301L Mesa, AZ 85212 (480) 727-1881 phone
I'm certain I'm not alone in becoming increasingly frustrated about the lack of feedback and information from Groundspeak about the overwhelming dissatisfaction of what looks to be the majority of's users. As a Premium Member who gave money in good faith to use your service, when that service is seriously downgraded (in my opinion--here in the UK we have no satellite/hybrid maps, and MapQuest is not as accurate as it should be), you have an obligation to address our concerns with more than a "I hope you get used to the new maps." Tell us in plain words what you are doing to restore your service to its previous level, or say straight out that we're going to have to like it or leave it. The vague comments and subtle snipes I've seen from Groundspeak forum moderators are creating even more bad feelings and frustration amongst those who are unhappy about the changes, so instead of allowing them to continue to communicate in this manner, please, I'd like a member of Groundspeak who has the authority to speak on the company's behalf to address the community. To fellow Premium Members: I for one will not be giving any more money to Groundspeak unless the maps are sorted. I would like to let Groundspeak see how many others feel the same way. Please speak up on this thread to let them know if you will or will not be re-subscribing.
In the last few months I haven't been keeping up on the latest changes. I see that now deleting a bug log does result in sending the logger an email. What else am I missing? What else do the TB forum support people want to talk about? (without having it pinned)
A hearty ARRRG! to my fellow cachers, Travel bugs, love them. I absolutely love this idea - it is one of the aspects of caching that drew me to the game. When we first started I was more eager, I think, to get bugs out into the world than actually looking for caches. But, being a good little rule follower, we waited - learning the tricks of the trade, scoping out the possibilities, and earning our time in the trenches. Finally we felt it was time to put out our first bug, a pirate coin - with a mission to wander the world hitting all the pirate hot spots. It was picked up from its starter cache, but not moved along - after a few months I contacted the cacher, and, after two or three e-mails, she finally got back to me. She said how sorry she was, and that she would move it along the next time she was out. She still has it. Our second bug was in honor of a dear pet who had recently passed away. After a good run of a few weeks in our area he was taken to Hawaii and then to Washington state - where he was picked up (I'm pretty sure by a new cacher, if my detective work is worth its salt) but not moved along. I e-mailed the cacher - no response. Do I try again? At what point does it become obsessive? Our third bug is in honor of a TV program that I have loved since I was a kid. After a good run of several weeks in our area it was picked up, and so far not moved along...although, after contacting the cacher, he has promised to place it back into play as soon as he can (I'm giving it until the end of March - it was picked up in November, if I recall - before I give up on it). What do I do? I'm kind of burnt out on losing bugs. Is it better to cut my losses and just enjoy the hunting, or should I get back on that horse and not let the sticky-fingered cachers get me down? Is there a help group for lost bugs? If not, perhaps one should be organized - we can't be the only ones that have loved and lost. Thanks. Daddy Pirate (of weepirates3)
Hej! I am swedish and would like to know more words and phrases!
So I'm getting ready to hide a few new caches and decided to use a .30 cal ammo can and a decon container for two of them. There is a small military surplus dealer in town so I stopped by to pick some up. I hadn't been there for three years but the last time I was there .30 cal ammo cans were $6.99 and decon containers were about three or four bucks. So I went in and asked for a decon container and they guy asked me weather I wanted the regular one or the geocache version. I ask what the difference is and he says the geocache version just has a note pad and a pencil in it. I ask about price and he says $10 for a regular and $30 for a geocache!!! I think my jaw hit the counter top. I didn't even bother to ask about ammo can prices but I did notice a couple of .30 cal cans sitting on the floor with price tags of $24.99! Don't think I'll be going back there again.
There's been a lot of talk lately about Power Trails, with very heated opinions on both sides of the coin. Seems to me the crux of the con argument is the uninspiredness (I'm aware that's not a real word) of a film can or hide-a-key every 528'. That kind of got me thinking. We have some pretty good rail trails around my town. I'm thinking a power trail of sorts geared toward newbies, kind of a way for them to "get their numbers up" and address one of my little annoyances, caches with the wrong size rating. Start out with the micros: Cache 1 is a blinky, cache 2 a bison tube, then film cannister, etc. Move on up the food chain, culminating in a five gallon bucket. If done right, I could wind up with a 20-30 cache "Power Trail". Now if I can just get the time off work and get the wife to let me out of painting the house this spring, I'll be all over it.
Hi all, I'm trying to locate someone in the NYC area who might want to speak at an event we run called Hobby. It's a monthly event where we invite 4 speakers to talk about their hobbies for 5 minutes each, and answer some questions from a group of very interested semi-strangers. We've got an event coming up very soon, (Tuesday, November 16th, from 7pm-8pm), and we'd be thrilled if someone in the NYC area wanted to share with us? Here's our HOBBY page: and here's out HOBBY channel, with video of previous lectures: What do you think? Anyone game? Feel free to contact me directly at karen [at] getHarvest [dot] com - We'd love to have one of you geo-caching mavens share with us about what you do! Best Wishes, Karen — Karen Community Manager, Harvest — Harvest / 212.226.4160 / 187 Lafayette St, 6th Fl, New York City
To start off, I was in Maine yesterday and met a customer right at the Delorme building exit off of I-95. I went in and bought a spiral bound atlas. Looked at the software for the pn-60, NEAT!!! My question is... Can you use your laptop as the screen for a pn-60. Bascially, if I have a mount for my laptop in the truck, can the gps talk back to the laptop and display the information? Since the 60 has a small screen I thought thismight be kind of cool. I know thay offer the small gps units to plug into the laptop, but I thought this might just save some $$$. Don't know why I didn't ask when I as at Delorme. Thanks Hud