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  1. I can't get my sportrak pro and my computer to talk. i know it has to be something simple but it evades me. My etrex venture works with the computer just fine.
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1870855878 It would be a good way to get an ammo can...dont think I would go this route though.
  3. Twice now someone's mentioned "OMG, you came down *that* in sneakers? So I'm convinced that I need to get some shoes... Not boots, shoes... I'm looking at REI now and see some spiffy cheapo shoes... Cool Shoes Do they really make a difference? Contents Under Pressure...
  4. I have only owned my Venture for about a week, and I have been trying to download updates from Garmin and also use EasyGPS. Neither application can recognize my GPS! I get the error with EasyGPS: Msg: GetPacketOrTimeoutNoAck - timeout!-#22 Msg: GPSBeginTransaction - bad send packet-#22 Msg: No data was received from the GPS! (Error #22) I have the interface set to Garmin, new batteries, and the power on. I'm using the serial cable that came with it. I have windows 2000 professional. Any help or advice would be great!! lisa4pride
  5. A couple of weeks ago, I had started a webpage on yahoo called MonterreyGPS to get the sport off the ground in Northern Mexico. I did not know about the website "geocaches.com" at all, but I had heard about the game itself on the news. I was very interested in participating. I actually created a cache point near where I live and published the coordinates on this page- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/monterreygps/ . I adivised interested participants to get a topo of the area, a compass and a GPS. While I was surfing the net, I came upon a GPS online store and entered one of the forums. I finally learned about the game and how big it is all over the world. I really was exited but what really blew my mind is that of all the caches in Mexico there was only one in Northern Mexico, and this cache was only 3.4 mile from my house. I just jumped on my mountain bike and found the cache within 30 minutes. It really was a great find. The thing that really made me happy is that the cache was placed by a highschool kid who lives in Houston, Tx and comes to visit his grandmother in the summer here in Mexico. The cache had been placed a couple of weeks ago, and I would bet that he didn't expect for someone in this little town to ever find the cache. I got an e-mail from him and he was very exited to know that someone had actually found his cache (GC6041). I will now create my own caches in this area and hope to get more people in Northern Mexico involved.
  6. A couple of weeks ago, I had started a webpage on yahoo called MonterreyGPS to get the sport off the ground in Northern Mexico. I did not know about the website "geocaches.com" at all, but I had heard about the game itself on the news. I was very interested in participating. I actually created a cache point near where I live and published the coordinates on this page- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/monterreygps/ . I adivised interested participants to get a topo of the area, a compass and a GPS. While I was surfing the net, I came upon a GPS online store and entered one of the forums. I finally learned about the game and how big it is all over the world. I really was exited but what really blew my mind is that of all the caches in Mexico there was only one in Northern Mexico, and this cache was only 3.4 mile from my house. I just jumped on my mountain bike and found the cache within 30 minutes. It really was a great find. The thing that really made me happy is that the cache was placed by a highschool kid who lives in Houston, Tx and comes to visit his grandmother in the summer here in Mexico. The cache had been placed a couple of weeks ago, and I would bet that he didn't expect for someone in this little town to ever find the cache. I got an e-mail from him and he was very exited to know that someone had actually found his cache (GC6041). I will now create my own caches in this area and hope to get more people in Northern Mexico involved.
  7. Or just Rino to Rino? That would be sweet since alot of people have motorola's already.
  8. One of the motto's we ascribe to is 'Cache in, Trash out". I've been slack about collecting garbage on the trail. I am setting a goal for myself to meet. I intend to collect a minimum of 3 lbs on each outing. Picking up garbage is not exactly what drives me to the great outdoors but it certainly will make it more enjoyable if more of us make an effort. I'm planting seeds here. I intend to meet my own commitment no matter what the response to this question is. So what are the rest of you doing to "Cache in, Trash out"? KernBob
  9. I have a Garmin Etrex Venture and Microsoft 2001 Streets and Trips. I bought a Dell Inspiron 2100 without a serial port so I bought a serial to USB connector from Belkins. The GPS appears to be communicating to the Dell. I try to configure S & T to see my GPS but it only gives me the option of Comm port 1 or 3 when get to the configure page and my GPS is on comm port 2.
  10. The Car Talk show to be broadcast on the weekend of August 18, 2001, will have a mention of geocaching. No real detail or interview or anything, but I made sure to mention basically what it is, and I spelled "geocaching" and pointed them to Geocaching.com. It's the first clip in the "third half" of the show, and you'll be able to listen online at the site the following week. (Oh, and they recommended Michelin tires for me.)
  11. Guest

    Cape Talk Interview

    Interview between Cape Talk presenter Kieno Kammies and Prof Charles Merry of University of Cape Town on Cape Talk radio (567 AM) in South Africa, May 3 2001 at 1330 GMT+2. www.capetalk.co.za. Duration is 7 minutes 32 seconds. Listen now (mp3). http://www.geocaching.com/media/CapeTalk.mp3 ------------------ Peter Scholtz www.biometrics.co.za
  12. I am trying to programm some software for the Gamin e-trex wich apperently can link to a PC serial port... Garmin is also so nice as to give the specifications of their Garmin-Protocol to anybody who is interested. The only problem now is: I cannot find the e-trex's specifications in there... What protocols do I use to talk to it ???
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