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I think it has a lot to do with intolerance, mis/disinformation and good, ol' fashioned history. Whoa there, NeverSummer. OregonCacher didn't say anything about a specific sexual orientation; he said that ANY sexual orientation is irrelevant to geocaching. Perhaps not in that post, but if you look at the others, it becomes pretty clear what the issue is. And I agree that it is irrelevant. Which is why I said what I said below the snipped quote. I just hope that the same limit on tolerance would be issued to anyone who decides to talk explicitly about who they love. Otherwise, it's just another person who has a different story, and shouldn't be disregarded as a needless interest group. (See religious groups, other clubs or affiliations, etc who form "groups" to go geocaching) Thank you "GeoGeeBee" I was about to say the same thing myself: "Whoa there, NeverSummer. OregonCacher didn't say anything about a specific sexual orientation; he said that ANY sexual orientation is irrelevant to geocaching." - GeoGeeBee Let me be very clear on what I meant; when I'm geocaching, I don't want to know what goes on in the bedroom of the cacher's I'm with; gay, straight, or anything in between. Several people made comments asserting the following: "There is no difference between a occupational or religious group, and a group based upon sexual orientation". To the above statement, I completely disagree, however many people feel differently about different things in this world, so I think the only thing I can say is agree to disagree. An occupation is what you do, not who you are. What if I made a blonde-hair only group, or an African American group? I could drag this analogy on forever, but my point with it is, is that in my opinion, there is a very significant difference between banding together for a common purpose based upon a group-commonality of "what people do, or what (not who) they like" and what their sexual-preference is. If I went geocaching with someone who turned out to be Gay, I would not have any issue with it, as long as it wasn't a part of our discussion as we were geocaching; just as I would not speak about my sexual preference/experiences with fellow-cachers unless they were close, personal friends, and I also knew it would be perceived well and appropriately by anyone and every person. It sounds really good to say that that your sexuality is not who you are, but I don't think a therapist would back that up. Being a straight married man is a huge aspect of my personality. To try to separate the concept of my sexuality from my concept of self is almost impossible. I can't imagine who I would be if I wasn't the sort of person who wanted to be with my wife. Sexuality is a HUGE part of being alive. It's part of nature. It's part of our personality on a DEEP level. Far deeper than a job or a hair color. Meanwhile, my job (most people's jobs?) are just something that they do to pay the bills right? I mean, someone has to PAY ME to do that stuff. Otherwise I'd just be out geocaching... and I LOVE my job I find it interesting people keep bringing up "what goes on in the bedroom" Whenever people talk about homosexuality they seem to go straight to sex and bedroom talk. Perhaps it's easier to characterize it only as sex and not as love? If I said, " I don't want to know the cacher's I'm with are in love with or know about their significant others" we'd probably all agree it is a completely weird ting to say. So instead we say what? "don't wanna know who you're humping"? Seems like a weird thing to ask of someone. No one offered to let us know what happens in their bedroom. It has nothing to do with gay caching.
I will talk with Groundspeak on Monday.
I am going to dismiss what you've said about "being yelled at". ( I didn't want to disappoint L0ne.R...) Those are both perfectly reasonable points of view that, at least as you've presented them here, don't sound at all like yelling and should give you no reason to stop posting future NMs, even for those COs. Neither rejects NMs in general, they just explain why your NM isn't going to be acted on. That's such an important point about NMs and NAs: they are input, not demands, so you should expect a CO to sometimes read the input and then reject it. As we've already discussed, the first example I think many, if not most, people agree with: full logs are worthy of mentioning in a found log, but they aren't maintenance issues. After all, nothing stops anyone from finding the cache and signing the log, they just have to, worst case, obliterate a previous finder's signature. I know GS keeps acting like full logs are a maintenance issue, but it really doesn't make much sense to me, so I don't know why they're holding on to that notion. My guess is that it's just become such a standard example of a something that a cache needs that it's hard to keep from using it as an example of when a Needs Maintenance could be posted. It makes sense if you're coming up with a list of things that could be wrong with a cache for a dropdown box, but it makes no sense if you look at it as things that seekers should feel justified in demanding be fixed. For me, the deciding factor is that an unmet NM should lead eventually to archival, but do I really want a perfectly fine cache to disappear because the log's full? I'd say not. In fact, I'd say the fact that the log is full is testament to the value of that cache to the community. The other one's a little muddier, but, still, the CO just didn't see the problem you described. Why does that make you think you shouldn't have described it to him in the first place? Is he right? Is it not as big a deal as you thought? Or is he wrong? If you think he's wrong, carry on the conversation privately to make sure he understands what you were saying. And, while you're at it, think about why your original log wasn't enough for him to see it to begin with. Or do you just disagree about the definition of "broken"? If so, is the CO's definition so wrong you can't accept it? So I think these reactions fail miserably as examples of why NMs shouldn't be posted. In my experience, these are both great examples of the worst reaction you might get from an NM, and in both cases it's a ho-hum situation. Indeed, in both cases you have a chance to establish a relation with the CO and discuss the standards in your community. Perhaps you could convince the first CO that full logs should be NMed and dealt with if it means that much to you. Or he might help you see why it's not a big deal and why he offered to supply the logs for you, since you're going to be visiting more caches in the series. We talk about not maintaining other people's caches, but those objections tend to evaporate when you're helping a friend maintain his caches by replacing full logs with new logs he's supplied you with. You seem to be enjoying this series, so it makes sense for you to help keep it up for the next person to enjoy, too. Oh, and one more thing, to address L0ne.R's point: Even if you've left out some exclamation marks and curse words that are what made you describe these reactions as yelling, that's all the more reason to see it as a reason to engage the CO with a conversation about standards of discourse and the value of NMs and NAs to the game. To me, the worse reaction possible is to accept the yelling as normal and adjust your behavior to try to avoid it in the future. Rude people need to be confronted, not left to act as shining examples of the community's standards.
CHS score. Is it making a difference?
Mudfrog replied to L0ne.R's topic in General geocaching topics
Nonsense to you, not at all to me. I've had at least one negative personal experience with armchair NA logging. The logs that came in on one of my caches, DNFs mostly, made it sound like the cache may have been missing. To alleviate that goofy NA, I had to schedule a maintenance run, break out the kayak, and spend half a day on the water,. All this to find that the cache was right where it was supposed to be. Feel free to talk to me at an event, email me, message me, or even call if you have my number, to discuss negative sounding logs on one of my caches. But don't throw out a NM or NA from the comfort of your living room until after you've actually tried finding it. -
GDPR and how it affects Geocaching
on4bam replied to Max and 99's topic in General geocaching topics
Ever noticed that GS collects VAT (although they don't disclose their VAT registration number ) on PM's of EU citizens? Same difference. As said before, it's because of the likes of FB that this law was made. Even people without accounts had their data collected without their knowledge, talk about scary. At least now rhere's a tool to fight this. Rest assured, one of the the first to experience GDPR will be "one of the big ones" (FB, Google,MS, Apple...) -
Please take in account the following: 1. A box, left at or near the place of an existing cache, can have at least following meanings: •• intended replacement of the cache (the real "Throwdown"), that's what we talk about here! •• a thing the assumed thrower-down doesn't want to belong to anyone else, this could be a new geocache maybe for another listing service. That qualifies not for "Throwdown" and that's NOT what we talk about here. Please don't mix that. The difference can be hard to tell and may require further investigation (a hint would be to ask the land-owner about additional permissions given). Bad if the new box is in close proximity to an existing cache (we have that in my near homezone: two small L'n'L boxes, just meters away, listed on different platforms - that constant misleads cachers, you can tell by the logs). 2. The question in the topic was about law (ownership), to find a legal reason to hold the thrower-down responsible, if I understood correctly. So the discussion doesn't cover other aspects much (and - technically - shouldn't to stay on-topic). But: There may be (or are) other regulations and contracts between the listing platform and the original cache owner or between him and the land owner. Plus there sure are such things as moral obligations or simple curtesy. And common sense. Such things exist... somewhere... I think... I hope... Please dont mix law and moral obligation/curtesy up, either. Friendliness is optional in law. 3. Other laws may exist for special cases, that could be: dangerous goods, weapons, drugs, animals etc. Please don't make the matter more complicated by comparing a simple film canister throw-down with a bag of kittens left at your front porch. Thank you very much! BTW: Don't do throwdowns.
Glad you found your way here. Let's talk some Geocaching.
I'm not religious about it, but generally if I'm really revisiting a cache (as opposed to just checking to see if it's still in place), I'll open it and sign the log again, yes. It doesn't take much to talk me out of it, though, like if it's hard to retrieve or has some delicate camo that I don't want to disturb.
makaio is very inquisitive makaio is boston and tugger's only son makaio is the son of rodney krienke of the sub makaio is right matt is taking the extra matt is new colts coach matt is yummy's matt is jerking off matt is a clown matt is great matt is a gear a****** at the matt is a babe matt is here to stay matt is the art matt is a crazy bastard matt is king matt is no match for frank horrigan matt is the best matt is silvers4inpa and i may go with him matt is the webmaster matt is so cool matt is a moron matt is like the protective one that has a strong matt is joey matt is cool too cool for you matt is scared matt is pretty cool in those shades matt is cute matt is your typical 14 year old boy matt is a critic matt is taking the extra posted april 15 matt is currently married to the love of his life matt is so cute posted by on november 14 matt is way better than chocolate matt is yummy matt is jerking off i remember when my favorite publicist maria asked me if i wanted to do something on suicidegirls matt is" into google matt is 2xtreme matt is the medic on call tonight matt is me name matt is a ridiculously common name matt is matt is smart matt is brilliance in a rawhide satchel matt is king just matt is so hot 5 matt is no match for frank horrigan contributed on aug 14 matt is the best this is my site matt is chair of fig commission 5 on positioning and measurement for the period 2002 to 2006 matt is going to make an appearance or when news happens join mattchamberlain to talk about these type of performances matt is tight matt is keen on giving his readers the details of how to run a successful business matt is a moron and everyone knows it welcome visitor# matt is in the music management business and sells cheap '80s and '90s rock compilation cds out of several warehouses in colorado matt is the narrator of the film matt is being tested as never before matt is gone again matt is eager to make your voice over endeavor a total success matt is a junior at the university of notre dame matt is his matt is the michael jordan of music" matt is meant to mimi matt is very personable and addresses the class with everyone in mind matt is dependable honest matt is staying alone in a hand matt is continuing a longstanding tradition on his mother's side of the family matt is like the protective one that has a strong mind and heart matt is a badass pimp matt is one of brian aldridge's co matt is left alone to guard his family's newly built homestead matt is going to come back from his hiatus to run the next game matt is a 1991 graduate of cass high school in cartersville matt is an up and coming young artist from the phoenix area matt is out on the town matt is not a happy one matt is puzzled matt is daredevil matt is 24 year's old matt is still at large matt is absolutely free matt is pretty cool in those shades home prev next created using picbook 0 matt is likewise made a target matt is a puzzle game in which the player must guide the eponymous hero around each level to collect all the apples matt is one of the state's constitutional officers and was appointed by governor pete wilson in january 1991 matt is your typical 15 year old boy matt is working on a new bugtown comic book series for 2003 release matt is an excellent athlete and has great jumping ability and is very fluent around the basket matt is a megalomaniacal dictator who makes life miserable for everyone on his staff matt is t00 p0gi matt is a romulan 3 matt is now a loving husband to mimi matt is assumed dead in a bank robbery attempt in montana where his brother and matt is now accepting trackback on his blog matt is good matt is a freshman in the college of arts and sciences matt is playing electric guitar again yes matt is to enhance the work by allowing it a visually neutral area into which it may expand matt is the manager of the city honors men's basketball team matt is currently in the studio putting together his debut album matt is a just being silly matt is a personable and charming guy matt is currently a member of the american meteorology society matt is coached by russian michael khmel and managed by the shadow matt is bored matt is a clown matt is in the house matt is taking the extra matt is a singer/songwriter from adelaide matt is a lazy bastard matt is the medic matt is a butthead matt is a gear a****** at the matt is max matt is great matt is really gay matt is still gay matt is no match for frank horrigan matt is a babe matt is the webmaster matt is so cool matt is the art matt is a crazy bastard matt is cool too cool for you matt is sadness matt is joey matt is smarter than you matt is unlikely matt is scared matt is approaching 20 years of property industry experience in matt is taking the extra matt is new colts coach matt is yummy's matt is jerking off matt is a clown matt is great matt is a gear a****** at the matt is a babe matt is holding us uncle matt is confused by the human world and he thinks that an ice cube is a wonderful jewel he lost when he put it in his pocket matt is a critic matt is way better than chocolate matt is worth full england cap matt is currently married to the love of his life matt is bored monday 10 matt is a puzzle game in which the player must guide the eponymous hero around each level to collect all the apples matt is a "work in progress matt is so cute posted by on november 14 matt is taking the extra posted april 15 matt is a lazy bastard do you know that matt is the medic on call tonight matt is so hot 5 matt is … matt is a rat matt is really gay 11/1/2002 matt is still gay 11/1/2002 matt is no match for frank horrigan contributed on aug 14 matt is a ridiculously common name matt is" into google matt is matt is chair of fig commission 5 on positioning and measurement for the period 2002 to 2006 matt is a romulan 3 matt is in the music management business and sells cheap '80s and '90s rock compilation cds out of several warehouses in colorado matt is a senior at the university of notre dame matt is a compassionate man who understands the needs of older americans matt is a 1991 graduate of cass high school in cartersville matt is hotter because matt is appearing with harmonica shaa matt is a better technical wrestler matt is better then ever matt is gone again matt is brilliance in a rawhide satchel matt is keen on giving his readers the details of how to run a successful business matt is so rad matt is going to make an appearance or when news happens join mattchamberlain to talk about these type of performances matt is very personable and addresses the class with everyone in mind matt is the michael jordan of music" matt is going to come back from his hiatus to run the next game matt is a freshman in the college of arts and sciences matt is staying alone in a hand matt is 24 year's old matt is left alone to guard his family's newly built homestead matt is not a happy one matt is puzzled matt is dependable honest matt is a badass pimp matt is fiscally judicious matt is one of the state's constitutional officers and was appointed by governor pete wilson in january 1991 matt is way cool man matt is meant to mimi matt is daredevil matt is absolutely free matt is an olympian matt is looking noticeably bigger matt is approaching 20 years of property industry experience in leading agency matt is working on a new bugtown comic book series for 2003 release matt is an up and coming young artist from the phoenix area matt is now accepting trackback on his blog matt is an excellent athlete and has great jumping ability and is very fluent around the basket matt is likewise made a target matt is responsible for the technical leadership of interhack's research matt is a very conscientious matt is a hippie long hair matt is the manager of the city honors men's basketball team matt is good matt is also offering his services as a consultant matt is that he fumbled "0" times while carrying the ball 165 times matt is a megalomaniacal dictator who makes life miserable for everyone on his staff matt is a bad american matt is in the house matt is taking the extra matt is a gear a****** at the matt is playing matt is max matt is a babe matt is really gay matt is still gay matt is the senior associate director and manager matt is approaching 20 years of property industry experience in matt is no match for frank horrigan matt is great matt is the webmaster matt is bored matt is leaving matt is a crazy bastard matt is a lazy bastard matt is your typical 14 year old boy matt is a rat matt is the art matt is scared matt is unlikely singing the blues matt is wrong matt is a "work in progress matt is a critic matt is a puzzle game in which the player must guide the eponymous hero around each level to collect all the apples matt is currently married to the love of his life matt is way better than chocolate matt is thirteen and lives with his father and his sister matt is a singer/songwriter from adelaide matt is taking the extra posted april 15 matt is a personable and charming guy matt is funny and smart and lots of other stuff matt c is the man and he knows what he is talking about matt is hot matt is so cute posted by on november 14 matt is the medic on call tonight matt is … matt is so hot 5 matt is really gay 11/1/2002 matt is still gay 11/1/2002 matt is hotter because matt is the senior associate director and manager for columbia university's science and technology ventures matt is approaching 20 years of property industry experience in leading agency matt is a critic matt is taking the extra matt is new colts coach matt is yummy's matt is jerking off matt is a clown matt is great matt is a gear a****** at matt is taking the extra matt is new colts coach matt is yummy's matt is jerking off matt is a clown matt is great matt is a gear a****** at the matt is a babe matt is" into google matt is no match for frank horrigan contributed on aug 14 matt is so cool matt is a ridiculously common name matt is chair of fig commission 5 on positioning and measurement for the period 2002 to 2006 matt is leaving hey gang matt is a romulan matt is in the music management business and sells cheap '80s and '90s rock compilation cds out of several warehouses in colorado matt is appearing with harmonica shaa matt is keen on giving his readers the details of how to run a successful business matt is gone again matt is dating amy dumas matt is brilliance in a rawhide satchel matt is matt is the best helper matt is a 1991 graduate of cass high school in cartersville matt is a lazy bastard do you know that matt is your typical 15 year old boy matt is going to come back from his hiatus to run the next game matt is his matt is going to make an appearance or when news happens join mattchamberlain to talk about these type of performances matt is joey matt is staying alone in a hand matt is the michael jordan of music" matt is a freshman in the college of arts and sciences matt is a badass pimp matt is dependable honest matt is a bright boy who works reasonably hard matt is not a happy one matt is puzzled matt is way cool man matt is fun matt is daredevil matt is one of the state's constitutional officers and was appointed by governor pete wilson in january 1991 matt is absolutely free matt is currently the 1st assistant in the amador valley girl's basketball program matt is 24 year's old matt is the narrator of the film matt is looking noticeably bigger matt is working on a new bugtown comic book series for 2003 release matt is a compassionate man who understands the needs of older americans matt is fiscally judicious matt is left alone to guard his family's newly built homestead matt is wrong matt is a critic matt is bored matt is a singer/songwriter from adelaide matt is thirteen and lives with his father and his sister matt is taking the extra matt is masturbating matt is sucking dicks matt is in the house matt is a clown matt is available matt is a gear a****** at the matt is max matt is here to stay matt is smart matt is gay? thanks matt is a babe matt is so cool matt is approaching 20 years of property industry experience in matt is no match for frank horrigan matt is really gay matt is still gay matt is matt is great matt is unlikely singing the blues matt is the webmaster matt is a crazy bastard matt is the art matt is leaving matt is ****ing matt is joey matt is a hottie = matt is a rat matt is scared matt is wierd matt is so matt is a puzzle game in which the player must guide the eponymous hero around each level to collect all the apples matt is currently married to the love of his life matt is taking the extra posted april 15 matt is hotter because matt is a "work in progress matt is so cute posted by on november 14 matt is seen as a matt is so hot 5 matt is taking the extra matt is new colts coach matt is yummy's matt is jerking off matt is a clown matt is great matt is a gear a****** at the matt is a babe matt is approaching 20 years of property industry experience in leading agency matt is" into google matt is no match for frank horrigan contributed on aug 14 matt is really gay 11/1/2002 matt is still gay 11/1/2002 matt is unlikely matt is chair of fig commission 5 on positioning and measurement for the period 2002 to 2006 matt is going to make an appearance or when news happens join mattchamberlain to talk about these type of performances matt is brilliance in a rawhide satchel matt is awesome~ matt is a romulan matt is in the music management business and sells cheap '80s and '90s rock compilation cds out of several warehouses in colorado matt is gone again matt is specifically intended to automate testing and troubleshooting matlab models at the superblock level matt is keen on giving his readers the details of how to run a successful business matt is left alone to guard his family's newly built homestead matt is a 1991 graduate of cass high school in cartersville matt is leaving hey gang matt is staying alone in a hand matt is 24 year's old matt is … matt is going to come back from his hiatus to run the next game matt is a megalomaniacal dictator who makes life miserable for everyone on his staff matt is the michael jordan of music" matt is not a happy one matt is puzzled matt is dependable honest matt is a freshman in the college of arts and sciences matt is a badass pimp matt is an up and coming young artist from the phoenix area matt is a talented drummer who has natural talent matt is absolutely free matt is a bright boy who works reasonably hard matt is way cool man matt is currently the 1st assistant in the amador valley girl's basketball program matt is one of the state's constitutional officers and was appointed by governor pete wilson in january 1991 matt is the narrator of the film matt is working on a new bugtown comic book series for 2003 release matt is so silly" matt is daredevil matt is an excellent athlete and has great jumping ability and is very fluent around the basket matt is a 6'6" jr matt is still at large matt is a ridiculously common name matt is a conscientious student with a quiet personality matt is being tested as never before matt is good matt is distinguished by much matt is also a very motivated and intelligent young man matt is being confirmed for the following blues festivals byron bay blues festival matt is a sixth matt is assumed dead in a bank robbery attempt in montana where his brother and another man thought to be him was killed matt is currently a member of the american meteorology society matt is wrong matt is a critic matt is filling up matt is cheating matt is thirteen and lives with his father and his sister matt is taking the extra matt is a singer/songwriter from adelaide matt is in the house matt is a clown matt is so cool matt is a lazy bastard matt is looking fabulous matt is good with his hands matt is hot matt is a babe matt is max matt is smart matt is approaching 20 years of property industry experience in matt is the best matt is great matt is the webmaster matt is a sexy beast~ matt is no match for frank horrigan matt is joey matt is matt is available matt is a crazy bastard matt is a goat sex matt is still gay matt is really gay matt is my hero matt is? the same matt is scared matt is smarter than you matt is currently married to the love of his life matt is specifically intended to automate testing and troubleshooting matlab models at the superblock level matt is back matt is taking the extra posted april 15 matt is" into google matt is a "work in progress matt is a lazy matt is the drummer for no set standard matt is hotter because matt is so hot 5 matt is taking the extra matt is new colts coach matt is yummy's matt is jerking off matt is a clown matt is great matt is a gear a****** at the matt is a babe matt is a very smart player who pays attention to the little details on the ice matt is seen as a matt is approaching 20 years of property industry experience in leading agency matt is going to make an appearance or when news happens join mattchamberlain to talk about these type of performances matt is chair of fig commission 5 on positioning and measurement for the period 2002 to 2006 matt is asked about the bob holly incident and matt said it was a one way battle and he doesn't expect an apology matt is a 1991 graduate of cass high school in cartersville matt is no match for frank horrigan contributed on aug 14 matt is left alone to guard his family's newly built homestead matt is daredevil matt is a member of the alf healing group matt is brilliance in a rawhide satchel matt is staying alone in a hand matt is gone again matt is the michael jordan of music" matt is a freshman in the college of arts and sciences matt is keen on giving his readers the details of how to run a successful business matt is still gay 11/1/2002 matt is really gay 11/1/2002 matt is my hero' matt is being confirmed for the following blues festivals byron bay blues festival matt is not a happy one matt is puzzled matt is going to come back from his hiatus to run the next game matt is absolutely free matt is talking through his hat matt is a senior at the university of notre dame matt is dependable honest matt is working on a new bugtown comic book series for 2003 release matt is a megalomaniacal dictator who makes life miserable for everyone on his staff matt is a badass pimp matt is inspirational matt is the narrator of the film matt is the new special events coordinator for acm matt is one of the state's constitutional officers and was appointed by governor pete wilson in january 1991 matt is arguing for the inerrancy of the bible matt is distinguished by much matt is being tested as never before matt is coached by russian michael khmel and managed by the shadow matt is also offering his services as a consultant matt is experienced in the negotiation and structuring of complex sales of contaminated properties and has worked closely with the staff of maine’s voluntary matt is now accepting trackback on his blog matt is currently a member of the american meteorology society matt is able to teach himself computer basics matt is an up and coming young artist from the phoenix area matt is a 6'6" jr matt is in his first season as an officer matt is a founder of the fund and provides both strategic and tactical planning direction matt is good matt is evil matt is a critic matt is thirteen and lives with his father and his sister matt is 3 matt is filling up matt is cheating matt is taking the extra matt is ****ed matt is scary matt is wrong matt is in the house matt is a crazy bastard matt is max matt is smarter than you matt is a singer/songwriter from adelaide matt is so cool matt is your typical 14 year old boy matt is approaching 20 years of property industry experience in matt is bored matt is a babe matt is the webmaster matt is a lazy bastard matt is a needledick matt is playing matt is scared matt is god matt is specifically intended to automate testing and troubleshooting matlab models at the superblock level matt is a sexy little goddess matt is 2xtreme matt is a "work in progress matt is” into google matt is going to make an appearance or when news happens join mattchamberlain to talk about these type of performances matt is brilliance in a rawhide satchel matt is taking the extra matt is new colts coach matt is yummy's matt is jerking off matt is a clown matt is great matt is a gear a****** at the matt is a babe matt is chair of fig commission 5 on positioning and measurement for the period 2002 to 2006 matt is your typical 15 year old boy matt is left alone to guard his family's newly built homestead matt is now an integral part of the it department at williamsf1 matt is a multifaceted matt is so cute posted by on november 14 matt is approaching 20 years of property industry experience in leading agency matt is matt is eager to make your voice over endeavor a total success matt is going to come back from his hiatus to run the next game matt is staying alone in a hand matt is jerking off matt is a clown matt is a babe matt is a crazy bastard matt is king matt is so cool matt is scared matt is pretty cool in those shades matt matt is a good matt is the michael jordan of music" matt is daredevil matt is not a manifold matt is currently in the studio working on his sophomore release entitled this time around scheduled for release later this year matt is distinguished by much matt is also offering his services as a consultant matt is a freshman in the college of arts and sciences matt is the only one out of the whole band who knows how to operate the dishwasher and the washing machine and tidies up the most matt is very busy matt is way cool man matt is working on a new bugtown comic book series for 2003 release matt is a workaholic matt is 15 years old and though his life has not been "typical" matt is keen on giving his readers the details of how to run a successful business matt is a member of the alf healing group matt is now the proud owner of a 3 tonne truck matt is a new york state certified security officer as well as a new york state certified advanced emergency medical technician matt is feeling this is how i'm feelin' now matt is in his first season as an officer matt is still in orange county jail and continues to be harassed by guards for his political beliefs matt is seen as a matt is not a happy one matt is puzzled matt is arguing for the inerrancy of the bible matt is a self matt is a 6'6" jr matt is a lazy bastard do you know that matt is a megalomaniacal dictator who makes life miserable for everyone on his staff matt is one half of 100 watt razor matt is trying to work out relationship issues between his ex nicole matt is no longer offered matt is currently a member of the american meteorology society matt is simply shorter matt is left blind matt is now married to holly matt is an excellent athlete and has great jumping ability and is very fluent around the basket matt is a beast matt is experienced in the negotiation and structuring of complex sales of contaminated properties and has worked closely with the staff of maine’s voluntary matt is found by indians who ask him to go with their tribe north matt is fluent in french and italian matt is the rebel of the group matt is also a very motivated and intelligent young man ----- Matt K7MTO
Even if the person leaving the throwdown intends it as a gift, it's not a gift if the cache owner doesn't accept the gift (and the responsibilities of such a gift). And while some who leave throwdowns certainly intend for them to be gifts, it's not at all clear that everyone has such intents. One could leave an ammo can as a throwdown with the intention of reclaiming it at some future date. They might even list that ammo can on an alternative geocaching site. You ungrateful bastard! If your grandma sends you a sweater you didn't want do you simply ignore it? Maybe you re-gift it. Maybe you put in the donation box. Maybe you even throw it away. But you don't say "Grandma, I don't want this sweater, take it back". ... You don't need to be grateful for the "gift", but you sure as heck own it. If anyone has any unwanted kittens or puppies, then feel free to leave them on Toz's front porch. Fact 1: Any "gift" belongs to the person who is giving the "gift" until acceptance of the gift by a second person. Fact 2: The acceptance of the "gift" must be declared in any way. Like saying "thank you" or any other form. Fact 3: If you refuse the "gift" the person who tried to give you the "gift" is fully responsible for it. No need to talk about cats and dogs, talk about garbage... Garbage belongs to the owner until it is placed in the garbage can outside your home/property (street, curb,...). From that moment on, the garbage belongs to either the municipality or the company that manages garbage because you are saying: "I don´t want this anymore" and the answer is automatic: "Ok, we want it and will take care of it". The company can forbid and sue a person from picking garbage from their garbage can. If you look closely almost all garbage cans say: "Property of...." there is a reason for that! So, if I place my garbage in your house is it yours immediately? Or you have to accept it? Good analogy. A homeowner is responsible for the removal of garbage from his property regardless of how it arrived. Similarly, a cache owner is responsible for any and all garbage that his cache attracted. Wrong!!!! If someone else places the garbage there it is not your responsibility... Imagine that you have cameras recording that clearly show that person throwing the garbage you can sue that person! Let´s install webcams in all the caches!!!!
Even if the person leaving the throwdown intends it as a gift, it's not a gift if the cache owner doesn't accept the gift (and the responsibilities of such a gift). And while some who leave throwdowns certainly intend for them to be gifts, it's not at all clear that everyone has such intents. One could leave an ammo can as a throwdown with the intention of reclaiming it at some future date. They might even list that ammo can on an alternative geocaching site. You ungrateful bastard! If your grandma sends you a sweater you didn't want do you simply ignore it? Maybe you re-gift it. Maybe you put in the donation box. Maybe you even throw it away. But you don't say "Grandma, I don't want this sweater, take it back". ... You don't need to be grateful for the "gift", but you sure as heck own it. If anyone has any unwanted kittens or puppies, then feel free to leave them on Toz's front porch. Fact 1: Any "gift" belongs to the person who is giving the "gift" until acceptance of the gift by a second person. Fact 2: The acceptance of the "gift" must be declared in any way. Like saying "thank you" or any other form. Fact 3: If you refuse the "gift" the person who tried to give you the "gift" is fully responsible for it. No need to talk about cats and dogs, talk about garbage... Garbage belongs to the owner until it is placed in the garbage can outside your home/property (street, curb,...). From that moment on, the garbage belongs to either the municipality or the company that manages garbage because you are saying: "I don´t want this anymore" and the answer is automatic: "Ok, we want it and will take care of it". The company can forbid and sue a person from picking garbage from their garbage can. If you look closely almost all garbage cans say: "Property of...." there is a reason for that! So, if I place my garbage in your house is it yours immediately? Or you have to accept it? Good analogy. A homeowner is responsible for the removal of garbage from his property regardless of how it arrived. Similarly, a cache owner is responsible for any and all garbage that his cache attracted.
Even if the person leaving the throwdown intends it as a gift, it's not a gift if the cache owner doesn't accept the gift (and the responsibilities of such a gift). And while some who leave throwdowns certainly intend for them to be gifts, it's not at all clear that everyone has such intents. One could leave an ammo can as a throwdown with the intention of reclaiming it at some future date. They might even list that ammo can on an alternative geocaching site. You ungrateful bastard! If your grandma sends you a sweater you didn't want do you simply ignore it? Maybe you re-gift it. Maybe you put in the donation box. Maybe you even throw it away. But you don't say "Grandma, I don't want this sweater, take it back". ... You don't need to be grateful for the "gift", but you sure as heck own it. If anyone has any unwanted kittens or puppies, then feel free to leave them on Toz's front porch. Fact 1: Any "gift" belongs to the person who is giving the "gift" until acceptance of the gift by a second person. Fact 2: The acceptance of the "gift" must be declared in any way. Like saying "thank you" or any other form. Fact 3: If you refuse the "gift" the person who tried to give you the "gift" is fully responsible for it. No need to talk about cats and dogs, talk about garbage... Garbage belongs to the owner until it is placed in the garbage can outside your home/property (street, curb,...). From that moment on, the garbage belongs to either the municipality or the company that manages garbage because you are saying: "I don´t want this anymore" and the answer is automatic: "Ok, we want it and will take care of it". The company can forbid and sue a person from picking garbage from their garbage can. If you look closely almost all garbage cans say: "Property of...." there is a reason for that! So, if I place my garbage in your house is it yours immediately? Or you have to accept it?
Rhyming logs ... cool . I my home zone, there is the mystery cache GC522C5. It turned out to be very hard to solve, and it took almost 9 months until the FTF was logged. It's an all time record for a cache within ~100km from my home. 6 months after the publish, with no FTF in sight and the cache being _the_ talk on many events, I logged the following note. The cache title, "4 Gurken", is German for "4 cucumbers", in case someone actually reads it and wonders about the reference . ------------------------------------- Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody, alternate lyrics: Bohemian Mystery Is this a real cache? Or is it mockery? No-one can tell me, so it still is a mystery. Open your eyes, look up to the tree and see! There is a T5, should not be hard to get. because it's 4.5, no D5, not too high, not too low. Be the first to find it! Doesn't really matter to me, to me. Hooray! Just found a cache. Turned a stone and then I saw the box - just like so many more. Found it! It was such a fun, and now I'm gonna search another one. Caching, oooh! Such a thrill to make a find, today it's great and it will be tomorrow. Caching on, caching on, as if nothing really matters. Too bad, a mystery sends shivers down my spine, head is aching all the time. Help me, anybody, I've got to find the solution to the riddle I can't solve. Help me, oooh (be the first to find it) I just wanna log, I sometimes wish I'd really clicked on "Ignore" ... (* guitar solo *) I see 4 little green cucumbers on my screen, And a hint, and a hint! But what is the solution? Cucumbers are lazy, brain is going crazy, see?! The reviewer (the reviewer) The reviewer (the reviewer) The reviewer eahmschaugo The one who knows I'm out of mind now, nobody helps me! He's out of mind now, will someone help him out? Help him ignore all this dadgum mysteries! Easy come, easy find, will you tell me where? No, never! No, we will not tell you where (tell him where!) No, never! We will not tell you where (tell him where!) No, never! We will not tell you where (tell me where!) Will not tell you where (tell me where!) Never never tell you where. Never tell me where. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Oh the cucumber, the cucumber (oh cucumber, where are you?) An FTF is just out of reach for now for me, for me, for meeeeeeee!!!! So you think you can tease me and laugh in my face? So you think that there should be no FTF race? Oh, owner, can't do this to me, owner! Just gotta find out, just gotta find out where it is. Any other caches, Anyone can see, Any other caches, don't look just as haunting to me. (Be the first to find it.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Religious Proselytising in Caches
d+n.s replied to Sniggle&Snoet's topic in General geocaching topics
I don't believe I said anything of the sort, although you are coming off a bit condescending in saying that. I'm not sure what to tell you. I quoted you saying that people are "hyperventilating" and that they should get over "the bad man saying mean things" This is both condescending and pretending that the people you are addressing are more upset than they seem to be. Unless you talk to other grown, reasonable adults with language typically reserved for children (bad man said a mean thing) I think my interpretation is fair. How is it condescending to read and interpret words the way they read on the page? I wouldn't tell anyone who I had an ounce of respect, "So what the bad man said something mean?" I'd never talk to my dad that way. Not my boss. Not a police officer. Not a co-worker. Not a bagger at a grocery store. Its loaded language, typically reserved for spoiled children. Especially if they don't give any evidence of being terribly upset. As opposed to what? The other 5 or 6 gripes this forum sees once a week? I'm not sure why you think a certain threshold of offense must have been reached for the OP to make a thread. It taks vey little effort. I suspect its just another excuse to talk about geocaching. I'm not sure I'd call the OP strange for asking a question with such varied and nuanced responses... Again, I feel like people are overstating how upset any of us are who dislike the practice, and THAT IS a little upsetting I'm in the same boat. I get a little confused when people get frustrated by micro caches and caches with bad swag, but I suppose some people cache with children... I never take anything. I do always leave a little kaleidoscope though. For me it's maybe 95% about locations. We agree on something! -
That is - in other words - exactly what I said. The rest of your posting talks a lot about numbers. Numbers of waymarks in a category, numbers of officers. But you never talk about the subject of a category. Whether it is an interesting subject or not. To make it short: It seems that you prefer to have prevelant and global waymarks and I prefer to have interesting waymarks and don't care that much about the numbers. Fortunately we both are allowed to have our own opinions.
Well, please don't get me wrong, but I don't think that it is up to you (or anybody else) alone to decide what is "outstanding" for the entire planet. We are all people from different countries of different ages with different interests and so on. What you would call an outstanding category might bore me to death and vice versa. Don't get me wrong: I don't think that your opinion is wrong, I'm just trying to explain, that my opinion isn't completely wrong either. Now for the prevelance: The category "Ancient Traces and Roads" needed more than 10 years to collect 261 waymarks worldwide(!). If we had to decide TODAY, if this category should pass peer review, would you vote against it? I know that I wouldn't. Simply because there are people out there who would be enthusiastic to see them and this category would help them to get all the information needed to find them. Next example: "Glaciers", 12 years, 77 waymarks. Next: "Martello Towers", 10 years, 55 waymarks. And the list could be continued for a while. If all these categories would have failed in peer review, how boring would this hobby be? To get some facts I checked Wikipedia and found a list of all Romanesque buildings in Austria, which is a quite small country. I was very surprised to see that the list contains 136 buildings, 4 of which are in my hometown Wien. I know that we have one or two ancient roads, some glaciers and - as far as I know - not one Martello tower. But still all these categories would get a positive vote from me. Furthermore, if I could do what I wanted I would kick out the thousands of McDonalds Restaurant waymarks to make room for a few hundred Romanesque buildings, but that's a different story. The point (in my humble opinion) is: The prevelance criterion doesn't include a specific number, because it would be impossible to define one. Some things don't exist in large quantities, because only a few of them survived for hundreds or thousands of years or simply because there aren't endless volcanos on this planet. So, if we talk about buildings that are hundreds of years old, we have to accept that there are less than from younger periods.
Here is what was sent to my account by the above waymarker: "I don't expect this to help my cause but you are an officer in the Iowa Historic Markers category. WOW, talk about a category which is NOT GLOBAL. Shame on you! " I'm going to REALLY try to be diplomatic about this since you are obviously pissed off and not thinking clearly. I will tell you right off the bat, however, what you did is truly outside the boundaries of acceptable social norms - I guess it is to be expected in these days of computer anonymity. Act first, get called out on it, then apologize - pretty much par for the course in this day and age. First, I did not create the Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, or Oklahoma State Historical Marker categories that I officer, and, as a favor, became an officer to keep them alive. So, no, actually, I'll take your thanks and not your shame for doing that - I had NO control on whether or not those categories were created or not. If you look at the dates of creation of those categories, three were created at the time Waymarking was created and Oklahoma was created in 2008. For more of your information, Missouri Historical Markers was created by one of the early founders of Waymarking - the late GEO*Trailblazer1. I was more than honored when I was asked to take a spot as an officer in a group that he founded. I think I would try to get my facts straight before I went on an email blast, but that is just me... Second, I gave my HONEST opinion in both the forum and in the Peer Review - DEAL WITH IT AS AN ADULT!!!!! Everyone isn't going to like your category. I thought then, and I think now it is a niche category that is limited in both of those buildings that CAN be waymarked and WHERE they can be waymarked. You knew EXACTLY how my vote was going to be. If you didn't, go back up about halfway up this discussion - I said it would be a tough sell because of the limits of geography. Sorry, I didn't sugarcoat, I didn't lie, I didn't blow smoke up a certain orifice - I told you exactly how I was thinking then, and it was exactly how I voted in Peer Review. At least I had the guts to keep my comments public, I could have hidden them and as well as my name. It's crappy emails like you sent is the reason that the tickbox to keep comments hidden is there. I was at least trying to give you some feedback, obviously, not wanted UNLESS it was of the positive kind. Third, you actually got some very nice comments from some VERY well respected waymarkers in Peer Review. WHY, do you then feel the need to go ahead and slam other waymarkers like this? Are you really that insecure of the category passing that you feel the need to lash out at negative comments? If my actually very calm comments in the peer review section touched a nerve like that, just imagine the first time you deny a waymark? You will learn very quickly what "Shame on you!" REALLY means when you read what an angry waymarker writes. In conclusion, this is the second time this year someone from across the pond has felt the need to admonish me through a private email. This is a global hobby, not just one for either the European or North American areas. Seriously, and I really say this with the utmost respect, what you said in the forum and privately was totally uncalled for. You should have researched more about those State Historical Markers before you decided to put some of the Waymarking population on email blast. Seriously, you look really immature by slamming fellow waymarkers in the forum and in private emails. I'm not holding my breath for an apology, although one is certainly due me and the rest of the waymarkers you decided to go on full tilt. To the rest of the Waymarking population, I'm sorry you have to read the above diatribe from me. I guess I could just have bitten the bullet and taken the personal attack, however, our friend above has decided the measurement of certain body parts is in order. I guess from now on, we have to agree with EVERY category that comes down the pipe,
All 50 states (well 48 in the continental US)
NYPaddleCacher replied to Chuckle berry's topic in General geocaching topics
Thanks for the enjoyable read! Talk about epic road trip. There was a post awhile back that showed a route they took through Europe to get as many countries as possible. -
Yep. I believe folks sometimes confuse faceboook with forums. Disagreeing with another once on a local caching site, they said, "you couldn't talk to me like that on faceboook, a mod would stop that" after I called bs on something said (I was where he mentioned, he wasn't...). I asked "what would be the purpose of a 'discussion' where everyone agrees with you ?".
All 50 states (well 48 in the continental US)
MNTA replied to Chuckle berry's topic in General geocaching topics
Thanks for the enjoyable read! Talk about epic road trip. -
A. Responding does not necessarily equate to "being nice". B. You can never control whether someone is "offended". Even a "nice" response could end up being read as a swipe at them or rude response. I'd rather let them get frustrated by no response than interact with someone who chooses not to put effort into a solve...or at least say they did. C. Not responding to lazy cachers takes precisely zero effort, so it already has an advantage over any interaction at all. and... D. I've actually been interacting with you about this, yet you still feel the need to talk about it and make me out to be some rude jerk. This is PRECISELY the sort of issue I'm talking about. By pursuing this discussion, you are actually, in a way, proving my point.
Meh...I don't feel like responding to every request for a hint on my puzzles. I don't feel like it's reasonable to expect me to always respond. I don't get offended when others don't respond to my own messages. All this talk about what is "reasonable" is...ummm...unreasonable?
Geocaching Intro app for iPhone 2.5 and Android 2.1
Mr.Yuck replied to nkroy's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
That's for the like 100 accounts I have seen over the years with Pirate based usernames, who talk like a Pirate in their cache logs. So apparently in a future release, the app will convert your log to Pirate talk. Which of course is useless, because no one has ever posted a log longer than 3 words via the intro app. What are you talking about? "That's one more find for me! Thanks so much for hiding this geocache." is 13 words! 14 if you expand the contraction! Heck, even "I found this geocache using the Geocaching Intro App. TFTC!" is 9 and an acronym! Apparently, the "that's one more find for me" text is long gone, although they've never announced it publicly. Oh Snap! That's gone?? Now no one will understand my signature! Is there still a cut-and-paste log for the intro app? Someone in a thread in Geocaching topics discovered it a couple weeks ago. I don't feel like looking (but maybe I'll post again in a few days), but the last offending "that's one more find for me" log I can remember seeing was around late June. -
Geocaching Intro app for iPhone 2.5 and Android 2.1
ADKer replied to nkroy's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
That's for the like 100 accounts I have seen over the years with Pirate based usernames, who talk like a Pirate in their cache logs. So apparently in a future release, the app will convert your log to Pirate talk. Which of course is useless, because no one has ever posted a log longer than 3 words via the intro app. What are you talking about? "That's one more find for me! Thanks so much for hiding this geocache." is 13 words! 14 if you expand the contraction! Heck, even "I found this geocache using the Geocaching Intro App. TFTC!" is 9 and an acronym! Apparently, the "that's one more find for me" text is long gone, although they've never announced it publicly. Oh Snap! That's gone?? Now no one will understand my signature! Is there still a cut-and-paste log for the intro app? -
Geocaching Intro app for iPhone 2.5 and Android 2.1
Mr.Yuck replied to nkroy's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
That's for the like 100 accounts I have seen over the years with Pirate based usernames, who talk like a Pirate in their cache logs. So apparently in a future release, the app will convert your log to Pirate talk. Which of course is useless, because no one has ever posted a log longer than 3 words via the intro app. What are you talking about? "That's one more find for me! Thanks so much for hiding this geocache." is 13 words! 14 if you expand the contraction! Heck, even "I found this geocache using the Geocaching Intro App. TFTC!" is 9 and an acronym! Apparently, the "that's one more find for me" text is long gone, although they've never announced it publicly.