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  1. I'd prefer a decoy over ant traditional behind an utility pole any day. Talk about a joke that's been told to many times We found many decoys, caches as well as WPs for a multi. One of the latest we found was a birdhouse with a pipe system where you had to push a small ball deeper so at the other end another ball would come out. This had to be repeated many times until the right ball popped out containing half a coordinate. After continuing we finally got to the second half of the coordinate. Another one was also a birdhouse but there was nothing to be found in or near it. We finally lifted the door off to find the log in one of the hinges. The latest we found was an old coffeemaker (all manual) that could be taken apart, we found a "replacement log" (by a PM with 1000's of finds) even though it clearly says on the cachelisting that you have to look carefully for the log and not think it's missing. We found the "real thing" easily. At least decoys offer "something extra" in order not to brainless pick up micros on a guardrail/behind an utility pole every 161m.
  2. I guess that we talk about the Celebrity Hangouts category and that someone posted a new waymark with the text "Unknown" in the Celebrity's Name variable. Have I won something?
  3. Saw a cellphone for 59 bucks at Walmart, has GPS including GLONASS and all the other goodies. Works with a Straight Talk phone network. My question is, can one just go in and buy the phone but never activate it and still use it for geocaching? I figure since the GPS would work, I could simply download a program like C:**** and manually load gpx files into the unit that way. I would have then a fully functional GPS unit that has an unlimited gpx file limit. I could also download maps and use them in the field. Along with having a camera, music, android apps, and wifi.... The only thing it couldn't do is make phonecalls unless I bought a straight talk calling card. Seems like a cheap way to get a super GPS unit for geocaching for just 59 bucks.... Is there any downside to this idea?????
  4. Nope. Your eTrex 10 has no internet connection and therefore cannot talk directly with Groundspeak (geocaching.com). Just as you can't search for geocaches without first preloading them by connecting to a computer, you cannot log your finds without connecting to a computer. Your finds are stored as a file called geocache_finds.txt which can be uploaded to the website to form drafts. Then you can submit your drafts as logs. Drafts do sync with the official app, so once your drafts are uploaded, you can do the logging with your phone.
  5. Interesting approach, but I'm surprised this happens often enough for you to worry about. I think there's been once or twice when I knew a PQ I'd just run would be too stale -- a new cache published, for example -- but I can usually just run another PQ that overlaps my main PQ. For example, my main PQ leaves out caches I've already found, but I have other PQs that cover the same area that include all caches, so I just run one of them. Not clear what this has to do with the OP, but I did bring up this limitation, so I can't really complain if we talk about it.
  6. yes the co definitely needs to be involved - you shouldn't do it without permission - like if a cache is temporarily disabled and the co knows it needs replacing then we might offer to put out a replacement if we are headed to the area - we talk with them and they tell us what container the cache was and exactly where it goes - it helps a fellow co out
  7. If you make sure your photos are being geotagged, you can use GeoSetter to see where they were taken. Needed: Any smart phone with a camera, or an expensive camera-with-built-in-GPS. Most of us already have the former. GeoSetter is free. At my age, geotagging has become a necessity! ("Where in the world did I take that??") In fact, even in my younger days I would end up with old pre-digital photo prints and wonder "where in the world did I take that?" -- but paper doesn't talk to me.
  8. A friend of mine has asked me to sell her collection as she is getting out of coin collecting. (Just so you know it is not GPXNavigators though.) I know that she has some really nice coins including some compass rose coins, yemon yime etc. dating up to about 2009) I don't have all the coins in my possession at the moment so I can't give a full list yet but I do have a pretty hefty bag full of coins here. Actually she has some that I have never seen before (Amazing I know! LOL) Some will be listed here for sale. Maybe some will be posted on facebook and some on ebay. If there are specific coins you might be looking for let me know and I will look at what I am sorting through right now to see if she has it. Most of her coins aren't activated. For now I have four listed on ebay. Talk a look at this one and then you can link to the others--all trackable. In honor of Talk Like A Pirate Day I also listed some pirate theme coins. Glass Traveler Geocoin Edit to try to fix link!
  9. I don't mean to discourage you, but here's my story: I went to a LOT of trouble (TWICE), travelled to OKC to the county office that had the property records, printed off the information, and wrote a nice letter to the land owners asking if I could place a geocache there. They were nice enough to write back, and said NO, please don't put a geocache there. Okie dokie. Several months later, someone placed a cache in the location which I was denied permission. I explained that to them, and posted a NA. Talk about ticked off! They were MAD as heck, and told me, "I checked with the neighbors and they said it's OK, and besides, NO ONE owns that property (about 4 acres). No one owns it? No one? Not according to the county records! Anyway, I spoke with the reviewer who didn't care and let the cache stay. That left me very discouraged from doing a lot of work to get permission. Now, if I can't ask the person directly or speak to someone from the business, I don't bother. I'm not going to go to all that work only to have the reviewer not care that we're ignoring the property owner's request. Sorry, I got a little bit off topic. Contacting the US govt for permission sounds like a daunting task. You may consider asking your local reviewer, who is often aware of permission issues in your area.
  10. Was glancing through my log entries on my dashboard and noticed this white heart in the green background next to one of my Find logs. Anyone know what this is, or is this some sort of stealth rollout that we're not supposed to talk about?
  11. Never forget. How could I? My mother-in-law was dying of cancer. My husband was up north to be with her for a final week. He called me and woke me up. "Turn on the TV" "What? What is it?" "Turn on the TV" "No games, just tell me" "I can't. Just turn it on" Just in time to see the second tower fall (3 hour time difference, it was early). I was alone, all alone, on this terrible day. Mike didn't want to talk on the phone because his mother was dying. I couldn't reach other family members to talk to them. I was all alone and scared that I would never see my husband again. Who knew that day if anything else would happen? I began to wonder if anyone I knew as a child growing up in New York was in those buildings. My sister-in-law couldn't fly down to see her mother. I had to try and figure out a way to get her down here before my mother-in-law died. Days later, my husband came home, and 2 weeks later my mother-in-law died. Our hearts ached and grieved that whole year. For me, one of the hardest things is not having anyone to talk to about 9/11. Mike can't talk about it because of his mother. No one else I know will talk about it. I needed to talk about it and I couldn't. Even now, nearing the second anniversary, I ache. The images are there, imbedded in my brain. Images of people jumping off the building I can't get rid of. Even now, if I see an image of the WTC, or 9/11, I physically recoil. I ache for a world that we lost, the innocence the young children will never know in this new world. The innocence I used to know growing up, not realizing that people hated me because of who I am. Not knowing that people longed for me to die because I am an American. I wish we could still live like that. I will never forget.
  12. The last ten posts have been a tangential back and forth quotefest between two users. If you wish to hammer out your differences or clarify your intentions, please use the forum or website messaging tools. The rest of us would like to talk and read about the criteria for being a virtual reward cache owner.
  13. Here's one of the artcles: http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-california-split-three-states-20180612-story.html Please, with all policy on the side. We are only going to talk about it from the geocaching point of view. From the geocaching point of view only, How many of you geocachers feel about this? I am sure many of you are working on the 50+1 state challenge(or even finished it) and this might cause a few setback(s). It will set me back as well if California become a three states. I never geocache in one of the "future" planned section. I do wonder how much headache this was cause for Groundspeak. I am not saying I am against it or for it. Its just a setback or more on my challenge goals. Anyone else?
  14. It would be difficult to climb a tree using top rope (as the name implies, you are secured to a rope from above and belayed by another person or device), so of the two lead climbing (the first person up a route) would probably be better.... I would however, just talk to a climbing club local to you and get some experience climbing walls etc.... there really is no sport applicable strictly to tree climbing except for perhaps lumberjack. DD
  15. It's not just the souvenir, but also challenge caches that ask for "find x different cache types in x different countries" that have lead to these events. In some countries/areas there are only tradionals, mysteries and multi's, so an event is an easy find for an extra type of geocache... I never go to events that are clearly organized just to get that souvenir/challenge etc. and I think that is the only thing you can do to discourage these type of events. Adding extra guidelines/rules etc. would not make it any better, since cachers always find solutions to get what they want eventually. By reading the event page it now is at least clear if an event is interesting for me or not, if cachers would lie on the cache event page just to get it published, that might change. I've been to events abroad and also co-hosted (just a few) events, always working together with a local cacher to make sure the event would be at a suitable location and time. And of course with a local involved you are already sure not to be alone, since I agree the social part is what it is all about. For those who want to this as well and are wondering how: just look at recent events in the area where you are going and contact the event organizers for information/help. Someone mentioned they don't like events in a pub, they rather go outdoors to a park. I've seen events that got cancelled on the day itself because of rain, so I prefer indoor events and a pub is often a nice informal location where people don't mind if you walk in with your muddy geocaching shoes. Being able to sit down makes it easier as well to chat, and a toilet nearby makes sure you don't have to leave the event earlier than you or someone in your cache team/family might want to. The amount of people attending is unimportant to me. In my experience the smaller events are a lot better that the larger events since a small group makes it easier to really talk to each other, instead of trying to mingle with geocachers who already often arrive in groups of friends and seem to have no interest in really meeting other people. And of course when an event organizer really wishes to meet other people, you can always decide to cancel the event 2 days before the actual date if there are no "will attend"-logs. Seems to me a lot better than just going ahead, waiting for half an hour for someone to show up while you could have used that time to go geocaching or sightseeing and then claiming your smiley just for the wait. Maybe the website could automatically suggest cancelling the event when there are no will attend-logs 2 days for the event, of course it will be up to the CO to follow this suggestion or not.
  16. I'm not sure how long you have been geocaching but there are all sorts of things left in caches that might be inappropriate for children (weapons, porn, underwear, birth control, feminine hygiene products) so it would probably be a good and safe idea for the adult(s) to check the cache contents before letting the kids at it. Again, religious tracts - whether one likes them or not - do not violate any guidelines. I found a sticker with a naked lady on it the other day. Personally, I'd rather explain a gory religious symbol to my non religious children than the naked lady sticker. Stuff that isn't allowed in geocaches as quoted above, still shows up in them. Banning it won't solve the problem. Want to make geocaching a better place? Trade up for questionable items, leave the cache better than you found it. Actions are louder than words. Didn't you previously say "I really don't want to talk about it again." Then when I respond mainly with an explanation of why I posted it, an acknowledgement of my mistake and an offer to have this post disappear due to my mistake, you respond with the above. Seems like you do want to talk about it. This seems overly defensive. I was commenting on a post by ThePetersTrio that I felt relavent. I don't want to debate religion. I do want to talk about geocaching. That's what this post was.
  17. This could be very difficult to automate. I am regularly asked by Responsible Cache Owners to archive their old listing when I publish their new listing nearby, so they would be excluded unfairly if the algorithm searched for all archived caches where the archive log came from a reviewer. Conversely, an archive log from a retired reviewer or lackey would not show up in the results if the algorithm searched for archive logs from the reviewer or lackey account types. "Well then, just search for the word 'maintenance' in the archive log." That won't work, either. You would need to search in every language used by a reviewer worldwide. Not all reviewers use the same template. For example, I talk about the maintenance issue in my temp disable log or my reviewer note log. The archive log is very short and sweet: "As there's been no response to my prior note, I am archiving this cache page."
  18. What service does the iphone app use for geo cacheing... By that, I mean does the iphone get its GPS info from the 3G / 4G Data phone talk side? OR the WEB / data side? My cell plan has talk, text, and data... Which one should I expect should go up in usage as I go about this new hobby? I am not complaining, just want to see which service I may need to increase, for the hobby? Or does it simply get the info, then switch over to GPS for the guidance to the cache??? Never gave this much thought before!!! LOL!
  19. I can't decipher the OP. What in the world is this thread about? Phony logs. I almost thought BrianSnat's count-down post was going to be prophetic on a nostradamus scale for a second there. I don't understand his post, either. Is there some sort of tool that everyone is using to decrypt this thread? Yes, there is. My reply will appear first in English and then in TXT (annoying as it is!) and then in L337 (aka Leet) ~~~~~~~~~~ ENGLISH VERSION OF MY REPLY: I agree with you that the original post was extremely hard to read, and even harder to understand. I personally find such types of messages to be rather annoying. However, what I do, when I encounter such things, is to go to one of the many online TXT to English (and English to TXT) translators and plug the text in there to see what comes out. One of several really good online translators may be found at: http://www.transl8it.com/cgi-win/index.pl?convertPL However, many "texters" also mix in another language, often called "Leet" or "elite" and thus you may also need to employ a Leet-to-English translator as well! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ TXT VERSION OF MY REPLY: zOMG! you r teh winz!!one!!eleven! I agrE w U dat d orignL post wz extremely hard 2 rED, & evN harder 2 undRstNd. I personLlE find such typz of msgz 2 b rather anoyN. Eleventy! howevR, wot I do, wen I encounter such tngz, iz 2 go 2 1 of d mNE on9 TXT 2 eng (& eng 2 TXT) transl8rz & plug d txt n ther 2 c wot cumz out. 1 of sevrl rly gud on9 transl8rz mA b found @: http://www.transl8it.com/cgi-win/index.pl?convertPL howevR, mNE "texters" also mix n NothA lngwij, ofn caLd "l337" o "l33t" & thus U mA also nEd 2 employ a Leet-to-English transl8r az weL! u R teh r0x)r!! ~~~~~~~~~ L337 VERSION OF MY REPLY: 1 49r33 \/\/17|-| j00Z 7|-|@ 7|-|3 0r191|\|4L p0$7 \/\/4$ 3><7r3/\/\3L'/ |-|4rD 70 r34D, 4|\|D 3\/3|\| |-|4rD3r 70 U|\|D3r$74|\|D. 1 p3r$0|\|4LL'/ Ph1|\|D $U(|-| 7'/P3$ 0Ph /\/\3$$493$ 70 b3 r47|-|3r 4|\||\|0'/1|\|9. |-|0\/\/3\/3r, \/\/|-|@ 1 d0, \/\/|-|3|\| 1 3|\|(0U|\|73r $U(|-| 7|-|1|\|9$, 1$ 70 90 70 0|\|3 0Ph 7|-|3 /\/\4|\|'/ 0|\|L1|\|3 7><7 70 3|\|9L1$|-| (4|\|D 3|\|9L1$|-| 70 7><7) 7r4|\|$L470r$ 4|\|D pLU9 7|-|3 73><7 1|\| 7|-|3r3 70 $33 \/\/|-|@ (0/\/\3$ 0U7. 0|\|3 0Ph $3\/3r4L r34LL'/ 900D 0|\|L1|\|3 7r4|\|$L470r$ /\/\4'/ b3 Ph0U|\|D 47: |-|77P://\/\/\/\/\/\/.7r4|\|$L817.(0/\/\/(91-\/\/1|\|/1|\|D3><.PL?(0|\|\/3r7PL |-|0\/\/3\/3r, /\/\4|\|'/ "73><73r$" 4L$0 /\/\1>< 1|\| 4|\|07|-|3r L4|\|9U493, 0Ph73|\| (4LL3D "L337" 0r "L337" 4|\|D 7|-|U$ j00Z /\/\4'/ 4L$0 |\|33D 70 3/\/\PL0'/ 4 L337-70-3|\|9L1$|-| 7r4|\|$L470r 4$ \/\/3LL! ~~~~~~ End of all text. The End. . That is outrageous! ...and I mean that in the best possible way! And.... in all honesty and fairness, it appears that the original post by the OP was NOT really written in Text talk, aka SMS talk, nor in L337 talk (aka Leet talk), but rather, it appears that he was writing in his own private personal cryptic shorthand style, one that seems to consist of putting thought fragments to words, not caring about sentence structure or syntax, and not paying attention to normal rules of capitalization. It took me a number of reads before I could understand what he was trying to say.
  20. Throwing out some quick thoughts/calculations: It looks like they gave you decimal degree coordinates, and they are not very precise. The distance between 49.75, 6.67 and 49.76, 6.68 is 0.82 miles - so realistically, if they rounded correctly, this cache can be anywhere within a radius of 0.41 miles (a 0.52-square-mile area). So widen your search. She gave you no other information? Approximate size of the cache? What day did she drop it? EDIT to add: Assuming it's a traditional cache, your best bets are these: https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC4TB11_im-wilden-talchen https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC4BKDB_in-den-wandelgarten https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC63B0F_lies-lieber-mal-n-gutes-buch https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC6P5CD_zu-ehren-meines-papas Here's the search I used: https://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?t=m&lat_ns=1&lat_h=49&lat_mmss=45.000&long_ew=1&long_h=6&long_mmss=40.2&dist=1&submit8=Search Use Google Translate to check the most recent logs. They may talk about your TB. And finally, Germans seem to be on the ball with trackables, so worst case scenario, they'll find it and correct its logs.
  21. Thanks. I read your post and said out loud, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who blurts things out at their computer". Well, to be perfectly honest, I talk to things (or myself) a lot. I talk to the computer, the tv, cars, whathaveyou. My kids are always laughing at me, asking me who I'm talking to, or why I think the tv people will talk back to me.
  22. And that is the whole problem in a nutshell. Most people hear the word "gay" and start thinking about sex acts. Most don't stop to think about how much of their own lives is wrapped up in their own straight sexual orientation, how much they casually talk about their wives and husbands and families and such and don't give a second of hesitation in doing so. Gay people have to stop and ask themselves constantly...is it safe to talk about my partner? Is it safe to say their name? Will I be judged and shunned simply because of WHO I AM?? It isn't any wonder that they tend to feel more at ease with people who can truly understand what that experience is like. Hence the desire to find other gay people to cache with. I agree with mresoteric concerning those coming over to the darkside to discuss the matter in the OT style. If you have to suggest people google your response, you are definitely out of line. Details about your group should not be discussed here whether someone agrees with it or not. I don't talk about my local Iowa club and neither should you. Didn't say it has to be hidden, but this isn't the place. Ask me about the club and I'll give you a link. Um...when did I say anything about Google?
  23. And that is the whole problem in a nutshell. Most people hear the word "gay" and start thinking about sex acts. Most don't stop to think about how much of their own lives is wrapped up in their own straight sexual orientation, how much they casually talk about their wives and husbands and families and such and don't give a second of hesitation in doing so. Gay people have to stop and ask themselves constantly...is it safe to talk about my partner? Is it safe to say their name? Will I be judged and shunned simply because of WHO I AM?? It isn't any wonder that they tend to feel more at ease with people who can truly understand what that experience is like. Hence the desire to find other gay people to cache with. I agree with mresoteric concerning those coming over to the darkside to discuss the matter in the OT style. If you have to suggest people google your response, you are definitely out of line. Details about your group should not be discussed here whether someone agrees with it or not. I don't talk about my local Iowa club and neither should you. Didn't say it has to be hidden, but this isn't the place. Ask me about the club and I'll give you a link.
  24. Agreed! Change your citizenship and take it up with your elected representative. Hmmm maybe we should start a thread on gun rights and regulations. Talk about a can of worms.... Same results BTW.
  25. I think it has a lot to do with intolerance, mis/disinformation and good, ol' fashioned history. Whoa there, NeverSummer. OregonCacher didn't say anything about a specific sexual orientation; he said that ANY sexual orientation is irrelevant to geocaching. Perhaps not in that post, but if you look at the others, it becomes pretty clear what the issue is. And I agree that it is irrelevant. Which is why I said what I said below the snipped quote. I just hope that the same limit on tolerance would be issued to anyone who decides to talk explicitly about who they love. Otherwise, it's just another person who has a different story, and shouldn't be disregarded as a needless interest group. (See religious groups, other clubs or affiliations, etc who form "groups" to go geocaching) Thank you "GeoGeeBee" I was about to say the same thing myself: "Whoa there, NeverSummer. OregonCacher didn't say anything about a specific sexual orientation; he said that ANY sexual orientation is irrelevant to geocaching." - GeoGeeBee Let me be very clear on what I meant; when I'm geocaching, I don't want to know what goes on in the bedroom of the cacher's I'm with; gay, straight, or anything in between. Several people made comments asserting the following: "There is no difference between a occupational or religious group, and a group based upon sexual orientation". To the above statement, I completely disagree, however many people feel differently about different things in this world, so I think the only thing I can say is agree to disagree. An occupation is what you do, not who you are. What if I made a blonde-hair only group, or an African American group? I could drag this analogy on forever, but my point with it is, is that in my opinion, there is a very significant difference between banding together for a common purpose based upon a group-commonality of "what people do, or what (not who) they like" and what their sexual-preference is. If I went geocaching with someone who turned out to be Gay, I would not have any issue with it, as long as it wasn't a part of our discussion as we were geocaching; just as I would not speak about my sexual preference/experiences with fellow-cachers unless they were close, personal friends, and I also knew it would be perceived well and appropriately by anyone and every person. It sounds really good to say that that your sexuality is not who you are, but I don't think a therapist would back that up. Being a straight married man is a huge aspect of my personality. To try to separate the concept of my sexuality from my concept of self is almost impossible. I can't imagine who I would be if I wasn't the sort of person who wanted to be with my wife. Sexuality is a HUGE part of being alive. It's part of nature. It's part of our personality on a DEEP level. Far deeper than a job or a hair color. Meanwhile, my job (most people's jobs?) are just something that they do to pay the bills right? I mean, someone has to PAY ME to do that stuff. Otherwise I'd just be out geocaching... and I LOVE my job I find it interesting people keep bringing up "what goes on in the bedroom" Whenever people talk about homosexuality they seem to go straight to sex and bedroom talk. Perhaps it's easier to characterize it only as sex and not as love? If I said, " I don't want to know the cacher's I'm with are in love with or know about their significant others" we'd probably all agree it is a completely weird ting to say. So instead we say what? "don't wanna know who you're humping"? Seems like a weird thing to ask of someone. No one offered to let us know what happens in their bedroom. It has nothing to do with gay caching. Please refer to the most recent reply on this page (up a bit).
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