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CITO Event to Collect Archived Cache Containers?
palmetto replied to DerDiedler's topic in General geocaching topics
Two issues strike me with regard to the plan to pick up remains of archived caches as a CITO: 1) it's locationless - ie go somewhere and pick up trash. CITO events may spread out, but they are defined by coords, and target a specific "cache friendly" place. CITO as locationless - ie, pick up some trash somewhere and meet and talk about it, is submitted from time to time. It doesn't work. ? 2) pick up geocache containers belonging to others isn't going to be advertised on the site. operates from the premise that the physical container and the cache page belong to the cache owner. -
No caches allowed in places with entrance fees?
cerberus1 replied to JPreto's topic in General geocaching topics
As each case similar comes up for a hider, aren't we asked to talk to our Reviewer ? When we're talking about varying regional policies within every country in the world here , I guess I don't understand what kinda set, catch-all "guidance" you'd expect from HQ. Even if we could make some sort of "list" similar to the Regional Policies Wiki, it'd take some time to create. -
We literally just started this after listening to a few in our network talk about it over the years. Havent set out on a day of just hunting but were taking one a day that are close and begining to enjoy the "bonus" fun it offers us when we are already out enjoying the outdoors. Being an Army guy I've already ordred a geocache kit that will offer up some Army themed swag as well as set in motion a trackable. It will be more camoflaged than even I was back in the day! Eventually we will register it and get it going. Until then...cheers folks. Easy fun that gets you some quirky looks from unknowing bystanders when you are literally on top of it with the GPS but still can't see the dang thing!
My first step would be to check that the location meets the saturation guidelines, that there isn't another cache within 528ft/161m of the location I want. For this check, I'd look at the traditional caches on the map, plus any puzzle caches or multi-caches in the area that I have coordinates for. Next, I'd work on securing permission. A lot of parks and open spaces around here have geocaching policies. As long as the cache meets the requirements of their geocaching policies, you have permission, and don't need to talk to a ranger or submit a form or anything. In those parks, I'd verify that my idea meets their geocaching policy. Otherwise, I'd talk to the land manager to get permission. Then, if my idea involved location-specific camouflage that couldn't be relocated easily, I'd double-check with a local reviewer that the location really is available, that there isn't some puzzle cache that I haven't solved that's blocking the location. Then I'd build the cache, place the cache, and submit the listing. Sadie, the funny thing is that everyone does stuff differently. Everyone will have a different answer. Just to add to niraD, I like to develop my listing on early on in the process, and leave a reviewer note saying that you are working on a cache for this spot. That way, if someone else attempts to put a cache there before your's is published, the reviewer will likely give precidents to your cache. You will likely get a email asking if you are indeed placing a cache there soon, giving you "first dibs" as it were.
My first step would be to check that the location meets the saturation guidelines, that there isn't another cache within 528ft/161m of the location I want. For this check, I'd look at the traditional caches on the map, plus any puzzle caches or multi-caches in the area that I have coordinates for. Next, I'd work on securing permission. A lot of parks and open spaces around here have geocaching policies. As long as the cache meets the requirements of their geocaching policies, you have permission, and don't need to talk to a ranger or submit a form or anything. In those parks, I'd verify that my idea meets their geocaching policy. Otherwise, I'd talk to the land manager to get permission. Then, if my idea involved location-specific camouflage that couldn't be relocated easily, I'd double-check with a local reviewer that the location really is available, that there isn't some puzzle cache that I haven't solved that's blocking the location. Then I'd build the cache, place the cache, and submit the listing.
What is the value of old timers in caching?
Sol seaker replied to Sol seaker's topic in General geocaching topics
I began by answering the question, explicitly, yes. Then I addressed the current state of the topic. If Sol seeker wants the thread to remain "on topic", and it was not ever supposed to be about the politics of those who have been banned, then she needs to speak up and attempt to steer it back on course. Otherwise, yes, the thread was not purely intended to discuss "What is the value of old timers in caching?" Post #7 - knowschad first steered the topic openly towards forum politics. Then Sol Seeker: "The point is that those who have been around a while have a lot to offer the community. They have VALUE in being here. They have a lot to share. ... We need people who have been around a while. The forums belong to everyone. Or at least they should. " Seems forum politics (not just value in geocaching) are a touchy subject. Then knowschad: "There seems to be a little confusion in this thread, I think. Are you referring to Geocaching old-timers, or forum regulars when you talk about old-timers? I thought you were referring to old-time forum regulars." Then the air was cleared in TriciaG's post #25, that there is a solid underlying issue regarding recent long-time forum users. And numerous responses have agreed, quite pleasantly, that there is certainly value of old timers in geocaching. I don't think anyone would disagree. So once again, if the thread is legitimately, and sincerely to discuss the value of old timers in geocaching, then sol seeker should make that clear. Either Knowschad misunderstood by post 7, and the thread has since already derailed into more angsty forum drama not related to the OP, or the thread has always had a passive-aggressive intent to rant about forum politics ETA: I'd love if this thread were just to talk about old timers (of all types) in geocaching and their value and merit! Share some examples, help promote community and loving and caring and fun and helpfulness! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. And most threads in these forums anymore turn angsty, and judgmental over time, in case you hadn't noticed. Please re-read your own post and think about if there's anything there that might be adding to that. -
What is the value of old timers in caching?
Sol seaker replied to Sol seaker's topic in General geocaching topics
I began by answering the question, explicitly, yes. Then I addressed the current state of the topic. If Sol seeker wants the thread to remain "on topic", and it was not ever supposed to be about the politics of those who have been banned, then she needs to speak up and attempt to steer it back on course. Otherwise, yes, the thread was not purely intended to discuss "What is the value of old timers in caching?" Post #7 - knowschad first steered the topic openly towards forum politics. Then Sol Seeker: "The point is that those who have been around a while have a lot to offer the community. They have VALUE in being here. They have a lot to share. ... We need people who have been around a while. The forums belong to everyone. Or at least they should. " Seems forum politics (not just value in geocaching) are a touchy subject. Then knowschad: "There seems to be a little confusion in this thread, I think. Are you referring to Geocaching old-timers, or forum regulars when you talk about old-timers? I thought you were referring to old-time forum regulars." Then the air was cleared in TriciaG's post #25, that there is a solid underlying issue regarding recent long-time forum users. And numerous responses have agreed, quite pleasantly, that there is certainly value of old timers in geocaching. I don't think anyone would disagree. So once again, if the thread is legitimately, and sincerely to discuss the value of old timers in geocaching, then sol seeker should make that clear. Either Knowschad misunderstood by post 7, and the thread has since already derailed into more angsty forum drama not related to the OP, or the thread has always had a passive-aggressive intent to rant about forum politics ETA: I'd love if this thread were just to talk about old timers (of all types) in geocaching and their value and merit! Share some examples, help promote community and loving and caring and fun and helpfulness! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. So your first few lines make it sound like Knowschad and I are the same person, or at least see the world the same, or think the same, or ARE thinking the same, or something. I have no idea where you got that one. I assure you that Knowschad and I are indeed separate individuals; I am not a dog. As with every single other thread in these forums, or any forums for that matter, everyone can and does make of them what they will. I made myself clear in the first post. I don't know why you decided everyone else was speaking for me in muddying my opening post. -
What is the value of old timers in caching?
thebruce0 replied to Sol seaker's topic in General geocaching topics
I began by answering the question, explicitly, yes. Then I addressed the current state of the topic. If Sol seeker wants the thread to remain "on topic", and it was not ever supposed to be about the politics of those who have been banned, then she needs to speak up and attempt to steer it back on course. Otherwise, yes, the thread was not purely intended to discuss "What is the value of old timers in caching?" Post #7 - knowschad first steered the topic openly towards forum politics. Then Sol Seeker: "The point is that those who have been around a while have a lot to offer the community. They have VALUE in being here. They have a lot to share. ... We need people who have been around a while. The forums belong to everyone. Or at least they should. " Seems forum politics (not just value in geocaching) are a touchy subject. Then knowschad: "There seems to be a little confusion in this thread, I think. Are you referring to Geocaching old-timers, or forum regulars when you talk about old-timers? I thought you were referring to old-time forum regulars." Then the air was cleared in TriciaG's post #25, that there is a solid underlying issue regarding recent long-time forum users. And numerous responses have agreed, quite pleasantly, that there is certainly value of old timers in geocaching. I don't think anyone would disagree. So once again, if the thread is legitimately, and sincerely to discuss the value of old timers in geocaching, then sol seeker should make that clear. Either Knowschad misunderstood by post 7, and the thread has since already derailed into more angsty forum drama not related to the OP, or the thread has always had a passive-aggressive intent to rant about forum politics ETA: I'd love if this thread were just to talk about old timers (of all types) in geocaching and their value and merit! Share some examples, help promote community and loving and caring and fun and helpfulness! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. -
My heart sank when I received the following e-mail from motnahp (the OP) today... "I think it is a bad idea to pass "Keep it moving" around so that other cachers can find it without actually looking. I hope you will hid it properly soon so that it can continue its journey. There has been some talk on the forum about this subject and the cache is in danger of being classed as a "Pocket Cache" and archived. This is a great cache which is no longer allowed. The proper thing to do, I think, would be to mention this in a note and possibly ask all those people who have logged it as found to delete their logs. It makes me very sad to see the cache being treated in this way." Where do I start? I know it is a great cache. I know the rules for this special cache. I now know "there is some talk on the forum" only because you started it?!? And I strongly believe the CO's "proper thing to do" is more important than the yours! I found "Keep it Moving" last month and asked nmartin the CO if he would allow me to bring it to my first ever event. His reply was... "Yes, have fun with it, just when you are done, send me the coord's of where you leave it." In keeping with the CO's wishes that is exactly what I plan to do. Take it to the event, have fun with it and when we are done with it pass it on for somebody else to release back in to the wild. I spent hours reading about the "Keep it Moving" adventure but the idea of posting a note that asks every cacher in the world that has "found" it at an event to delete their logs never occurred to me?!? Instead I decided to do something constructive with my time, I did my homework and discovered there are now less than 40 of these relics still in existence with the majority staying in the USA. I managed to track down another historic travelling cache currently in England called Hitchhiker 42 (GC1A74) and have arranged for their paths to meet for the first time ever my event! Surely bringing these fascinating caches together for one day will add another exciting chapter to their amazing journeys? Both CO's seemed happy with the idea. I personally think Events are a big part of "the spirit of Geocaching" as many cachers never get a chance to put faces to names or just talk passionately about the joys of caching with their peers! This particular event is the first in Glasgow for over 2 years and for many will be their first event. It should be great fun so if you're still feeling "very sad" why not come along? (GC3A830) "Happy" hunting! AMAZO
Actually. I got to thinking that the "PISA" might be because, like the best known edifice in the town, you also lean to the left. Even I got a chuckle out of that one... Keith EDIT: Talk about your coinkidinks - I just saw a news item on the tower on CTV news. It seems that engineers have straightened the tower somewhat and intend to straighten it a bit more in the future to minimize the danger of its falling over...
+me and countless others !!! +me too!!! Seriously, does Groundspeak (or whoever the shadowy characters are behind the scenes) even acknowledge that this is a problem? Have they responded at all to the complaints? I haven't seen anything but stone cold change to make the search results more readable, no change to the ridiculous 30 mile limit, not even a link on the search page to a list of instructions on how to use the darn thing, nothing! At the very least, they could simply leave a link up to the old search. + us and most of the local (Hawaii) cachers who never come to the forums... I used to have an old car. I had a mechanic who was reliable, I could call him up and talk to him (or his one assistant) on the phone. He'd help me decide if I needed to bring the car in right away or not... When he was done he'd show me the hole in the hose, or the old worn out parts and ask if I wanted them back. He always believed there was something wrong it I told him the engine was making a funny noise or the brakes were squeaking too much. Now I have new car, it's fancy enough to come with "free" routine maintenance, for which I have to return to the dealer. I don't talk to a mechanic (or anyone who works on cars). I have a "service advisor" who never answers the phone. I get to play phone tag with someone who doesn't know much about me or my car. After the visit, the service advisor seems most concerned about the ratings I will give on the survey I'm going to get in an email. I miss the mechanic. I am beginning to think Groundspeak has gone the way of the car dealer... It seems no one who works on the code or designs the site has been here to tell us why they messed with our perfectly usable search engine & why we can't keep it. jrr
Since we don't know why this task is being forbidden, I don't think we can guess whether there's a way to talk about an optional task and explain why it's only optional without tripping over the same "problem". I doubt you can get away with, "This is an optional task because some people will offended by the location, but I can't tell you why without talking about lingerie, so please go to the location and decide for yourself whether you're offended." I gather they didn't give you any justification more specific than "underwear bad"?
Fast and Loose With Contact Guidelines
NYPaddleCacher replied to ecanderson's topic in General geocaching topics
I have the same feeling that all those caches which may at some level require interactivity with the staff have earned lots of favorites. Here comes the question. Why this kind of contacting is not allowed? Who is against the idea? I can understand it if the staff person is working in a commercial business, but the "no commercial caches" should handle that case. I've encountered one which was in a hotel where one had to go to the concierge desk to get the container. Although the hotel is a commercial business I don't think that the concierge is going to try to talk a geocacher into checking into a room. I've also seen on in a small bar, where it would be more likely that I geocacher might feel uncomfortable asking for the cache container without buying a drink, but even for that one the logs all mentioned how nice it was to meet the bartender. Some people just might feel comfortable interacting with someone to get the cache. The way I see it, if you're uncomfortable finding a cache, just remember that you don't need to find every cache. If the no contact rule were strictly enforced it would like result in quite a few caches getting archive (and not replaced in a manner which didn't require interaction with staff). For the one in the hotel I did, it was originally placed outside the hotel and was muggled at least a couple of times before the CO moved it inside about 7 years ago where it could be protected. It hasn't had a DNF since. When I found it, it was 1 of only 2-3 cache in a city of over 3 million people and many of the logs mention that it was their first and only cache found in the country. -
Fast and Loose With Contact Guidelines
NYPaddleCacher replied to ecanderson's topic in General geocaching topics
I agree with the statement what quality or excellence of a cache should not be an exception for compliance with the guidelines. However, as I've noted in the bolded portion above, sometimes non-compliance with a guideline does not result in a cache being "problematic". Like redsox_mark I've also geocached in 30 countries (got #30 this year) and have come across quite a few caches listings which indicate that contact with a caretaker of the cache is required. When I've looked at logs for those caches, in pretty much every case, "contact" with a caretaker of a cache has always been described as a positive experience that made the cache more enjoyable. I know of one cache at a very small school in a developing country where all of the logs talk about the experience of meeting the children and teacher at the school but don't say much about the cache itself. I suppose that if the "no contact" guideline didn't exist there would be some that would place caches which required contact with someone at a business with the intent of soliciting business but I suspect that in most/many cases the need for contact is primarily to provide a care taker of the container to avoid issues with muggles taking the cache. -
Editing Previous Logs for a Personal Coin
cerberus1 replied to FossTanager's topic in General geocaching topics
The header for the forums, "Talk about trackable and oh-so-collectible Geocoins" doesn't sound like more about trading to me... We know of a few families that use a "personal trackable" for their kids, who were too young to log on their own but were present. They bought them close to when starting, and back-dated the ones done beforehand to it. When/if the kids want to open their own accounts, they have a record of all hides found. IIRC, rather than edit previous logs, most simply logged a note for that log date, so the CO was aware they "added" to the cache history. -
Fast and Loose With Contact Guidelines
dprovan replied to ecanderson's topic in General geocaching topics
I have no idea what GS or the reviewers think about, but I can't help but imagine that there are some areas where if they didn't allow caches that skirted some of the requirements, there's be no caches at all. If that's what's going on, I can't blame them for ignoring some of the rules once in a while. In particular, in some places, a cache not protected by a business might not last very long. Calling it "trying to fill up their maps" isn't really fair. Geocaching is a hobby, and people enjoy adding their hobby to their vacations. There's no need to belittle that by asserting that they don't enjoy it on vacation for the same reasons we all enjoy it every day and only want to look for caches on vacation because of some mindless numbers grubbing. (Is that why you're looking for these same caches?) While I generally understand the negatives of, say, business caches, are the negatives really so large that you don't want the caches available for you to seek at all? Historically, business caches have been upfront about the requirement to interact with the business, so I've never had much trouble when I'm traveling understanding that a cache had that requirement and skipping it if I didn't want to interact with anyone. But with the rules having changed, particularly if people complain, you're likely to run into more caches that do require interaction because there's no other way to have a cache in that area, yet don't talk about it because it wouldn't get through review. I'm not sure that's better. -
"Hey wait! You’re about to leave Are you sure you want to do that?" "( ) Allow dialogues from to take you to their tab" (Or similar words. I only saw it once.) What is the meaning of the tortured English I've highlighted in bold? Take you to their tab? What?!? (BTW, "dialog boxes" in Canadian English are spelt "dialog boxes", in case you're trying to translate. No need to translate that word. Dialogue isn't a computer term up here, it's when people talk.) Why did this only appear once? If that's intentional, shouldn't there be a "don't ask again" or similar gadget? *** E161118: Parse Error - unable to detect Language ***
Hi guys, I'm doing a talk this Friday at Amsterdam Nerd Nite on geocaching, and did the run through yesterday with the organizers. Should be a fun talk! But they had an idea that on the last slide for the Q&A session I put a picture of a treasure chest or similar as lots of people go for the "treasure" angle when first hearing about it (even tho obv that's not why people stay). So I thought it would be more fun to put a picture of a geocache that is modeled like a treasure chest. I mean, surely this exists somewhere, but Google doesn't give me too many cache-specific ones. Anyone know of one? Thanks!
I'm pretty sure attendees will forgive you if you're late by just a couple minutes, especially if some of them are with you while hiking up. If they can forgive you, you should be willing to forgive yourself for being a minute late. If you're an hour early, continue hiking 28 minutes in the opposite direction so you have a 28 minute hike back to the summit and therefore only have 4 extra minutes. You don't have to stay at the summit if the event hasn't started yet. Go explore and enjoy your time doing the thing you love to do until it's time to be at the posted coordinates. This talk about how hard it is for a heterogenous group to figure out how long it will take to get to the summit is purely for the sake of argument. It's really nice that you care that everyone gets to the event on time, but since you're an attendee (and not the host), the only person you should worry about is yourself and getting there on time. I'm pretty sure the rest of the attendees are thinking about how long it will take them to get to the summit and planning appropriately. It will take a heterogenous group a variety of times to walk 1 Km on a paved street. It could take 4-6 minutes if they walk at a REALLY fast pace, 7-10 if at a steady and quick pace, 10-15 at a leisurely pace, and even longer under other situations. The same goes for a hike to the summit. If you don't know your pace (which in your case I find hard to believe) and how long it will take you to get there, contact the host and start asking questions. Exactly how long is the hike (or close enough to get a good time frame)? What is the trail like? Rocky? Packed dirt? Animal trail? What sort of elevation changes? Slow and steady rises? Flat except at one stretch where it's really steep? Switchbacks to increase the length to lessen the elevation changes? Once you have as much information as you need, you post to the page and say I'm meeting at the trailhead at this time to start my hike because this is how long it will take me to get to the summit and still arrive slightly before the start of the event. Some will be faster hikers, some will be slower hikers, and some hikers will be near your pace. Those that are faster might slow down to talk with slower paced hikers and slower paced hikers would be well-served to allow some extra time, just in case.
I consider it one way. Not only is that what I sense is standard in my area, I also claim that it makes sense logically: the CO is only rating what it takes to find the cache. Getting back isn't the CO's problem. I would tend to make the terrain rating higher because of the AWD requirement, although I'm not sure exactly how. If the AWD trip isn't too long, I'd be tempted to just assume no AWD and rate the terrain based on hiking from where someone with a mere mortal's car would have to park. I'm not sure how I'd handle the possible AWD parking. Without having a specific example, I'd generally just not talk about it, hence not feel any need to explain that 2WD is ill advised.
Then why do you want to socialize with them? Why not? There are many people I enjoy to talk to who are not my friends. Most of the geocachers I know I do not know well enough to make them eligible for being called friend. Yeah, it's hard to make friends when you can't stand in one spot for long enough to talk to someone.
I know this sort of thing has happened to cachers before but I don't regularly read these forums. Just thought I'd share my little geocaching adventure for the weekend. Went caching with a couple friends on Saturday; one of them was driving and navigating (it was his neighborhood) so I didn't really know where we were. We went out to some business complex. There was a security guard cruising around the parking lot so we waiting for him to go away before moving in. Right by the tree the cache was in we found a busted-up safe and cash drawer with various things scattered about like a receipt book, gift cards, and what seemed to be some kind of disk drive. My friends poked about with it but I was the only one who wanted to do something about it so I looked up the address on the receipt book and found out it belonged to a local massage place. I found their number and called them and yes they had had a break in recently. I reluctantly left my cel number with them but said I couldn't stay on the scene to wait for a cop because I wasn't driving and my friends wanted to leave. I didn't even know were we were but I got one of the guys to check his gps for where we were and I gave the massage place an address. I didn't know if the cops could find the place on their own and sure enough, a cop called me about 10 minutes later while we were hunting for another cache. All I could do was tell him I really didn't have any more info for him, and that someone who knew the area should have been the one to call but I was the only one willing to do it. I had to explain geocaching for him and give him the website address because he wanted to know why we were poking around by the trees. I had to give him my address and everything which I didn't like doing but I guess he needed to fill out paperwork. I had a sneaking suspicion the media would want to talk to me if they heard about this - I'm not even quite sure why but I just had this feeling. Sure enough, while I was making dinner tonight (Sunday) the phone rang again. It was someone from the Sheriff's office, she told me FOX News wanted to talk to me. I said no without asking for details. I don't know exactly what they wanted, they might be doing a piece on that break-in and wanted someone to talk about how they found the stuff. Of course, if that security guard we saw had been paying attention, HE would have found it.
Pizza Restaurants - National vs Regional
PISA-caching replied to Max and 99's topic in General Waymarking Topics
What exactly is "the rest of the story", that I did NOT tell in my posting? I said that they have 5 shops in 2 Austrian cities. Would the situation be so different, if there were 3 in Vienna and 2 in Graz? And thank you for the explanation "Regional means just that - regional.". That really helps a lot. :-) I was hoping for some facts like "at least 3 cities" or "half the provinces of your country" or... anything. Instead you feel attacked and blamed for whatever. That "let's talk" sounds like you will consider it again when there is another shop in Berlin, but maybe that is a misinterpretation by me. Anyway, I know what I will do. When the "chain" opens the next shop in a different city, I will post that waymark again and I will continue to post it with every new shop they open in an additional city (they're planning to open one in Berlin, Germany and one in Bern, Switzerland too) and one day - I hope - this chain will be "regional" enough for the category. Just for the records: I'm not a fan of vegan food, but their burgers and fries are really delicious. I have the impression, that what you told us is your interpretation of the word "regional". I wonder, if the other officers have the same opinion. Or is it possible that another officer would have accepted it and another one would expect more locations than you? In other words: Is there no defined limit and if there isn't, wouldn't it be good to have one, so that waymarkers know from the start, whether their new waymark has a chance of being accepted or not? -
Pizza Restaurants - National vs Regional
iconions replied to Max and 99's topic in General Waymarking Topics
I was the one who denied that waymark. Please PISA-caching, continue with the rest of the explanation of your waymark and tell the rest of the story. 4 of those locations were in Vienna and the single other location was Graz - not hardly a "regional" chain. Regional means just that - regional. Just getting a second city isn't a "regional" presence. If you are going to call someone out, please make sure you give all of the story. elyob, really? I would be careful making comments on things you have NO idea what you are talking about. Here are the requirements: * Franchises or chains that are confined to one country will be considered "regional" for the purposes of this category. It was considered.* Franchises or chains that have outlets in more than one country may be considered regional if it is a relatively small group and still confined a small, well-defined area. These will be evaluated on a case by case basis. (emphasis mine) 4 in one city and 1 in another isn't a small, well defined area. It's a burger idea that may become regional, it isn't at this point. Now, if that German location finally opens, let's talk - it would then be eligible, or if another Austrian location opens, or even another in Graz. Until then, though, SEE THAT LAST SENTENCE!!!!!!!!!!! My definition, as an officer of regional:. "An established chain, usually franchised, that has a wide spread footprint in one large state or many states. Too many states and international then makes it a "National" chain." Now, with the Burgers, Five Guys started as "regional" it has since gone "national", however we will still accept Five Guys. In the Pizza category. I would say that Pizza Hut, Papa John's, Domino's, Little Caesar's, and Marco's are national. Per the category description - What qualifies as a REGIONAL franchise or chain: 1. Any franchise or chain already on the list! As new waymarks are submitted, that franchise/chain will be added to the variable drop-down list and we'll try to keep the list here updated. No, Marco's Pizza does not fit here because it isn't on the list.2. Basic definition for the United States and Canada * In general a chain should have outlets in several states, although in some cases they may be confined to one large state. No, doesn't fit here because it is in LOTS of states.* If a group of businesses is family owned, or has only a few outlets in a smaller geographic area, then it is probably in independent shop. No, it is definitely NOT independent.* The line between REGIONAL and NATIONAL is more difficult to draw. We will try to be flexible on this, but in general we will follow these guidelines:- Outlets in fewer than 20 states - Marco's Pizza has MORE than 20 states and is in 2 International Countries.- Confined to a geographic region such as west coast, east coast, midwest or south. No, it has a large presence in the South, in Texas, in the upper MIDWEST, and starting to have a large presence in California and the West. (usually there will be a concentration in the original city or state, dispersed outward. So to answer the original question, the answer is no, Marco Pizza would NOT be regional, It is national. As far as changing the category - you will need to contact the category owner who just happens to be inactive. I've tried to get a new owner, but I was blocked. Also, changing category descriptions like that caused a hew and cry when the Solar group did it - probably not going to happen. My suggestion - try to start a new category, if you can, for these national chains. This could have been discussed with an email to me privately which you have done many times in the past. You did seem more than willing, however, to drag me onto this forum discussion when none of the officers were getting involved. Really not cool. Forum discussions are an optional activity - if you really wanted an answer, contact me directly, don't try to call me out here. But, by, sending this to the forums, however, I have had to defend myself on a denial on a totally unrelated issue, which I am more that willing to do, and to tell someone else to mind their own effing business as they are getting involved into something where they didn't have all of the facts. Ah well, another day of Waymarking. -
Ticks, Snakes, and Crawly things, oh my!
Kit Fox replied to PJ-FredX-Tuck's topic in General geocaching topics
Every spring the topic re-occurs. "TICKS ARE OUT" ticks, getting them off you tick-talk tick-talk tick-talk Tick Talk Ticks Oh Man, They are REAL, ticks that is.... Proper Tick Removal - Its that season again Look before you step. Look before you touch.