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Fighting Hate through Geocaching
Touchstone replied to strontium87's topic in General geocaching topics
Actually, I think quite the opposite. It's not a problem of a cache placement, it's a problem with the place. I give a lot of credit to the Community, that they can figure this stuff out on their own. I don't need to put any context on my Listing pages. If you have a problem with these places, talk to your local or state governments that put them there in the first place. Don't come to us preaching that we need to fix your problem. -
Earlier this year I was scouting out a new multi with virtual waypoints along a series of waterfalls in one of the local national parks. About 500 metres into the park, where the track crosses the creek on a bridge, I was surprised to see a "Keep Out! Private Property!" sign nailed to a tree, and just as I was about to go upstream to the next waterfall a car came down the track and pulled up alongside me. The woman in it firstly accused me of tresspassing on her land, but when I said I thought I was in a national park and asked her where the park boundary was, she pointed to the bridge. I told her I wasn't going that way and she relented at that point, but when I got home I checked my maps which all showed the private property boundary a further 3.5km along that track. I contacted the national parks office to find out whether the park boundary had changed, but they assured me that the private property sign had been illegally placed, that I was welcome to walk anywhere inside the park and that the ranger would have a talk to the owner of the property at the end of the track about removing the sign and not harrassing park visitors. A few months later I went back to check but the sign was still there so I ended up abandoning the cache and archiving my unpublished listing. Best not to draw cachers into what was turning out to be a standoff between national parks and the property owner.
May I just ask, what's so important about those locations, something special to see, a historic site perhaps, a place really nice so you want to share it? If any of those are given, you might want to talk to the people and explain the situation, if it is just a guard rail and nothing else, you might want to think about, why you have places the cache right here, why you want people to come to this location. Regards, MB
I was a little worried about your title because "found a geocache" can be used to mean many things, but the question you asked in the text clears up that you're asking when I think one should claim a find, and I agree with your standard and the standards others have mentioned. People that logs finds when the cache is missing are focused on the number, so they go for the +1 even when they haven't really found anything. The count doesn't mean anything to me, so I don't understand why someone would want to post an inaccurate log, but I don't worry about it too much as long as they're clear about what actually happened so anyone reading their log can see the cache isn't there. I'd rather they didn't log a find when the cache wasn't there, but I don't have much hope that they'll change their ways. Once in a while, I might bend the standard in order to log a find in a special case, so I'm more sympathetic towards people that don't do it habitually. And since you're in Iceland, it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of visitors find themselves wanting to stretch a DNF into a Find just so they can say they found a cache in Iceland. So try to go easy on them, but by all means talk about standards with any locals you see that make you think the cache is in good shape when it's not. That's how trash accumulates in the geocaching environment. It's not really a good idea to post pictures of the container since that is often a spoiler.
In another thread, we talk about "what irks us the most" about geocaching. How about listing some of the little things that we enjoy about it? Some of mine... 1. Finding caches located near scenic overlooks. 2. Finding caches with the original logbook, especially if they were placed earlier than 2010. Given how many logbooks get destroyed, it's fun for me to see the older ones completely intact. 3. When somebody else logs a cache on the same day as me, particularly in cases where the previous find was many months earlier. 4. Going after a previous DNF and finding it quickly. This always leaves me wondering if it was moved/replaced since my first visit or if I was just blind the first time!
Although essentially it's nothing more than recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. Yes, that's "discrimination between". The term used was "discrimination against", which normally means identifying differences in order to declare one thing inferior to another. Anyway, this talk about "discrimination" seems kinda silly. The marketing guys just never even considered that two geocachers might use the same IP address, so I don't think there's any reasonable application of the word "discrimination" in this case. It was just an oversight.
I would at least make sure that I'm talking to the shift supervisor - not the new probie who you first spotted while he was mopping the floor. Whoever you talk with, ask them to pass on the information to the other shifts. There are a few examples of bomb squad call-outs at police stations because the day watch supervisor granted permission, but didn't tell his colleagues or superiors. In my experience as a reviewer, fire departments are usually eager to help with a cache placement at a safe spot (see Mudfrog's good advice) near their station. Watching geocachers and striking up conversations with them gives the firefighters something to do in between calls. In contrast, caches hidden without permission at locations like this often go horribly sideways. That is why "government buildings" are listed as one of the "off limits" locations in the guidelines. Be sure to say on your cache page, and in a note within the cache container, that permission was granted by the City XYZ Fire Department -- just in case a geocacher is asked what they are doing. If you document all your efforts in a reviewer note ("I spoke with Chief Jones, who helped me pick out a spot way in the back....") then your reviewer can get comfortable with making an exception to the listing guidelines.
Odd that I haven't heard all this talk of geocaching and youtube, nor an agreement with another site. Please explain. Thanks. I don't believe enough people actually watch others geocaching (some deemed "professional" were still boring...) to affect the hobby. - But, if you feel there may be an issue, contacting Groundspeak directly through the Help Center is a good option.
Sorry for the vague title, I didn't know how else to address this. So, I know there's a lot of talk about Geocaching and YouTube, and there's been a sort of agreement as far as I can tell that as long as you don't really post spoilers about a cache and it's specific location, for the most part all is well. Well, there's a pair of YouTubers whom I occasionally watch called MoreJStu that make all kinds of vlog type videos, several of which have recently included geocaching. At first I had no problem with what they were posting. I figured if it got some more people interested in our hobby, that's great! But then they posted this video today: There is so much misinformation in it about geocaching that I was nearly yelling at my screen. I think it's okay that they're wanting to share a geocache with the fans, there's nothing wrong with that. Except they show where they pack snacks into the cache and encourage others to come out and trade snacks too. Not only that, but they practically bury the cache. It's one thing to hide it with some foliage, but they literally made a hole to put it in. I'm not here to get them in trouble or anything, but I just hate the fact that they're demonstrating behavior against the rules of Geocaching to their 2.7 million subscribers... They also make it kind of known that in more than one video they usually don't trade swag, only take it. If you look on the comments on their vids, you constantly see things like "Ya'll inspired me to start geocaching!" and "Because of ya'll I'm building a geocache fort!". Which is great, except the majority of their followers are young kids who I know aren't going to read any of the rules before going out and geocaching, which will just create more problems... What are ya'll's thoughts?
I think you're correctly describing the situation, and, furthermore, I believe this is what GS would say they did. Well, except they'd probably talk about "less sophisticated cachers" instead of "TFTC-cachers", but we still know what they're talking about. The problem is that the underlying logic is that if more people post more NMs, then cache quality will automatically improve. I don't think that's the case. I don't think the increase in NMs generated by simplifying the process of tacking an NM onto a find log will have any impact at all. Meanwhile, the process of filing that TFTC that those TFTC-cachers are filing is twice as complicated just to try and convince them to click a button to report problems with their TFTC logs.
The fact that souvenirs come from GS is actually exactly why I don't in any way consider them a replacement for challenge caches. I like challenge caches because of the interaction with the CO and other cachers. Some other player is challenging me, so I want to meet his challenge, find his cache, and write a log to talk about my success. I could care less about getting a pat on the head from the authorities because I did something they have decided is worthy.
time limited challenge caches
noncentric replied to blacktownman's topic in General geocaching topics
I have no interest in souvenirs. For challenge caches that are challenging, in particular, when I meet the challenge, I want to log the find so I can talk about the challenge and what it meant to me for the same reason I want to log cache finds and talk about them. I'm not doing it for trophies. Yeah - I'd rather have challenge caches continue as-is than to see them completely banned and replaced by souvenirs. The post-moratorium rules have eliminated some challenge types that I enjoyed, but at least the pre-moratorium ones have been allowed to continue and there is some potential for new challenge caches that might be interesting, if a CO can come up with a good idea that works within the current guidelines. I wouldn't be opposed to simple souvenirs, like Jasmer or Fizzy or calendar, but I wouldn't want to see GS resources spent on something that is currently accomplished by BadgeGen. I wouldn't be surprised if GS ends up getting complaints from cachers about how a particular 'accomplishment' doesn't have a souvenir. "There is a souvenir for having 2000 and 3000 finds, but how about a souvenir for having 2500" or "There is a souvenir for completing a Fizzy grid, but how about a souvenir for completing half of a Fizzy grid"... There have already been complaints about how some countries don't yet have souvenirs, so I don't see how 'accomplishment' souvenirs would be an attractive use of time. -
Has there ever been any talk of creating a app for Waymarking ?? I bet alot more poeple would get into it if there was something quick and easy to use When I am out geocaching I usually forget about waymarks and log them after the fact
That's a good division that covers most everything, although one of the problems I have with GS's attitude towards challenges is that in preventing challenges, they rule out everything except accomplishments, so a CO can't come up with a new idea that isn't really either. I have no interest in souvenirs. For challenge caches that are challenging, in particular, when I meet the challenge, I want to log the find so I can talk about the challenge and what it meant to me for the same reason I want to log cache finds and talk about them. I'm not doing it for trophies.
Yep, it takes two or more consenting people for it to be a competition. I believe that the competition we talk of here is in a person's mind. There are people that see other cacher's stats and think to themselves, i'm gonna beat that other cacher. I've heard too many people state/brag that they're about to catch up with or pass another cacher. I have no doubt that there are people striving to be top dog on the geocaching stat sites. There's something about find count that drives people, and some of those people do silly, sometimes unethical, things to get that find count. Whether we call it competition or not, the fact that people do these silly things sometimes causes problems for others. In your example above,,, I agree that running down a busy sidewalk and yelling that you won, isn't a competition. Still, doing so in a haphazard manner can cause problems for others using the sidewalk.
It's not focused because found logs are focused on finding the cache, not on reporting a problem. It's not clear because the CO has to figure out which parts of my found log are talking about a problem. Of course. I talk about the condition of the cache in my found logs, too. I consider that completely different than reporting a problem and explaining why I think it warrants attention. Again, I don't mind that you see it differently, I just object to the system forcing me to do it your way since I consider that way inferior. It discourages them from treating the information as a problem report that a human CO will need to act on. Instead, it encourages them to think that all they have to do is check a box to tell the impersonal system there's a problem. I would rather miss a complaint by someone because they can't figure out how to file an NM than encourage them to file complaints which are not helpful. I seldom saw a newbie's DNF indicate a problem with a cache, and I don't think I've ever seen a newbie's DNF when there was a problem that wasn't soon followed by an experience cacher that could better evaluate the situation filing the accurate NM.
Hi you guys I am a long time geocacher who lost touch when I moved to Maui, its just not happening a lot here. Beautiful, but not a lot of caching. OK so I have two Garmin Hcx Etrex. I know, its been a moment. I need to buy a new unit, and am eyeing the link below. Is this my best bet right now? I have bad eyes, so will this be a step up? And oh, I am not a touchscreen fan. Any feedback welcome. And also, new friends Please? I am taking tomorrow off so I can sit online and make friends and talk story and rekindle my passion for geocaching. I am ready to purchase tonight, so talk to me.... Mods, if in the wrong place, please let me know <3 Garmin GPSMAP 64st, TOPO U.S. 100K with High-Sensitivity GPS and GLONASS Receiver
There are guidelines, some more strict than others, but most aren't set in stone. I think the best thing to do is talk with your reviewer. Let him or her know your situation and see what they recommend.
Many mean it and understand it as an acronym - even if it was originally (unbeknownst to them) a straightforward word. So yeah, could be either in today's common use. But I mostly see it used in word form, though I mentally associate it iwth 'stuff we all get'. Depends who you talk to. But in geocaching terms, that's what the word refers to - stuff we all get. Generally speaking. There are exceptions.
Why do we capitalize SWAG
Manville Possum replied to mvhayes1982's topic in General geocaching topics
In geocache talk it don't mean stolen loot though. Street talk, swag is low grade stuff. Kinda makes sense as to what I find left in geocaches. -
Disabled caches are shaded on the map. Light gray last I remember. Can be seen by all. "Reasonable time" often depends on the cache location and what's needed to fix it. Talk to your Reviewer if unsure. - A simple 1.5 park n grab probably wouldn't have the same timeframe to fix as a "5" terrain cache on the top of a mountain.
"As thou wert?" Seems more like "Talk like the King James Version" day to me. Maybe you should start your own holiday. Or is this some sort of traditional pastafarian sect? Thanks for the confirmation!!
Confused on Send to GPS Send To Garmin
JT & the Bugster replied to falconette51's topic in How do I...?
Is it possible to talk directly to Kunarion? I am so confused how to get restarted on downloading to my gps that the two of us are ready to call it quits. I have a Garmin GPSmap 60Sx. -
Groundspeaks not communicating
Nicc from KS replied to Rustynails's topic in General geocaching topics
What I see are people who have been 'given', emphasis on given, authority. Who then proceed to abuse the authority because they believe their title makes that okay. And when their abuse is questioned or called out, their attitude is that they can interpret the rules however they wish, and if someone doesn't like it, they must accept that as a difference of opinion and move on without discussion. Because further discussion would shed light on the abuse. This is the premise I offered to the OP and have continued to offer. The attitude many of you(who have side tracked this thread) seem to have is that you don't believe reviewers, moderators, and lackeys should not follow the same set of rules imposed on everyone else. This upsets you a great deal. The lack of maturity has shone through in this regard. The lack of response the OP received on his issue is standard practice which should be corrected. The response of the sycophants to quash complaints is a serious problem on this forum. Not just with this thread and other topics but with quite a few threads I've read over the years. I went to Facebook when I first had a problem with geocrater, because I know that complaints are not taken seriously on this forum because of the reasons I've mentioned. It's not creepy, it was an investigation. I wanted to know if it was just me who had a problem or if others saw the same things I did. Guess what? It's not just me. There are dozens of people who have complaints, not just about a specific reviewer but about groundspeaks refusal to address the issue. But hey! As long as you folks stay in your little microcosm here, and continue to talk down to all the people who make you feel sad, your power trip will never end.