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  1. Yeah.... no. Not so much a security feature as a sufficiently annoying requirement that would become a game-killer. Won't happen. OK, all this talk of codes and tokens just screams ALR! ALR! to me so I don't see it happening either. And I don't see a need for it. I've only been geocaching since 2017, but the simplicity of finding a cache, signing the physcial log (or sending answers for ECs and Virtuals) then logging a "Found it!" online and sharing the story of the find seems to work just fine. Yes, there are "cheaters", and unmaintained caches, but that has always been part of the game. Adding more to being able to log a find doesn't seem (to me) to be the way to improve the game.
  2. I bought a GPSMAP 67 last March and have only charged it four times since then, and most of those times the remaining charge was still well above 50%. On one recent outing, I forgot to turn it off before putting it into my backpack after finding the cache and didn't discover that until the next day. No problem, stiill heaps of charge left. With the Oregon 700 I'd often have to swap AA Eneloops mid hike but the 67, talk about running on the smell of an oily rag!
  3. But there *are* no updates (for this problem) It's just... silence... Of couse, "posts in the bug reporting forum need to be constructive and helpful to the developers". So what do you need to know? Is there anything *I* can do? Is there a workaround? Is there a timeline? Talk to us!
  4. hello fellow geocachers, Actively geocaching for only half a year so far. It is too late, I'm now addicted with over 730 finds (670+ caches, the rest being Adventure Labs). Deaf myself, and have introduced some members of the deaf & hard of hearing communities to this outdoor recreation sport / activity. Gave an introduction talk earlier this month, and have been asked to spread this to more people at other locations of Australia (might do this online as my homeland is too big to travel!). One of the reasons I did that was to promote deaf mental health postivitely. Double the rate of the hearing world, due to extra barriers of communication and more. That geocaching would encourage them to explore more of their local areas, by detouring off their usual route to work / school / college / shops. Small wins by making individual finds would help to build their self-confidence. I do tell them that many hearing people take up this activity for similar gains. Excited to head off to two Mega Events in Australia, in the next few months. Geotolerant spouse will come with me to one of these. Cheers, SurdiVisio
  5. It will depend on what kind of property you are seeking permission for. Many large agencies in my state, like the state park and national forest systems already have well-established procedures and rules. Other times, you'll have trouble even finding someone to talk to. I tried to get permission for two caches recently, one on city property and one on county property. It has been more than a month and neither have responded, nor will they respond. I usually explain that I will be storing a container on the property for an extended period of time, summarize the container type, location, and contents. Tell the landowner how many visitors to expect based on nearby caches, and maybe link to the geocaching introductory material online here - https://www.geocaching.com/help/index.php?pg=kb.chapter&id=114&pgid=629 I am very seldom given permission unless a member of my state's geocaching association has already done the legwork to get the agency on board, or its a private owner I know personally.
  6. GSAK stores attribute data, including attribute definitions, etc.. GSAK uses the well-known and well-documented SQLite database for its storage. If you have any friends who know about databases, I recommend you talk to them. Attempting to do this with the GSAK macro language might be possible, but from my perspective using GSAK macros is like poking my eyes out with a hot needle.
  7. Since it looked like the answer to the OP's question was going to be no (better maps in the AL app), an alternative was proposed, another app. (The one I use, actually like, and seems to have improved since Fizzy tried it out). A screenshot of that app was shown with AL stages on-screen, along with caches, in a now-deleted post. Both would likely have been loaded via GPX files, not directly through the API. I know the app handles caches well via GPX files. It's quite likely it'll handle AL GPXs too, assuming there's a way to get your hands on such files. By "handle", I mean, it'll treat them as waypoints, maybe with a special icon, that you can navigate to, displayed on a high-quality map. You'd still need the AL app as well to handle the AL "magic". PS, that alternate app is on the yes-we-can-talk-about-it list.
  8. Thanks, but I don't know what that material costs can be and please bear in mind that for example one team collaboratively create their geocaches and placed within the minimum distance required, and what I would like to know is whether then a simple member of Geoaching can find the geocaches. Finally, when I go to official Geo Tour there is a form only to somehow request that someone else develop such an experience, but what I would like to know at this stage is if there is someone I could talk to, to inform me of all the material cost involved, in supervising perhaps and in creating a Geotour but this Geotour will be created by citizens that will receive a training on the basics of geocaching as a part of a research program. In other words, I am asking if it is possible for a team of people to create a Geotour, with the aforementioned components that every geocacher can enjoy and what breakdown of costs might be involved so I can include them in the corresponding category, along with any extra training or supervision by a Geocache expert.
  9. Thanks for the tips. I was in the middle of the review process but part of the issue was I didn't get to go back to double-check my co-ordinates as part of the review process much longer than I planned to because for a week I was caught up doing Christmas ice show final rehearsals and performances when the review asked me to clarify some information. 1. I think I didn't camouflage it enough. But I had labelled it enough with a cache label and note 2. It's hard to explain the GZ but, it was very accessible for many people from multiple ways. it was right near the playground so many people could access it Especially kids. 3. @barefootjeff From what I read I was coming up with a similar conclusion about council-managed public spaces which my chosen GZ was. 4 If I were to use that park again, I would have to make it smaller and move places in the park. 5. I had a different park in mind before but I do have doubts about it so I went with this one instead. 6. I am presuming about the stolen thing just because it can be high traffic at times. 7. I am going to an event on Boxing Day, my first ever one so I can talk to some others. From what I know Team737 are going to it. But I do want to go back to the drawing board about my first hide.
  10. Go to a meet & greet style Geocaching Event and talk to local Geocachers. Often I've discovered a great available cache spot, and the reason there's no cache is, nobody could keep one there. Sometimes just moving a container to a slightly more secluded spot makes all the difference. Even just a few feet. Most important, it should be trivial for a finder to hide it in its spot. It can be easy for kids, while not obvious to non-cachers.
  11. That's the point. If a physical item cannot be placed for the purpose of an AL, and a pre-existing geocache cannot be used for an AL stage, then there is no question about it. Otherwise yes it's a slippery slope. One that can provide room for creativity, but one that can also be abused or taken to absurdity... just like many other aspects of this game (take powertrails for instance, or people caching for numbers and stats above all else; YMMV). I'm avoiding subjective opinions because those vary depending on who you talk to, where they are, skills, how long they've been caching, among other factors. All I'm trying to clarify is the limitations to the use of this tool or mechanic. And if the possible results of those limitations (or lack thereof) are to be considered, then that'll help HQ decide what an official call would be. For my personal perspective, yes, I know for a fact that there can be creative AL experiences that make use of existing geocaches. I'd prefer not receiving 5 smileys plus the physical geocache finds I decided to log on the way (not required), but if I want to I can delete 4 of the AL completions and take it as one smiley - but this applies to every AL that awards 5 smileys for entering 5 keywords into a phone app, which I don't consider geocaching, even if it is a fun one to do. But all of that preference is beside the point. And the point is - can a pre-existing geocache be used as reference, in any way, for an AL stage, per the OP?
  12. There are lots of active geocachers in Tucson! Which week of March 2024 will you be there? I always run out of time to do what I want there. I would contact some of the active COs there, or ones who have recently published geocaches, to talk about this partnership.
  13. My map fails to load new tiles when I'm out of the data reception area. Such as downtown Peachtree City, or pretty much everywhere. Straight Talk Wireless is the worst! Yes, I know there are other phone companies. But I try to resist driving while watching for cache icons. Sure, a passenger might try it. But just seeing an icon on the map doesn't mean it's a viable cache. It may have been soaking wet and broken for years. If it's a park-n-grab, it likely is that bad. And it sure doesn't mean it's not out of your way. I've tried similar seat-of-the-pants caching where the icon is apparently right here, yet the approach is via the other side of town. Not to talk you out of trying it, though.
  14. Dear geocaching team! We are passionate geocachers and have laid out numerous geocaches. Also we love playing Adventurelabs and are big fans of it. Unfortunately, our newly created adventure lab has just been blocked because we don't meet the guidelines have and about these very guidelines, we would like to talk to you. Of course a game also needs rules, but the fun of the game must not be reduced by this. Adventure-Lab's would offer a very good opportunity to work indoors when it's cold and raining play. In winter, the cold and the snow limit our activities considerably and adventure Labs are no exception for us. Even in winter, finding Lab's is a hassle, though this game would have a lot of potential for interiors if it weren't for the guidelines. Straight in bad weather or in cold snowy seasons it is always a problem for our hobby live out Even if you want to entertain children in a playful way, you are through the guidelines hands tied. We live in Austria and in Austria you pay an entrance fee almost everywhere if you want to experience something indoors. Thus, with us such possibilities are extremely limited, to play indoors. With us you pay entrance fees almost everywhere and they fit guidelines are no longer related to the circumstances in Austria. So for us it is very Difficult to create a creative, fun and adventurous indoor LAB or to be able to play. As soon as you pursue a hobby with passion, it is always associated with costs. be it one Equipment (GPS device), parking fees or the journey. There are always costs. Every player can ultimately decide for himself whether to enter a museum or a zoo wants to afford. For us, this game loses a lot with the policy that a lab can't cost anything Potential. Because special places are always associated with entrance fees. We personally find it boring playing an adventure lab in a mall. You can neither learn anything, discover something else exciting and go geocaching with children in an inlet center anything but funny, educational or exciting. You tout endless possibilities, this may be the case in the US. We are in Austria unfortunately very limited in terms of free indoor activities. If the guidelines were relaxed, weather problems would be solved for us. This would make the fun of the game clear expand and sights, museums, adventure playgrounds, animal parks, fairgrounds, to be experienced. The fun would be expanded by a multiple and a lot more exciting. It would be one not only for us adults, but also for the children Motivation to pay a visit to a museum. Since we almost exclusively go there, where there is a geocache or a lab. We look forward to feedback from you. We would be all the more pleased if our Lab: "The House of Nature" (Salzburg, Austria) would be unlocked again. But still it would be better if the space to play would be expanded. Best regards BA_huntress (Melanie) Chitto (Daniela)
  15. Yes, there is a way: Post a note on a local forum and invite the local geocachers to a location you designate. You can talk to each other very well without an event listing. These are often the more meaningful conversations than those with geocachers just dropping by to pick up a point. Happy Hunting Hans
  16. In other words, maybe like the now defunct "Off-Topic" forum - I've always enjoyed those sections of forums I've participated in - I don't have a specific question, just want to discuss an aspect of geocaching, or rant about something (like throwdowns) now and then that I know has been discussed, endlessly, but a fresh example just happened and I want to talk about it with like-minded folks! The "irk" thread was where I'd post that kind of thing. Ah, well - I'll miss that thread!
  17. While we're at it, we can also talk about useless DNF posts too. Why do group cachers have to log individual DNFs? Statistically , It OK to log individual finds but one DNF per group is enough. The GC bots don't recognize groups
  18. Even more timely, the last podcast I released, before this news, has a segment where I talk about the hint affecting the D rating of a cache and I touched on how the official app seems to place more importance and significance on the hint over the description. It wasn't laced with opinions on that matter specifically, but helps validate that there's a clear implication and reputation that the devs really don't place much value in the description for mobile app users. I don't think any other mobile app gives that same implication... imo it's quite unfortunate If there is a good reason (ymmv, but an actual conscious decision) for this strategy, I for one would be interested to know. Who knows, there could be factors at work unknown to our side of the fence here.
  19. Let's talk about Letterbox Hybrids and where to hide them, like in barefootjeff's post.
  20. Would posting a Write Note to the cache page saying that you have tried other means to contact the CO and would like to talk with the CO about adopting the cache? Just spitballing here...
  21. I'm sorry you feel this way. Geocaching events are not equivalent to "meetings" at all, at least in my neck of the woods! And the variety of events means you can choose what you want to do! We gather to have pizza, and socialize - very informal, and we have learned a lot about our fellow geocachers, met some very nice folks, and made many connections that have helped us along in our retirement hobby. We meet to clean up a park (CITO), have coffee in the morning, sip wine on a patio, play with gadget caches, work on puzzles, all are unique and different. We too, began geocaching when hubby retired (2017). We greatly enjoy attending events and getting out to meet others. Of course, we like meeting others on the road as well, but I wouldn't ever lump all events together as "meetings" akin to work meetings....I think you are missing a big piece of what geocaching is about! We've come to realize that we are people with a different kind of hobby that not everyone understands or "gets" - and to be able to meet with like minded folks and talk about experiences is one of the things we enjoy most about geocaching! Maybe try a local event, just once, just for this one souvenir. You may be surprised!
  22. Agreed. Such as Hint: red. Real example. You only get the hint on the hard to find cache when you remove the cover and see the red cache. Doh!!!!. Annoying. Want people to talk about your cache with annoyance, and that reflects badly on the CO and their intelligence, or lack of, thinking that was a hint? Give a non-hint like that!
  23. I didn't even own a smartphone 10yrs ago. So I didn't use an app at all, but I remember talk about phone apps back then. I don't care about the premium caches right now and yeah, I know they've been around since I was last a premium member. What irritates me the most is the inability to filter caches on the website and I'm pretty sure that functionality was available to basic members in the past. Just to be able to display caches on the map that were harder, or larger containers (so I could filter out all the lamppost micros, or micros-in-the-woods that I don't like searching for) so I could download the .gpx for them to transfer to my garmin. but without paying, I have to just click on stuff until I find something that meets my criteria. that sort of thing is going to get old really fast.
  24. Yes, and it leads to a little bit more of a mystery... Went out when I could, and started digging around. I did, in fact, find the station that the carsonite post was for! .. But it was NOT for the station that I had expected - it's for an Azimuth mark for a triangulation station, a 3/4 mile away at the top of a mesa. Station has not been recovered since 1958, so the carsonite post is newer than that. Neither the station that is destroyed there, or the description of the AZ mark make references to each other. I have plans on getting the station on the mesa - I need to talk to the ranch owner first. And will need to get a metal detector, and start sweeping the general area for possible hits.
  25. Thank you fi67 for your contribution. If there is a need to remain a beginner, I will remain a beginner. The truth was more fun. When you talk about bending the laws, it's not totally the same. If a person creating a WM does not follow the rules, the WM is rejected "legally" and with the rules in hand. There is nothing to say there, I don't follow the laws. To think that a person who makes a post in a WM bends the law and thinks that it is going to be approved, seems to me to be a stupid, not a beginner. There have been conflicts over review issues. I was searching the forums yesterday because when I joined WM in July 2020 there was a big problem on the forum and I Thought that person could be crazy, but now I doubt. But I don't remember the name of the person who was speaking on behalf of three (I think it had the word wolf or lone, but not precise. A few months ago there was talk of censorship (and it wasn't me). If an officer does something illegal (or not fully legal) nothing happens, it's all wonderful and no problem at all. Bear, Thanks for saying to follow the rules and observe posted marks. I do it frequently even if the yardstick is not the same and I am denied a WM for some conditions that then another one is published. We could give you examples. That's why I asked if, as an officer, I could insist on asking for more things than I could ask for. But the question was already useless, depending on who you are, it can be done. I was checking the police category and when they sent me a blank "long description" and asked for content, it was not in the rules, and I could not ask them to put something. But other categories can ask for whatever they want. Anyway, I don't know what I have to justify, because the only problem I considered in the past, was ONE person. I don't consider reviewers or other people problematic. What happens is that I do not shut up and say it, and not by private as they have told me that I am right, and there is a reviewer who goes over the red line. I'm sorry about two things: the first is if my ways were rude, and the second is that among some the unjustifiable is justified. Finally I will say that I am leaving the forum. That I leave the forums for a long time, since they have only brought me problems. I will not see neither the response to this one, nor new category discussions, etc. Therefore, the same reviewer eager to be wayfrog2.0 and be able to do as he pleases and even remove me from the game, that approving me a WM sent me to this topic forum, please refrain from doing so again. I will continue to create in a beginner way (and if I feel like it) massive, to be denied for various reasons (arbitrary, bad photos, missing text, I want more photos than the mandatory, cover optional variables, because they tell me I'm looking for statistics, because they put it to vote, because it does not fit, etc, etc). fi67, I think of all the ones you denied me I only asked you about one bridge, the others are archived. If I gave you any problems I would like to know. I would like to ask barbershop, outspoken, scoogrie, jake, CADS, familyfronne, bench, graham, saopaolo, bluesnote, pmaupin, and a long etc (sorry for tipo mistakes and digits that aren't, but I write by memory) if we had a problem with a non published WM mine with them. But I don't do it, because I won't enter in this foro. Sorry for the English. DeepL transl. Regards and Goodbye
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