Hey all, I'm very new to this hobby and havent went on a stash hunt as of yet. Me and a friend is getting into this(GPS has already been ordered hehe). I have one question to ask, its about Opening the stash thats in like a non see-through container. With the loonys in this world it seems to me this could be asking for a Stash Pipe Bomb type device. I know, sounds crazy, but out in the woods somewhere and you have people rushing to find and open a "stash of goodies" people would open just about anything after traveling and searching for the "prize". Has there been any problems along this line(pipe bombs? Snakes? anything else bad?)?
I know this is a young hobby. I think i read its 6 months old. But I think we need safety rules to prevent this type nightmare from happening.......Say like only See-Through containers as a idea. maybe this is just talk about something that ill never happen. I just want others veiws on this.